Budnick Hill
Budnick Hill is a small, rounded hill on the south side of Newcomb Bay
Newcomb Bay
Newcomb Bay is a sheltered bay about 1 mile in extent, between Clark Peninsula and Bailey Peninsula in the Windmill Islands. First mapped from U.S. Navy Operation Highjump aerial photographs taken in February 1947. In February 1957, Willis L. Tressler, oceanographer, led a party from the USS...

 on Budd Coast
Budd Coast
Budd Coast , part of Wilkes Land, is that portion of the coast of Antarctica lying between the Hatch Islands, at 109°16'E, and Cape Waldron, at 115°33'E. It was discovered in February 1840 by the U.S. Exploring Expedition under the leadership of Lieutenant Charles Wilkes, and named by Wilkes for...

. The hill rises between Crane Cove
Crane Cove
Crane Cove is a shallow cove 0.1 nautical miles in extent, entered from the west between the north side of Bailey Peninsula and an unnamed island northward, on Budd Coast. Numerous low rocks almost join Bailey Peninsula and the unnamed island, forming the head of the cove and separating it...

 and Geoffrey Bay and is joined by a narrow strip of land to the northern part of the Bailey Peninsula. It was first mapped from U.S. Navy Operation Highjump air photos of 1946–47, and named by the Antarctic Names Committee of Australia for K. Budnick, Australian National Antarctic Research Expeditions
Australian National Antarctic Research Expeditions
The Australian National Antarctic Research Expeditions is the historical name for the Australian Antarctic Program administered for Australia by the Australian Antarctic Division .-The ANARE Name:...

 surveyor in 1964 at Wilkes Station
Wilkes Station
Wilkes Station was an Antarctic research station established 29 January 1957 by the United States as one of seven U.S. stations established for the International Geophysical Year program in Antarctica...

, who set up a trigonometrical station on the hill.
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