C21 (company)
C21 is a creative and communications agency
Creative agency
A creative agency is an advertising agency that specializes in the creative work of creating advertisements / commercials, and may leave the buying of media space and time to a specialist media agency....

 located in the United Kingdom. The agency is led by director Christina Clarke, who founded the business in 1998. C21 has been awarded membership of the Institute of Practitioners in Advertising
Institute of Practitioners in Advertising
The Institute of Practitioners in Advertising is the trade body and professional institute for 250 leading agencies in the UK's advertising, media and marketing communications industry, covering the creative, digital, direct marketing, healthcare, media, outdoor, sales promotion and sponsorship...

 and has been listed as recommended by the UK Recommended Agency Register.

C21 employs 12 people in the United Kingdom
United Kingdom
The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern IrelandIn the United Kingdom and Dependencies, other languages have been officially recognised as legitimate autochthonous languages under the European Charter for Regional or Minority Languages...

. In 2006 the company moved to new offices in Altrincham, Greater Manchester.


In 2008, C21 was awarded "Creative Agency of the year" at the fresh:media awards.

In 2011, the agency was nominated for three chip shop awards. Clients of C21 include FC United, Recyc-Oil and City West
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