CLAS was a standards-based assessment
Standards-based assessment
A standards based test is one based on the outcome-based education or performance-based education philosophy. Assessment is a key part of the standards reform movement. The first part is to set new, higher standards to be expected of every student. Then the curriculum must be aligned to the new...

 based on Outcomes Based Education principles given in California in the early 1990s. It was based on concepts of new standards such as whole language
Whole language
Whole language describes a literacy philosophy which emphasizes that children should focus on meaning and strategy instruction. It is often contrasted with phonics-based methods of teaching reading and writing which emphasize instruction for decoding and spelling. However, from whole language...

 and reform mathematics
Reform mathematics
Reform mathematics is an approach to mathematics education, particularly in North America. It is based on principles explained in 1989 by the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics . The NCTM document, Curriculum and Evaluation Standards for School Mathematics, attempted to set forth a vision...

. Instead of multiple choice tests with one correct answer, it used open written responses that were graded according to rubrics. Such tests were thought to be fairer to students of all abilities.

Failure rates among all groups, particularly minorities, was so high that it generated concern. It was terminated in 1995 by the governor after two years.

Maureen DiMarco testified to the California State Legislature in charge of the [CLAS] that no graders were allowed to give a "4" top score in mathematics in the first year. It was based on open responses scored holistically, so that the correct answer to how to share 5 apples among 4 people might be to give the 5th to a food bank.

Minorities scored even lower than on standardized tests, huge numbers scored in the lowest categories, as open response questions with more than one answer proved to be even more difficult than multiple choice problems.

It was replaced by STAR
Standardized Testing and Reporting
The Standardized Testing and Reporting Program measures performance on the California Achievement Test, Sixth Edition Survey , the California Content Standards Test and the Spanish Assessment of Basic Education . The STAR Program is the cornerstone of the California Public Schools Accountability...

, which is a testing system based on traditional rigorous academic standards
Traditional education
Traditional education or back-to-basics refers to long-established customs found in schools that society has traditionally deemed appropriate. Some forms of education reform promote the adoption of progressive education practices, a more holistic approach which focuses on individual students'...

 which largely discards the theory of outcome-based education
Outcome-based education
Outcome-based education is a recurring education reform model. It is a student-centered learning philosophy that focuses on empirically measuring student performance, which are called outcomes. OBE contrasts with traditional education, which primarily focuses on the resources that are available...

which was widely rejected by the late 1990s in the United States.
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