C process control
C process control refers to a group of functions in the standard library
C standard library
The C Standard Library is the standard library for the programming language C, as specified in the ANSI C standard.. It was developed at the same time as the C POSIX library, which is basically a superset of it...

 of the C programming language implementing basic process control operations. The process control operations include actions such as termination of the program with various levels of cleanup, running an external command interpreter or accessing the list of the environment operations.

Overview of functions

The process control functions are defined in the stdlib.h header (cstdlib header in C++).

Terminating a programabort - causes abnormal program termination (without cleaning up)exit - causes normal program termination with cleaning up_Exit - causes normal program termination without cleaning upatexit - registers a function to be called on exit invocation

Communicating with the environmentgetenv - accesses the list of the environment variablessystem - calls the host environment's command processor

External links

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