Camp Lake (Alaska)
Camp Lake is a small snow-melt and rain-fed lake
A lake is a body of relatively still fresh or salt water of considerable size, localized in a basin, that is surrounded by land. Lakes are inland and not part of the ocean and therefore are distinct from lagoons, and are larger and deeper than ponds. Lakes can be contrasted with rivers or streams,...

 that feeds into the Blue Lake
Blue Lake (Alaska)
Blue Lake, or Gajook Héen Yik.áayi, in the Tlingit language, is a long reservoir located east of the town of Sitka, on the west side of Baranof Island, in Alexander Archipelago of Southeast Alaska.-History:...

 watershed on Baranof Island
Baranof Island
Baranof Island, also sometimes called Baranov Island, Shee or Sitka Island, is an island in the northern Alexander Archipelago in the Alaska Panhandle, in Alaska. The name Baranof was given in 1805 by Imperial Russian Navy captain U. F. Lisianski to honor Alexander Andreyevich Baranov...

 in the Alexander Archipelago
Alexander Archipelago
The Alexander Archipelago is a long archipelago, or group of islands, of North America off the southeastern coast of Alaska. It contains about 1,100 islands, which are the tops of the submerged coastal mountains that rise steeply from the Pacific Ocean. Deep channels and fjords separate the...

 in the Alaskan Panhandle. Camp Lake is a popular destination for the first night on the Baranof Cross-Island Trail
Baranof Cross-Island Trail
The Baranof Cross-Island Trail is an informal trail located across Baranof Island, Alaska from the community of Sitka to Baranof Warm Springs. The trail is popular among resident Sitkans, but also attracts out-of-town backpackers. From start to finish, the trail spans approximately long, but owing...

 due to its surrounding alpine meadow and the beautifully-clear nature of the lake. Camp Lake sits between Bear Mountain
Bear Mountain (Alaska)
According to the , the state of Alaska in the United States has 10 peaks named Bear Mountain:...

 and Mount Bassie
Mount Bassie
Mount Bassie is a large mountain in the center of Baranof Island, Alaska, United States, within the City and Borough of Sitka.Mount Bassie is a massive hulk of rock, its footprint covering nearly five square miles...

 and atop a small headwall on the Medvejie Lake
Medvejie Lake
Medvejie Lake is a long, narrow, snow-fed lake on Baranof Island just south of Sitka, Alaska in the Alaskan Panhandle, which drains into Silver Bay, southeast of Sitka, on west coast of Baranof Island, Alexander Archipelago.- Etymology :...

 valley, although the lake drains into the Blue Lake watershed.


Camp Lake is not named on USGS maps. In his book on hunting, Les Yaw names the lake "Camper's Lake".
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