Campaign to Save Native Forests
The Campaign to Save Native Forests (W.A.) (CSNF) was the name of a grassroots organisation which grew from a campaign started in Perth
Perth, Western Australia
Perth is the capital and largest city of the Australian state of Western Australia and the fourth most populous city in Australia. The Perth metropolitan area has an estimated population of almost 1,700,000....

, Western Australia
Western Australia
Western Australia is a state of Australia, occupying the entire western third of the Australian continent. It is bounded by the Indian Ocean to the north and west, the Great Australian Bight and Indian Ocean to the south, the Northern Territory to the north-east and South Australia to the south-east...

, in 1975, as a response to the development of a woodchipping
Woodchipping is the act and industry of chipping wood for pulp, processed wood products, and mulch.-Papermaking:Timber is converted to woodchips and sold, primarily, for pulp production used in paper manufacture...

 industry in the south-west Jarrah
Eucalyptus marginata is one of the most common species of Eucalyptus tree in the southwest of Western Australia. The tree and the wood are usually referred to by the Aboriginal name Jarrah...

 and Karri
Eucalyptus diversicolor, commonly known as the Karri, is a eucalypt which is native to the wetter regions of south west of Western Australia.-Description:...

 forests of Western Australia
Western Australia
Western Australia is a state of Australia, occupying the entire western third of the Australian continent. It is bounded by the Indian Ocean to the north and west, the Great Australian Bight and Indian Ocean to the south, the Northern Territory to the north-east and South Australia to the south-east...

. The Manjimup
Manjimup, Western Australia
Manjimup is a town in Western Australia, south of the state capital, Perth. The town of Manjimup is a regional centre for the largest shire in the South West of Western Australia. At the 2006 census, Manjimup had a population of 4,239.-History:...

 woodchip project aroused significant levels of protest in Perth and the South West region out of public concern that inadequate measures had been made for conservation alongside exploitation of the south west hardwood forests.

The public figures and faces of the CSNF at the time—Beth Schulz, Basil Schur, and Neil Bartholomaeus—were each to gain extensive coverage on the local media during public rallies at Wagerup
Wagerup, Western Australia
Wagerup is a town located in the Peel region of Western Australia just off the South Western Highway, between Waroona and Harvey.-History:...

 and elsewhere.

At the times that the CSNF tried to cope with the issues of governmental and forestry business pressures to develop woodchipping, and mining in the Jarrah forest, another group started as well—the South West Forests Defence Foundation
South West Forests Defence Foundation
South West Forests Defence Foundation is a group that has been involved with three decades of involvement with the conservation of the Jarrah and Karri forests of the South West region of Western Australia....

. There was co-operation between the groups on some issues as well as joint publications.

The CSNF subsequently campaigned in response to mining by Alcoa
Alcoa Inc. is the world's third largest producer of aluminum, behind Rio Tinto Alcan and Rusal. From its operational headquarters in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, Alcoa conducts operations in 31 countries...

 in the Jarrah forest on the Darling Scarp
Darling Scarp
The Darling Scarp, also referred to as the Darling Range or Darling Ranges, is a low escarpment running north-south to the east of the Swan Coastal Plain and Perth, Western Australia...

, conducting rallies and protests outside the alumina refinery construction site at Wagerup in February, May, and August 1979. It was involved in submissions to Australian federal and Western Australian state inquiries on forestry through the late 1980s.

Many members of CSNF went on to become involved in other groups and associations, such as West Australian Forest Alliance
West Australian Forest Alliance
The West Australian Forest Alliance is an organisation made up of a number of West Australian environmental activist groups—concerned with the destruction of Old Growth Forests in the South West region....

, Great Walk Networking
Great Walk Networking
Great Walk Networking is a bushwalking community in Western Australia. The Great Walk started in 1988 as a protest walk from Denmark to Parliament House in Perth, to raise awareness of logging in Western Australia's old growth forests....

, and other groups usually associated with the Conservation Council of Western Australia
Conservation Council of Western Australia
The Conservation Council of Western Australia is the umbrella body for conservation groups and organisations in Western Australia. It has been the co-ordinator, publisher and guiding body for issues of woodchipping in the South West of Western Australia, the logging of old growth forests, as well...

. A lot of these groups did not gain the extensive national attention and subsequent political ramifications that, for example, the Tasmanian Wilderness Society did with its early 1980s No Dams campaign for the Franklin River
Franklin River
The Franklin River lies in the Franklin-Gordon Wild Rivers National Park at the mid northern area of the Tasmanian Wilderness World Heritage Area. Its source is situated at the western edge of the Central Highlands and it continues west towards the West Coast of Tasmania...

, which influenced Tasmanian domestic politics for a decade. However, they did have coverage in local media for their particular issues, and despite the lack of national attention they had marked impact on the ways that all levels of government proceeded with environmentally problematic issues.


C.S.N.F. news. Perth [W.A.] : Campaign to Save Native Forests. July 1978-April 1991

Publications (chronologically)

This does not include fliers and posters
  • Campaign to Save Native Forests (W.A.) (1975) The threat to the forests : a submission to the Australian Senate Standing Committee on the (sic) Social Environment concerning the impending Manjimup wood-chip project.
  • Tingay, Susan and Alan Tingay (1976) Eucalypts of the Perth area Perth : Campaign to Save Native Forests (W.A.)
  • Robert Powell & Jane Emberson (1978) An old look at trees : vegetation of south-western Australia in old photographs Perth, W.A.: Campaign to Save Native Forests (W.A.). ISBN 0959744932
  • Campaign to Save Native Forests (W.A.) [Submission] (1978) : Commenting on ERMP-draft environmental impact statement of ALCOA of Australia, regarding the proposed bauxite alumina project at Wagerup, W.A.
  • Conservation Council of WA et al. (1982) Karri at the crossroads : a proposal for the adequate conservation of the remaining karri forest in Western Australia and the creation of the Shannon Karri National Park Nedlands, W.A. ISBN 0959339108

also with : Redirection of the karri forest economy prepared by Conservation Council of W.A. (Inc.), South-West Forests Defence Foundation, Campaign to Save Native Forests (W.A.)
  • Capill, L. G. (1984) Wandoo woodland conservation : a proposal for a system of ecological reserves in the woodlands of southwestern Australia Perth, W.A.] : Campaign to Save Native Forests (W.A.)
  • Meney, Kathy and Brown, P. (1985) Forests on foot : 40 walks in the forests of the south west of Western Australia South Perth, W.A.: Campaign to Save Native Forests. ISBN 0958926905
  • Paterson, Suzanne.(1985) Forests of Western Australia : ecology and conservation / prepared by Suzanne Paterson for Campaign to Save Native Forests (W.A.). Perth : Campaign to Save Native Forests (W.A.).ISBN 0959744983
  • Schur, Basil. (1985) Jarrah forest or bauxite dollars? : a critique of bauxite mine rehabilitation in the jarrah forests of southwestern Australia Perth [W.A.] : Campaign to Save Native Forests (W.A.). ISBN 0959744975
  • Campaign to Save Native Forests, (1987) Time for change : proposals for conservation and improved management in the forests of south-western Australia Campaign to Save Native Forests ... [et al.]. Perth [W.A.] : . ISBN 0958926913
  • Campaign to Save Native Forests ... [et al.] (1987) A question of balance : a submission on the draft regional management plans and the draft timber strategy of the Department of Conservation and Land Management Perth [W.A.] : Campaign to Save Native Forests..
  • Campaign to Save Native Forests [et al.] (1988) The Land is our future : rehabilitation of the Denmark River Catchment Denmark, W.A : Denmark Environment Centre. ISBN 0958926921


  • Campaign to Save Native Forests (W.A.) Files, 1975-1992 [manuscript]. Battye Library
    J S Battye Library
    The J S Battye Library is an arm of the State Library of Western Australia...

    MN 1432, Records of the Campaign to Save Native Forests, ACC 4543A. The Campaign to Save Native Forests (WA) was launched in February 1975, initially to fight the impending destruction of the karri forest by the Manjimup Woodchip Project and its associated clear-felling programme. From involvement with this problem there quickly emerged an awareness of the great complexity and seriousness of the conservation needs of WA's native forests. Includes files on organisation, campaigning, conservation philosophy, trees, forests, logging, timber, woodchipping native forests, burning, forest disease, remnant vegetation, land clearing, salinity, jarrah class action, heritage, reserves and parks, Shannon campaign, jarrah forests, wandoo, pines, specific threatened forest areas (including rainforests), miscellaneous files.

External links

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