Cannibalism (album)
Cannibalism is a compilation
Compilation album
A compilation album is an album featuring tracks from one or more performers, often culled from a variety of sources The tracks are usually collected according to a common characteristic, such as popularity, genre, source or subject matter...

 double album
Double album
A double album is an audio album which spans two units of the primary medium in which it is sold, typically records and compact discs....

 by Krautrock
Krautrock is a generic name for the experimental music scenes that appeared in Germany in the late 1960s and gained popularity throughout the 1970s, especially in Britain. The term is a result of the English-speaking world's reception of the music at the time and not a reference to any one...

 artists Can
Can (band)
Can was an experimental rock band formed in Cologne, West Germany in 1968. Later labeled as one of the first "krautrock" groups, they transcended mainstream influences and incorporated strong minimalist and world music elements into their often psychedelic music.Can constructed their music largely...

which was released in 1978.

Side A

  1. "Father Cannot Yell" – 7:05
  2. "Soul Desert" – 3:30
  3. "Soup" – 3:03
  4. "Mother Sky" – 6:41

Side B

  1. "She Brings the Rain" – 4:07
  2. "Mushroom" – 4:31
  3. "One More Night" – 5:37
  4. "Spray" – 2:57
  5. "Outside My Door" – 4:11
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