Cape Dovers
Cape Dovers is a cape fronting on Shackleton Ice Shelf
Shackleton Ice Shelf
Shackleton Ice Shelf is an extensive ice shelf fronting the coast of East Antarctica for about 384 km , projecting seaward about 145 km in the western portion and 64 km in the east. It occupies an area of 33,820 km². It is part of Mawson Sea and separates the Queen Mary Coast to the west from...

, 5 nautical miles (9 km) south of Henderson Island
Henderson Island (Shackleton Ice Shelf)
Henderson Island is an ice-covered island long and rising to , lying southeast of Masson Island within the Shackleton Ice Shelf. Henderson Island is located at . Henderson Island was discovered in August 1912 by the Western Base Party of the Australian Antarctic Expedition under Sir Douglas...

. Discovered by the Western Base Party
Western Base Party
The Western Base Party was a successful exploration party of the Australasian Antarctic Expedition. The eight-man Western Party was deposited by the Aurora on the Shackleton Ice Shelf at Queen Mary Land. The leader of the team was Frank Wild and the party included the geologist Charles Hoadley.The...

 of the Australasian Antarctic Expedition
Australasian Antarctic Expedition
The Australasian Antarctic Expedition was an Australasian scientific team that explored part of Antarctica between 1911 and 1914. It was led by the Australian geologist Douglas Mawson, who was knighted for his achievements in leading the expedition. In 1910 he began to plan an expedition to chart...

, 1911–14, under Mawson, and named for G. Dovers, cartographer with the expedition.
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