Captain Comic
The Adventures of Captain Comic (or just Captain Comic) is a classic 1988
1988 in video gaming
-Events:*June — Nintendo releases the last issue of "Nintendo fun club news";*July — Nintendo releases the first issue of Nintendo Power magazine.-Notable releases:*January 8, Konami releases Super Contra....

MS-DOS is an operating system for x86-based personal computers. It was the most commonly used member of the DOS family of operating systems, and was the main operating system for IBM PC compatible personal computers during the 1980s to the mid 1990s, until it was gradually superseded by operating...

 platform game
Platform game
A platform game is a video game characterized by requiring the player to jump to and from suspended platforms or over obstacles . It must be possible to control these jumps and to fall from platforms or miss jumps...

 which is known for being one of the first side-scrolling games made for IBM PC. It was developed entirely by Michael Denio
Michael Denio
Michael Denio is the designer programmer of the classic MS-DOS platform game, Captain Comic, and its sequel Captain Comic II: Fractured Reality....

. The PC version of the game was distributed as shareware. Later a version for the NES was published by Color Dreams
Color Dreams
Color Dreams was a company that developed video games for the 8-bit Nintendo Entertainment System . While most companies that developed NES games obtained an official license from Nintendo to produce game cartridges, Color Dreams was unusual in that it developed NES games without an official license...

 as an unlicensed title. An unofficial conversion for the SAM Coupé
SAM Coupé
The SAM Coupé is an 8-bit British home computer that was first released in late 1989. It is commonly considered a clone of the Sinclair ZX Spectrum computer, since it features a compatible screen mode and emulated compatibility, and it was marketed as a logical upgrade from the Spectrum...

 also exists. It was also cloned as "The Adventures of Pioneer Ksenia" in 1990 by a team of Ukrainian
Ukrainians are an East Slavic ethnic group native to Ukraine, which is the sixth-largest nation in Europe. The Constitution of Ukraine applies the term 'Ukrainians' to all its citizens...


In the game, the player
Player (game)
A player of a game is a participant therein. The term 'player' is used with this same meaning both in game theory and in ordinary recreational games....

 takes control of Captain Comic, who is on a mission to the planet
A planet is a celestial body orbiting a star or stellar remnant that is massive enough to be rounded by its own gravity, is not massive enough to cause thermonuclear fusion, and has cleared its neighbouring region of planetesimals.The term planet is ancient, with ties to history, science,...

 Tambi to recover three treasures stolen from the planet Omsoc. Its author, Michael Denio
Michael Denio
Michael Denio is the designer programmer of the classic MS-DOS platform game, Captain Comic, and its sequel Captain Comic II: Fractured Reality....

, writes in the introduction to the game's manual:
Although neither the original, nor its sequel
Captain Comic II: Fractured Reality
Captain Comic II: Fractured Reality is the 1990 sequel to the classic DOS platform game, The Adventures of Captain Comic. The game was created by the same author as the original, Michael Denio, working at Color Dreams and was published by ComputerEasy....

 were commercial successes, Captain Comic is best-known for its historical significance to classic PC games.

The theme song for Captain Comic was traditionally a rendition of the United States Marine Corps Hymn
Marines' Hymn
The "Marines' Hymn" is the official hymn of the United States Marine Corps. It is the oldest official song in the United States military. The "Marines' Hymn" is typically sung at the position of attention as a gesture of respect...

. The song was changed in Version 5 (the final revision of the game, released in ).


The player, as Comic, arrives by teleporting in front of a castle on the planet Tambi, where the quest begins. Comic must find the following three artifacts:
  • The Mystical Gems of Lascorbanos
  • The Thousand Coins of Tenure
  • The Crown of the Ages

To find them, he must travel through many varied environments. The game ends when Comic is in possession of the three treasures.


Captain Comic follows many standard platformer conventions. The player has health, lives, a score, and a set of useful items. The game is divided into a number of major areas (see list above), and each area is divided generally into three smaller "zones". Transitioning between zones plays a short tune and marks a "safe point", since all enemies are removed from the screen and Comic's position is saved.

Comic has twelve "shield" points (health), but each time an enemy hits him, two points are removed. Once the shield has been reduced to 0, Comic is still alive, but will die on the next hit. (Thus Comic must be hit seven times to die, from full shield). Occasionally, shields can be found which instantly replenish Comic's health to full, or if it is already full, grant him an extra life. Comic starts the game with four lives, and can go up to a maximum of five. If Comic is killed by either falling off the bottom of the screen, or being hit with no shield points remaining, a life is lost and he is returned to the point where he last entered this zone. If all lives are lost, the game ends.

Many of the games enemies have different AI behaviour compared to one another - ranging from simple bouncing off the walls and pre-set paths to creatures who seek the player out and turn to follow Comic as he passes by. Enemies are generally restricted to their own area (Space Pollen is only on the moon, for example), and a few move faster than the others. All enemies have the same gameplay property which is that if they touch Comic, the enemy is destroyed and Comic suffers two points of shield damage. Once he has picked up a Blastola Cola (the first one is found at the very start of the game), Comic may shoot at enemies. If he hits an enemy, it is destroyed and points are scored.

Since there is no time limit to the game, it is generally preferable to be patient and clear each zone of the dangerous enemies present there. This also has the desired result of increasing the score.

Each area that Comic travels through gets progressively more difficult, particularly in terms of the enemies Comic must dispose of or the terrain and maze structure that he must pass through. Thankfully, there are items that are useful or required to navigate certain areas, defeat various enemies and eventually to recover the treasures themselves. Items included are Blastola Cola, Shield, Corkscrew, Door Key, Boots, Lantern and Teleport Wand.

There is a maximum of 5 extra lives, and any player earning an extra life while already at maximum receives a full shield charge and a large point bonus (usually between 25,000 and 30,000). The player gets an extra life for every 50,000 points earned, a bonus still in effect if the player has won the game and has enough extra lives to go over this target. (Lives can also be awarded for recharging shields while at full, or picking up treasure items).

External links

All versions of the game are either freeware
Freeware is computer software that is available for use at no cost or for an optional fee, but usually with one or more restricted usage rights. Freeware is in contrast to commercial software, which is typically sold for profit, but might be distributed for a business or commercial purpose in the...

 or shareware
The term shareware is a proprietary software that is provided to users without payment on a trial basis and is often limited by any combination of functionality, availability, or convenience. Shareware is often offered as a download from an Internet website or as a compact disc included with a...

. The game can be downloaded legally from the following sites:

The following pages (in addition to the above pages) provide additional information about the game:
  • Mitch's Paradise - includes information about the original theme song
    Marines' Hymn
    The "Marines' Hymn" is the official hymn of the United States Marine Corps. It is the oldest official song in the United States military. The "Marines' Hymn" is typically sung at the position of attention as a gesture of respect...

  • Captain Comic General FAQ - includes walkthrough, relates to NES
    Nintendo Entertainment System
    The Nintendo Entertainment System is an 8-bit video game console that was released by Nintendo in North America during 1985, in Europe during 1986 and Australia in 1987...

The source of this article is wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.  The text of this article is licensed under the GFDL.