Caras e Bocas
Caras e Bocas is an album by Brazil
Brazil , officially the Federative Republic of Brazil , is the largest country in South America. It is the world's fifth largest country, both by geographical area and by population with over 192 million people...

ian singer Gal Costa
Gal Costa
Gal Costa is a Brazilian singer of popular music.-Early life:...

 released in 1977.

Track listing

  1. Caras e Bocas
  2. Me Recuso
  3. Louca Me Chamam (Crazy He Call's Me)
  4. Clariô
  5. Minha Estrela É Do Oriente (Tindoró Dindinha)
  6. Tigresa
  7. Negro Amor (It's All Over Now, Baby Blue
    It's All Over Now, Baby Blue
    "It's All Over Now, Baby Blue" is a song written and performed by Bob Dylan and featured on his Bringing It All Back Home album, released on March 22, 1965 by Columbia Records . The song was originally recorded on January 15, 1965 with Dylan's acoustic guitar and harmonica and William E. Lee's bass...

  8. Meu Doce Amor
  9. Solitude
  10. Um Favor
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