Born and raised in a hard working middle-class family in Rhode Island
. His first acting performances were in the Touisett Point Coggleshell Community Center in Warren, Rhode Island
at 6 years old. At ten he teamed up with his playmate Susan to create children's theater/variety shows in the family's garage attic, where he directed, art directed and acted in productions performed with and for the neighborhood children.
The Arts, especially film, transcend all cultural barriers, hopefully offering an avenue where all people can find a common place to meet, understand each other, and nurture a safe world for all our children to grow strong within.
Remembering my grandfather, Colonel Sweet's pride with his membership in the Sons of the American Revolution, I am proud to be an American Compatriot.
Taking on the responsibility of portraying a real person in history, preserving his genius while demonstrating the vulnerable crumbling of his personality, I researched carefully, and gained great respect for the contributions Mr. Hughes shared with the world.