Casati is a surname, and may refer to:
  • Ambrogio Casati
    Ambrogio Casati
    Ambrogio Casati was an Italian painter.He was born in Voghera, Italy in 1897 and was schooled in Paris in the plastic arts. Upon his return to Italy, he became associated with Filippo Tommaso Marinetti and the Futurist movement that was gaining force in the Italian arts scene of the time...

     (1897 – 1977), an Italian painter
  • Gabrio Casati
    Gabrio Casati
    Gabrio Casati was an Italian politician, born in Milan.-Political roles:During the Five Days of Milan he had a primary role and lead the Temporary Government....

     (1798 – 1873), an Italian politician
  • Gaetano Casati
    Gaetano Casati
    Gaetano Casati was an Italian and an explorer of Africa, born in Lesmo in upper Italy. After studying at the Academy in Pavia he entered the Italian army in 1859 and served there until 1879. On December 24, 1879, he sailed for Africa under commission of the Società d'Esplorazione Commerciale...

     (1838 – 1902), an Italian explorer of Africa
  • Luisa Casati
    Luisa Casati
    Luisa, Marquise Casati Stampa di Soncino was an eccentric Italian heiress, muse, and patroness of the arts in early 20th century Europe...

     (1881 – 1957), an Italian patroness of the arts
  • Paolo Casati
    Paolo Casati
    Paolo Casati was an Italian Jesuit mathematician. Born in Piacenza to a Milanese family, he joined the Jesuits in 1634. After completing his mathematical and theological studies, he moved to Rome, where he assumed the position of professor at the Collegio Romano...

    (1617 – 1707), an Italian mathematician
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