Caudellia apyrella
The Crescent-winged Caudellia Moth (Caudellia apyrella) is a species of snout moth
The Pyralidae or snout moths are a family of Lepidoptera in the ditrysian superfamily Pyraloidea. In many classifications, the grass moths are included in the Pyralidae as a subfamily, making the combined group one of the largest families in the Lepidoptera...

 in the genus Caudellia
Caudellia is a genus of snout moths. It was described by Dyar in 1904, and is known from Ecuador.-Species:* Caudellia apyrella * Caudellia colorella * Caudellia declivella...

. It was described by Dyar in 1904. It is found in North America
North America
North America is a continent wholly within the Northern Hemisphere and almost wholly within the Western Hemisphere. It is also considered a northern subcontinent of the Americas...


The larvae feed on Cuscuta compacta and Cuscuta gronovii.
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