Cecil Murphey
Cecil “Cec” Murphey is an American writer with more than 100 books published since 1975 in categories such as fiction, nonfiction, biography, memoir, and inspiration. He has many best sellers to his credit, most notably “Gifted Hands: The Ben Carson Story
” (collaboration with Dr. Ben Carson) and “90 Minutes in Heaven: A True Story of Death and Life” (collaboration with Don Piper). Murphey has also written books with other notable celebrities such as Shaun Alexander
("Touchdown Alexander"), Franklin Graham
("Rebel With a Cause"), singer B.J. Thomas ("In Tune
"), and Bishop Eddie Long
("60 Seconds to Greatness").
Murphey is also a public speaker on such topics as Christianity, faith, male sexual abuse, care-giving, and writing. He currently resides in Atlanta, GA with his wife, Shirley.
and grew up in Davenport, Iowa. Growing up without much exposure to spiritual living, he went into the Navy
soon after graduating from Davenport High School (1951–1955). In 1954 he came across a used copy of the book The Magnificent Obsession (By Lloyd C. Douglas
) which resulted in Murphey having a salvation experience. From that point, he began attending church regularly, and within a year he met his future wife, Shirley Brackett. They were soon married.
After a discharge from the Navy
, Murphey taught school for three years before moving to Kenya
, Africa to serve as a missionary for a period of six years. Upon returning to the United States
he began studying for the ministry at Columbia, A Presbyterian seminary in Atlanta, GA. Murphey also holds an MA in education from Atlanta University, and an honorary Doctorate of Literature degree from The Richmond Virginia Seminary.
In February 2007 Murphey and his wife Shirley lost their house and all belongings in a fire which also took the life of their son in law, Alan Hege.
, Africa for six years in the late 1960’s. Murphey also taught regular classes at Beula Heights Bible College for 18 years, and currently teaches a Bible Discovery class at his church in Atlanta, GA.
, Shaun Alexander
, Dr. Ben Carson, B.J. Thomas, Bishop Eddie Long
, and Don Piper. He has many best sellers in the past three decades, most notably “Gifted Hands: The Ben Carson Story
” (with Dr. Ben Carson), and “90 Minutes in Heaven: A True Story of Death and Life” (with Don Piper).
Murphey has more than 30 years experience teaching writing at hundreds of conferences, retreats, seminars, workshops and keynote addresses across the United States and overseas.
Prayer: Pitfalls and Possibilities, Hawthorn Books
But God Has Promised, Creation House
Put On a Happy Face, Christian Herald
Somebody Knows I’m Alive, John Knox Press
How to Live a Christian Life, Christian Herald
When in Doubt, Hug ‘Em, John Knox Press
How to Develop a Caring Church
Prayerobics: Getting Started and Staying Going, Word Books
Comforting Those Who Grieve, John Knox Press
Getting There From Here: Help on Divine Guidance, Word Books
Seven Daily Sins (And What to Do About Them) Servant Books
In Tune (ghostwritten autobiography of singer B. J. Thomas) Fleming H. Revell
Spaceship Earth (ghostwritten) for Institute for Church Growth
Devotions for Joggers, Fleming H. Revell
Devotions for Calorie Counters, Fleming H. Revell
Devotions for Lovers, Fleming H. Revell
Devotions for Travelers, Fleming H. Revell
Devotions for Worriers, Fleming H. Revell
Fitness: The Answer Book, Fleming H. Revell
Headaches: The Answer Book (ghostwritten for Joan Miller) Fleming H. Revell
Devotions for Winners, Fleming H. Revell
Devotions for Grandparents, Fleming H. Revell
Devotions for Nurses (written under the name of Joan Masters) Fleming H. Revell
Press On: A Disciple’s Guide to Spiritual Growth, Servant Books
No Mountain Too High (ghostwritten autobiography of ultra-marathon runner Stan Cottrell) Fleming H. Revell
Encyclopedia for Christian Marriage (Writer, Compiler, and Editor) Fleming H. Revell
Encyclopedia for Today’s Christian Woman (Writer, Compiler, and Editor) Fleming H. Revell
Woman on Death Row (ghostwritten autobiography of convicted murderer Velma Barfield) Thomas Nelson
Being a Leader (ghostwritten for Anthony D’Souza), Haggai Institute
One Day I'll Find You (written under the name of Melanie Haywood), Fleming H. Revell
Return to Maradadi (written under the name of Celia Blaine), Fleming H. Revell, 1985
Star Crossed Love, Fleming H. Revell, 1985
Love's Broken Promises (written under the name of Celia Blaine), Fleming H. Revell, 1985
Rendezvous in Acapulco (written under the name of Melanie Haywood), Fleming H. Revell, 1985
Destined to Love, Fleming H. Revell, 1985
Forbidden Past (written under the name of Celia Blaine), Fleming H. Revell, 1985
Promises to Keep (written under the name of Melanie Haywood), Fleming H. Revell, 1985
Appointment in Zurich, Fleming H. Revell, 1985
Romance at Sunrise, Fleming H. Revell, 1985
Sorrow, the Seed of Love (written under the name of Melanie Haywood), Fleming H. Revell, 1985
The Leadership Style of Jesus (ghostwritten for Michael Youssef) Victor Books
Leading Others (ghostwritten for Anthony D’Souza), Haggai Institute
Leading Effectively Leader (ghostwritten for Anthony D’Souza), Haggai Institute
Good People Die on Sunday (ghostwritten for Paul Spitz, self-published)
Cry Freedom: The Story of Lida Vashchenko and her Remarkable Escape from Soviet Russia by Lida Vaschenko and Cecil Murphey, Servant Books
Another Chance: Learning to Like Yourself, Westminster Press
He-ism versus Me-ism (ghostwritten for Michael Youssef) Harvest House
Day to Day: Spiritual Help When Someone You Love Has Alzheimer’s, Westminster Press
Keeping My Balance: Spiritual Help When Someone I Love Abuses Drugs, Westminster Press
Breaking the Silence: Spiritual Help When Someone You Love Is Mentally Ill, Westminster Press
It’s Easier to Succeed Than to Fail (ghostwritten for S. Truett Cathy, founder of Chick-fil-A) Thomas Nelson
Master Mind, fiction (ghostwritten for Michael Youssef) Crossway Books (reprinted 1991 by Thomas Nelson as The Voice: A Novel of the New World Order)
Dictionary of Biblical Literacy (Writer, Compiler, and Editor) Thomas Nelson
Earth King, (ghostwritten for Michael Youssef) Crossway Books (reprinted by Thomas Nelson as Man of Peace: A Novel of the Antichrist, 1992)
Happy Face, children’s fiction serialized by Presbyterian Publishing House
Gifted Hands: The Ben Carson Story by Ben Carson with Cecil Murphey, published jointly by Zondervan Publishing House and Review & Herald; Mass paper by Harper Collins
With Byrd at the Bottom of the World by Norman D. Vaughan with Cecil B. Murphey, Stackpole Books
Dino: Beyond the Glitz and Glamour by Dino Kartsonakis with Cecil Murphey, Thomas Nelson
Inner Eating: How to Free Yourself Forever from the Tyranny of Good (ghostwritten for Shirley Billigmeier) Thomas Nelson
Happy Face Again, children’s fiction serialized by Presbyterian Publishing House
Mantalk: Resources for Exploring Male Issues, Presbyterian Publishing House
In Search of a Lovely Moment (ghostwritten for Roger Breland) Thomas Nelson
Fast Your Way to Health (ghostwritten for Lee Bueno) Whitaker House
1001 Things You Need to Know About the Bible, American Bible Society
Think Big: Unleashing Your Potential by Ben Carson with Cecil Murphey, Zondervan; mass paperback Harper Collins
Help Yourself: A Revolutionary Alternative Recovery Program (Ghostwritten for Dr. Joel C. Robertson) Thomas Nelson
Kids Don’t Want to Use Drugs: How You and Your Kids Can Avoid the Dangers (ghostwritten for Joel C. Robertson) Thomas Nelson
The Help Yourself Love Yourself NonDiet Weight-Loss Plan (ghostwritten for Joel Robertson) Thomas Nelson
Ben Carson by Ben Carson with Cecil Murphey and Nathan Aseng, Zondervan
Something Special: The Story of Ullanda Innocent by Ullanda McCullough-Innocent with Cecil Murphey, Review & Herald
My Life of Adventure by Norman Vaughan with Cecil Murphey. Stackpole Books
Saving Carrick (ghostwritten for Thom McElheny) [Not Published]
Rebel with a Cause, (ghostwritten for Franklin Graham) Thomas Nelson
A Touch of Georgia: Where to Go and What to Do in the Peach State by Cecil Murphey and Judy Rogers, Thomas Nelson
Invading the Privacy of God, Servant Publications 1998
Mr. Dream Merchant (ghostwritten for Dr. Erroll Bailey) Element-Penguin
The Bible A to Z, Publications International
Failure: The Womb of Success, ghostwriter for Beulah Heights Bible College, WinePress
4,000 Questions, Answers, and Puzzles from the Bible, Publications International
Live 10 Healthy Years Longer by Dr. Jan Kuzma and Cecil Murphey, Word
My Parents My Children: Spiritual Help for Caregivers, WestminsterJohn Knox
Simply Living: Modern Wisdom from the Ancient Book of Proverbs, Westminster John Knox
Seeking God’s Hidden Face: When God Seems Absent, InterVarsity Press
God—More than a Name, Broadman & Holman
Beyond World Class: Transforming Companies Through Value-based Leadership by Alan Ross with Cecil Murphey, Dearborn
Choosing to Live: Ben Sanidad with Cecil Murphey [self-published]
Three Voices by Carolyn Driver with Cecil Murphey [not published]
The God Who Pursues: Encountering a Relentless God, Bethany House,
Unconditional Excellence: Answering God’s Call to Be Your Professional Best by Alan M. Ross with Cecil Murphey, Adams Media,
Futuring: Leading Your Church into Tomorrow: by Dr. Samuel Chand and Cecil Murphey, Baker Books,
United By Tragedy: A Father’s Story by Dr. David Wilkins with Cecil Murphey
I Choose to Stay: A Black Teacher Refuses to Desert the Inner City by Salome Thomas-EL with Cecil Murphey, Kensington
The Relentless God, Bethany
Who’s Holding Your Ladder?: Selecting Your Leaders—Leadership’s Most Critical Decision by Dr. Samuel Chand with Cecil Murphey, Mall Publishing
It All Starts at Home: 15 Reasons to Put Family First by Dr. Larry Harris with Cecil Murphey, Revell
Committed but Flawed: Finding Fresh Ways to Grow Spiritually, AMG
When Someone You Love Has Alzheimer’s, Beacon Hill
When Someone You Love Abuses Drugs or Alcohol
When Someone You Love Suffers from Depression or Mental Illness
90 Minutes in Heaven by Don Piper with Cecil Murphey, Revell
Aging is an Attitude, AMG
Who Moved My Ladder? by Dr. Samuel Chand with Cecil Murphey, Mall Publishing
Battlefield of the Mind Daily Devotional: Insights That Will Change the Way You Think by Joyce Meyer with Cecil Murphey, Warner Faith Books [not credited]
The Immortality of Influence by Salome Thomas-EL with Cecil Murphey, Kensington
Touchdown! Alexander by Shaun Alexander
with Cecil Murphey. Harvest House
Daily Devotions Inspired by 90 Minutes in Heaven by Don Piper and Cecil Murphey, Penguin/Berkeley Praise
Heaven Is Real by Don Piper and Cecil Murphey, Penguin/Berkeley Praise
Everybody Loved Roger Harden by Cecil Murphey, Barbour
Everybody Wanted Room 623 by Cecil Murphey, Barbour
Please Get to Know Me by Virginia Garberding with Cecil Murphey
Everybody Called Her a Saint by Cecil Murphey, Barbour
When Someone You Love Has Cancer: Comfort and Encouragement for Caregivers and Loved Ones by Cecil Murphey, Harvest House
When God Turned Off the Lights by Cecil Murphey, Regal Books
Christmas Miracles by Cecil Murphey and Marley Gibson, St. Martins Press
60 Seconds to Greatness: Seize the Moment and Plan for Success, by Eddie Long and Cecil Murphey, Berkeley Praise
Words of Comfort for Times of Loss by Cecil Murphey and Liz Allison, Harvest House
Who’s Got Your Back? Why We Need Accountability by Matt Loehr with Cecil Murphey, self-published
When a Man You Love Was Abused: A Woman’s Guide to Helping Him Overcome Childhood Sexual Molestation, Kregel
Hope and Comfort for Every Season, Harvest House
Knowing God, Knowing Myself, Regal
with Cecil Murphey, Berkeley Praise, 2010
Heaven Bound by Don Piper and Cecil Murphey, Berkeley Praise, 2010
Words of Comfort for Times of Loss by Cecil Murphey and Liz Allison, Harvest House, January 2010
Workbook for 90 Minutes in Heaven by Don Piper and Cecil Murphey, Revell.
When A Man You Love Was Abused: A woman's Guide to Helping Him Overcome Childhood Sexual Molestation by Cecil Murphey, Kregal, May 2010
There Is a Season for All Things by Cecil Murphey, Harvest House, June 2010
Understanding God, Understanding Myself, Regal
Getting to Heaven: Departing Instructions for Your Life Now by Don Piper and Cecil Murphey, Berkeley Praise, 2011
When Someone You Love No Longer Remembers, Harvest House, 2011
The Christmas Spirit by Cecil Murphey and Marley Gibson, St. Martin’s Press, 2011
Because You Care: Spiritual Help for Caregivers, Harvest House by Cecil Murphey and Twila Belk, 2012
A Complete Guide to Writing for Publication, Susan Titus Osborn, General Editor, ACW Press, 1999
The Complete Guide to Christian Writing and Speaking, ACW Press, 2001
For Better for Worse compiled by Marlene Bagnull, Christian Publications, 2004
The Gift of Letting Go compiled by Betsy Williams, Honor/Cook, 2005
The Heart of a Teacher, compiled by Wayne Holmes, Revell, 2005
Caution: Children Praying, compiled by Wayne Homes, 2005
Energized, compiled by Kay Kuzma, R&H, 2005
Writers on Writing, edited by James Watkins, Wesley Press, 2006
Hey, Ma, I Got Published, complied by Jon Drury, Redwood Chapel, 2006
The Best Advice I Ever Got, Zondervan, 2007
Words to Write By: Author Devotionals edited by Robin Bayne.
Gifted Hands: The Ben Carson Story
Gifted Hands: The Ben Carson Story is a 2009 movie directed by Thomas Carter, starring Academy Award winner Cuba Gooding Jr. and NAACP Image Award winner Kimberly Elise. It is a movie based on the life story of world-renowned neurosurgeon Ben Carson from 1961 to 1987. A Johnson and Johnson...
” (collaboration with Dr. Ben Carson) and “90 Minutes in Heaven: A True Story of Death and Life” (collaboration with Don Piper). Murphey has also written books with other notable celebrities such as Shaun Alexander
Shaun Alexander
Shaun Edward Alexander is a former American football running back who played for the Seattle Seahawks and the Washington Redskins. He was drafted by the Seahawks 19th overall in the 2000 NFL Draft. He played college football at the University of Alabama.- Early career :Alexander was born and...
("Touchdown Alexander"), Franklin Graham
Franklin Graham
William Franklin Graham III , known publicly as Franklin Graham, is an American Christian evangelist and missionary. He is the president and CEO of both the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association and the international Christian relief organization Samaritan's Purse.He currently lives in Boone,...
("Rebel With a Cause"), singer B.J. Thomas ("In Tune
In Tune
In Tune is a 1914 American silent short drama film directed by Henry Otto starring Charlotte Burton, Ed Coxen, George Field, and Winifred Greenwood....
"), and Bishop Eddie Long
Eddie Long
Eddie Lee Long is a controversial preacher and the senior pastor of New Birth Missionary Baptist Church, a megachurch in unincorporated DeKalb County, Georgia, United States, near Lithonia. When Long started as pastor for New Birth Church in 1987, there were 300 church members...
("60 Seconds to Greatness").
Murphey is also a public speaker on such topics as Christianity, faith, male sexual abuse, care-giving, and writing. He currently resides in Atlanta, GA with his wife, Shirley.
Personal life
Murphey was born in Hobart, OklahomaHobart, Oklahoma
Hobart is a city in and the county seat of Kiowa County, Oklahoma, United States. Hobart was founded in 1901 on what had been part of an Indian reservation. The settlers drew lots for free land. It was named for Garret Hobart, the twenty-fourth Vice President of the United States. The population...
and grew up in Davenport, Iowa. Growing up without much exposure to spiritual living, he went into the Navy
A navy is the branch of a nation's armed forces principally designated for naval and amphibious warfare; namely, lake- or ocean-borne combat operations and related functions...
soon after graduating from Davenport High School (1951–1955). In 1954 he came across a used copy of the book The Magnificent Obsession (By Lloyd C. Douglas
Lloyd C. Douglas
Lloyd Cassel Douglas born Doya C. Douglas, was an American minister and author.He was born in Columbia City, Indiana, spent part of his boyhood in Monroeville, Indiana, Wilmot, Indiana and Florence, Kentucky, where his father, Alexander Jackson Douglas, was pastor of the Hopeful Lutheran Church...
) which resulted in Murphey having a salvation experience. From that point, he began attending church regularly, and within a year he met his future wife, Shirley Brackett. They were soon married.
After a discharge from the Navy
A navy is the branch of a nation's armed forces principally designated for naval and amphibious warfare; namely, lake- or ocean-borne combat operations and related functions...
, Murphey taught school for three years before moving to Kenya
Kenya , officially known as the Republic of Kenya, is a country in East Africa that lies on the equator, with the Indian Ocean to its south-east...
, Africa to serve as a missionary for a period of six years. Upon returning to the United States
United States
The United States of America is a federal constitutional republic comprising fifty states and a federal district...
he began studying for the ministry at Columbia, A Presbyterian seminary in Atlanta, GA. Murphey also holds an MA in education from Atlanta University, and an honorary Doctorate of Literature degree from The Richmond Virginia Seminary.
In February 2007 Murphey and his wife Shirley lost their house and all belongings in a fire which also took the life of their son in law, Alan Hege.
Murphey served as full-time pastor of a small Presbyterian church in Atlanta, GA for fourteen years. He has also spoken and taught at conferences for years on topics related to Christian living, caregiving, and spiritual growth for Christians. He and his wife Shirley, along with their kids, served as missionaries in a remote village in KenyaKenya
Kenya , officially known as the Republic of Kenya, is a country in East Africa that lies on the equator, with the Indian Ocean to its south-east...
, Africa for six years in the late 1960’s. Murphey also taught regular classes at Beula Heights Bible College for 18 years, and currently teaches a Bible Discovery class at his church in Atlanta, GA.
Writing career
Murphey began publishing magazine articles in 1971 while still a full time pastor. Since 1975, he has published more than 700 articles and 120 books in categories such as Christian living, male sexual abuse, caregiving, spiritual growth, memoir, fiction, nonfiction, and inspiration. In 1984 he left the pastorate to become a full-time writer. He has ghostwritten books with such celebrities as Franklin GrahamFranklin Graham
William Franklin Graham III , known publicly as Franklin Graham, is an American Christian evangelist and missionary. He is the president and CEO of both the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association and the international Christian relief organization Samaritan's Purse.He currently lives in Boone,...
, Shaun Alexander
Shaun Alexander
Shaun Edward Alexander is a former American football running back who played for the Seattle Seahawks and the Washington Redskins. He was drafted by the Seahawks 19th overall in the 2000 NFL Draft. He played college football at the University of Alabama.- Early career :Alexander was born and...
, Dr. Ben Carson, B.J. Thomas, Bishop Eddie Long
Eddie Long
Eddie Lee Long is a controversial preacher and the senior pastor of New Birth Missionary Baptist Church, a megachurch in unincorporated DeKalb County, Georgia, United States, near Lithonia. When Long started as pastor for New Birth Church in 1987, there were 300 church members...
, and Don Piper. He has many best sellers in the past three decades, most notably “Gifted Hands: The Ben Carson Story
Gifted Hands: The Ben Carson Story
Gifted Hands: The Ben Carson Story is a 2009 movie directed by Thomas Carter, starring Academy Award winner Cuba Gooding Jr. and NAACP Image Award winner Kimberly Elise. It is a movie based on the life story of world-renowned neurosurgeon Ben Carson from 1961 to 1987. A Johnson and Johnson...
” (with Dr. Ben Carson), and “90 Minutes in Heaven: A True Story of Death and Life” (with Don Piper).
Murphey has more than 30 years experience teaching writing at hundreds of conferences, retreats, seminars, workshops and keynote addresses across the United States and overseas.
90 Minutes in Heaven
“90 Minutes in Heaven: A True Story of Death and Life” has sold more than 5 million copies, been printed in 40 languages, and listed on the NY Times bestseller list continuously since October 2006. A feature film adapted from the book is currently in pre-production. Since the initial publication of 90 Minutes, two follow-up books have been released: “Daily Devotions Inspired by 90 Minutes in Heaven” and “Heaven is Real.” A fourth book in the 90 Minutes series, “Getting to Heaven: Departing Instructions for Your Life Now,” is scheduled for a March 2011 release.Legacy and Honors
- 2009 Gifted Hands: The Ben Carson StoryGifted Hands: The Ben Carson StoryGifted Hands: The Ben Carson Story is a 2009 movie directed by Thomas Carter, starring Academy Award winner Cuba Gooding Jr. and NAACP Image Award winner Kimberly Elise. It is a movie based on the life story of world-renowned neurosurgeon Ben Carson from 1961 to 1987. A Johnson and Johnson...
was made into a TV movie by USA NetworkUSA NetworkUSA Network is an American cable television channel launched in 1971. Once a minor player in basic cable, the network has steadily gained popularity because of breakout hits like Monk, Psych, Burn Notice, Royal Pains, Covert Affairs, White Collar, Monday Night RAW, Suits, and reruns of the various...
. The movie was released on February 7, 2009, and has subsequently seen release on three other continents in several languages.
- 2009 90 Minutes in Heaven90 Minutes in Heaven90 Minutes in Heaven is a 2004 best selling non-fiction Christian book written by Don Piper with Cecil Murphey. The book documents the author's near death experience and purported visit to Heaven in 1989.-Summary:...
(with Don Piper) won the Retailers Choice Award for backlist books from Christian Retailing. “Nominated products were judged on the impact had on staff and customers, including their ability to speak to hearts and evoke emotion, open minds to new ways of thinking, and encourage and affirm Christlike -living.”
- 2009 Murphey received the Extraordinary Service Award from the American Society of Journalists and AuthorsAmerican Society of Journalists and AuthorsThe American Society of Journalists and Authors was founded in 1948 as the Society of Magazine Writers, and is an organization of independent nonfiction writers in the United States...
- 2007 Murphey received the Lifetime Achievement Award from the Advanced Writers and Speakers Association (AWSA) for excellent writing and selfless mentoring in the Christian writing community.
- 2007 Touchdown Alexander (with Seattle SeahawksSeattle SeahawksThe Seattle Seahawks are a professional American football team based in Seattle, Washington. They are currently members of the Western Division of the National Football Conference in the National Football League . The team joined the NFL in 1976 as an expansion team...
MVP Shaun AlexanderShaun AlexanderShaun Edward Alexander is a former American football running back who played for the Seattle Seahawks and the Washington Redskins. He was drafted by the Seahawks 19th overall in the 2000 NFL Draft. He played college football at the University of Alabama.- Early career :Alexander was born and...
) won the Retailers Choice Award at ICRS.
- 2006 Murphey received an honorary D.Litt from Richmond Virginia Seminary for his "distinguished service in the field of literature."
- 2005 I Choose to Stay (with Salome Thomas-EL) was selected to receive the Blackboard Book of the Year Award for nonfiction from African American booksellers.
- 2005 Committed but Flawed won the Silver Angel Award from Excellence in Media, recognizing artists who have successfully contributed to the advancement of quality of life without using violence, profanity, or sexual content to reach an audience.
- 2004 I Choose to Stay won the Silver Angel Award from Excellence in Media, recognizing artists who have successfully contributed to quality of life without using violence, profanity, or sexual content to reach an audience. The book was also chosen by Disney to be adapted into a movie called The Mighty Bishops.
- 2004 Murphey received the Georgia Authors of the Year Award for The Relentless God.
- 1995 Murphey was awarded the Gold Medallion Award by the Evangelical Press AssociationEvangelical Press AssociationThe Evangelical Press Association is a professional association serving the Christian periodical publishing industry. Its members produce some 300 periodical titles with a combined circulation of over 20 million. EPA is a religious and educational non-profit corporation under the laws of the state...
, recognizing the highest quality in Christian books. Murphey has been a three-time finalist for this award.
- Murphey is a three-time winner of the Author of the Year Award from the Dixie Council of Authors and Journalists, which recognizes outstanding books by writers in the southeastern United States.
Books published by year
1975Prayer: Pitfalls and Possibilities, Hawthorn Books
But God Has Promised, Creation House
Put On a Happy Face, Christian Herald
Somebody Knows I’m Alive, John Knox Press
How to Live a Christian Life, Christian Herald
When in Doubt, Hug ‘Em, John Knox Press
How to Develop a Caring Church
Prayerobics: Getting Started and Staying Going, Word Books
Comforting Those Who Grieve, John Knox Press
Getting There From Here: Help on Divine Guidance, Word Books
Seven Daily Sins (And What to Do About Them) Servant Books
In Tune (ghostwritten autobiography of singer B. J. Thomas) Fleming H. Revell
Spaceship Earth (ghostwritten) for Institute for Church Growth
Devotions for Joggers, Fleming H. Revell
Devotions for Calorie Counters, Fleming H. Revell
Devotions for Lovers, Fleming H. Revell
Devotions for Travelers, Fleming H. Revell
Devotions for Worriers, Fleming H. Revell
Fitness: The Answer Book, Fleming H. Revell
Headaches: The Answer Book (ghostwritten for Joan Miller) Fleming H. Revell
Devotions for Winners, Fleming H. Revell
Devotions for Grandparents, Fleming H. Revell
Devotions for Nurses (written under the name of Joan Masters) Fleming H. Revell
Press On: A Disciple’s Guide to Spiritual Growth, Servant Books
No Mountain Too High (ghostwritten autobiography of ultra-marathon runner Stan Cottrell) Fleming H. Revell
Encyclopedia for Christian Marriage (Writer, Compiler, and Editor) Fleming H. Revell
Encyclopedia for Today’s Christian Woman (Writer, Compiler, and Editor) Fleming H. Revell
Woman on Death Row (ghostwritten autobiography of convicted murderer Velma Barfield) Thomas Nelson
Being a Leader (ghostwritten for Anthony D’Souza), Haggai Institute
One Day I'll Find You (written under the name of Melanie Haywood), Fleming H. Revell
Return to Maradadi (written under the name of Celia Blaine), Fleming H. Revell, 1985
Star Crossed Love, Fleming H. Revell, 1985
Love's Broken Promises (written under the name of Celia Blaine), Fleming H. Revell, 1985
Rendezvous in Acapulco (written under the name of Melanie Haywood), Fleming H. Revell, 1985
Destined to Love, Fleming H. Revell, 1985
Forbidden Past (written under the name of Celia Blaine), Fleming H. Revell, 1985
Promises to Keep (written under the name of Melanie Haywood), Fleming H. Revell, 1985
Appointment in Zurich, Fleming H. Revell, 1985
Romance at Sunrise, Fleming H. Revell, 1985
Sorrow, the Seed of Love (written under the name of Melanie Haywood), Fleming H. Revell, 1985
The Leadership Style of Jesus (ghostwritten for Michael Youssef) Victor Books
Leading Others (ghostwritten for Anthony D’Souza), Haggai Institute
Leading Effectively Leader (ghostwritten for Anthony D’Souza), Haggai Institute
Good People Die on Sunday (ghostwritten for Paul Spitz, self-published)
Cry Freedom: The Story of Lida Vashchenko and her Remarkable Escape from Soviet Russia by Lida Vaschenko and Cecil Murphey, Servant Books
Another Chance: Learning to Like Yourself, Westminster Press
He-ism versus Me-ism (ghostwritten for Michael Youssef) Harvest House
Day to Day: Spiritual Help When Someone You Love Has Alzheimer’s, Westminster Press
Keeping My Balance: Spiritual Help When Someone I Love Abuses Drugs, Westminster Press
Breaking the Silence: Spiritual Help When Someone You Love Is Mentally Ill, Westminster Press
It’s Easier to Succeed Than to Fail (ghostwritten for S. Truett Cathy, founder of Chick-fil-A) Thomas Nelson
Master Mind, fiction (ghostwritten for Michael Youssef) Crossway Books (reprinted 1991 by Thomas Nelson as The Voice: A Novel of the New World Order)
Dictionary of Biblical Literacy (Writer, Compiler, and Editor) Thomas Nelson
Earth King, (ghostwritten for Michael Youssef) Crossway Books (reprinted by Thomas Nelson as Man of Peace: A Novel of the Antichrist, 1992)
Happy Face, children’s fiction serialized by Presbyterian Publishing House
Gifted Hands: The Ben Carson Story by Ben Carson with Cecil Murphey, published jointly by Zondervan Publishing House and Review & Herald; Mass paper by Harper Collins
With Byrd at the Bottom of the World by Norman D. Vaughan with Cecil B. Murphey, Stackpole Books
Dino: Beyond the Glitz and Glamour by Dino Kartsonakis with Cecil Murphey, Thomas Nelson
Inner Eating: How to Free Yourself Forever from the Tyranny of Good (ghostwritten for Shirley Billigmeier) Thomas Nelson
Happy Face Again, children’s fiction serialized by Presbyterian Publishing House
Mantalk: Resources for Exploring Male Issues, Presbyterian Publishing House
In Search of a Lovely Moment (ghostwritten for Roger Breland) Thomas Nelson
Fast Your Way to Health (ghostwritten for Lee Bueno) Whitaker House
1001 Things You Need to Know About the Bible, American Bible Society
Think Big: Unleashing Your Potential by Ben Carson with Cecil Murphey, Zondervan; mass paperback Harper Collins
Help Yourself: A Revolutionary Alternative Recovery Program (Ghostwritten for Dr. Joel C. Robertson) Thomas Nelson
Kids Don’t Want to Use Drugs: How You and Your Kids Can Avoid the Dangers (ghostwritten for Joel C. Robertson) Thomas Nelson
The Help Yourself Love Yourself NonDiet Weight-Loss Plan (ghostwritten for Joel Robertson) Thomas Nelson
Ben Carson by Ben Carson with Cecil Murphey and Nathan Aseng, Zondervan
Something Special: The Story of Ullanda Innocent by Ullanda McCullough-Innocent with Cecil Murphey, Review & Herald
My Life of Adventure by Norman Vaughan with Cecil Murphey. Stackpole Books
Saving Carrick (ghostwritten for Thom McElheny) [Not Published]
Rebel with a Cause, (ghostwritten for Franklin Graham) Thomas Nelson
A Touch of Georgia: Where to Go and What to Do in the Peach State by Cecil Murphey and Judy Rogers, Thomas Nelson
Invading the Privacy of God, Servant Publications 1998
Mr. Dream Merchant (ghostwritten for Dr. Erroll Bailey) Element-Penguin
The Bible A to Z, Publications International
Failure: The Womb of Success, ghostwriter for Beulah Heights Bible College, WinePress
4,000 Questions, Answers, and Puzzles from the Bible, Publications International
Live 10 Healthy Years Longer by Dr. Jan Kuzma and Cecil Murphey, Word
My Parents My Children: Spiritual Help for Caregivers, WestminsterJohn Knox
Simply Living: Modern Wisdom from the Ancient Book of Proverbs, Westminster John Knox
Seeking God’s Hidden Face: When God Seems Absent, InterVarsity Press
God—More than a Name, Broadman & Holman
Beyond World Class: Transforming Companies Through Value-based Leadership by Alan Ross with Cecil Murphey, Dearborn
Choosing to Live: Ben Sanidad with Cecil Murphey [self-published]
Three Voices by Carolyn Driver with Cecil Murphey [not published]
The God Who Pursues: Encountering a Relentless God, Bethany House,
Unconditional Excellence: Answering God’s Call to Be Your Professional Best by Alan M. Ross with Cecil Murphey, Adams Media,
Futuring: Leading Your Church into Tomorrow: by Dr. Samuel Chand and Cecil Murphey, Baker Books,
United By Tragedy: A Father’s Story by Dr. David Wilkins with Cecil Murphey
I Choose to Stay: A Black Teacher Refuses to Desert the Inner City by Salome Thomas-EL with Cecil Murphey, Kensington
The Relentless God, Bethany
Who’s Holding Your Ladder?: Selecting Your Leaders—Leadership’s Most Critical Decision by Dr. Samuel Chand with Cecil Murphey, Mall Publishing
It All Starts at Home: 15 Reasons to Put Family First by Dr. Larry Harris with Cecil Murphey, Revell
Committed but Flawed: Finding Fresh Ways to Grow Spiritually, AMG
When Someone You Love Has Alzheimer’s, Beacon Hill
When Someone You Love Abuses Drugs or Alcohol
When Someone You Love Suffers from Depression or Mental Illness
90 Minutes in Heaven by Don Piper with Cecil Murphey, Revell
Aging is an Attitude, AMG
Who Moved My Ladder? by Dr. Samuel Chand with Cecil Murphey, Mall Publishing
Battlefield of the Mind Daily Devotional: Insights That Will Change the Way You Think by Joyce Meyer with Cecil Murphey, Warner Faith Books [not credited]
The Immortality of Influence by Salome Thomas-EL with Cecil Murphey, Kensington
Touchdown! Alexander by Shaun Alexander
Shaun Alexander
Shaun Edward Alexander is a former American football running back who played for the Seattle Seahawks and the Washington Redskins. He was drafted by the Seahawks 19th overall in the 2000 NFL Draft. He played college football at the University of Alabama.- Early career :Alexander was born and...
with Cecil Murphey. Harvest House
Harvest House
Harvest House Publishers is Christian publishing company founded in 1974 in Irvine, California, United States and is now located in Eugene, Oregon, United States...
Daily Devotions Inspired by 90 Minutes in Heaven by Don Piper and Cecil Murphey, Penguin/Berkeley Praise
Heaven Is Real by Don Piper and Cecil Murphey, Penguin/Berkeley Praise
Everybody Loved Roger Harden by Cecil Murphey, Barbour
Everybody Wanted Room 623 by Cecil Murphey, Barbour
Please Get to Know Me by Virginia Garberding with Cecil Murphey
Everybody Called Her a Saint by Cecil Murphey, Barbour
When Someone You Love Has Cancer: Comfort and Encouragement for Caregivers and Loved Ones by Cecil Murphey, Harvest House
When God Turned Off the Lights by Cecil Murphey, Regal Books
Christmas Miracles by Cecil Murphey and Marley Gibson, St. Martins Press
60 Seconds to Greatness: Seize the Moment and Plan for Success, by Eddie Long and Cecil Murphey, Berkeley Praise
Words of Comfort for Times of Loss by Cecil Murphey and Liz Allison, Harvest House
Who’s Got Your Back? Why We Need Accountability by Matt Loehr with Cecil Murphey, self-published
When a Man You Love Was Abused: A Woman’s Guide to Helping Him Overcome Childhood Sexual Molestation, Kregel
Hope and Comfort for Every Season, Harvest House
Knowing God, Knowing Myself, Regal
Scheduled for Publication
60 Seconds to Greatness by Bishop Eddie LongEddie Long
Eddie Lee Long is a controversial preacher and the senior pastor of New Birth Missionary Baptist Church, a megachurch in unincorporated DeKalb County, Georgia, United States, near Lithonia. When Long started as pastor for New Birth Church in 1987, there were 300 church members...
with Cecil Murphey, Berkeley Praise, 2010
Heaven Bound by Don Piper and Cecil Murphey, Berkeley Praise, 2010
Words of Comfort for Times of Loss by Cecil Murphey and Liz Allison, Harvest House, January 2010
Workbook for 90 Minutes in Heaven by Don Piper and Cecil Murphey, Revell.
When A Man You Love Was Abused: A woman's Guide to Helping Him Overcome Childhood Sexual Molestation by Cecil Murphey, Kregal, May 2010
There Is a Season for All Things by Cecil Murphey, Harvest House, June 2010
Understanding God, Understanding Myself, Regal
Getting to Heaven: Departing Instructions for Your Life Now by Don Piper and Cecil Murphey, Berkeley Praise, 2011
When Someone You Love No Longer Remembers, Harvest House, 2011
The Christmas Spirit by Cecil Murphey and Marley Gibson, St. Martin’s Press, 2011
Because You Care: Spiritual Help for Caregivers, Harvest House by Cecil Murphey and Twila Belk, 2012
Writing to Inspire: A Guide to Writing and Publishing for the Expanding Religious Market by William Gentz, Writers’ Digest Books, 1982A Complete Guide to Writing for Publication, Susan Titus Osborn, General Editor, ACW Press, 1999
The Complete Guide to Christian Writing and Speaking, ACW Press, 2001
For Better for Worse compiled by Marlene Bagnull, Christian Publications, 2004
The Gift of Letting Go compiled by Betsy Williams, Honor/Cook, 2005
The Heart of a Teacher, compiled by Wayne Holmes, Revell, 2005
Caution: Children Praying, compiled by Wayne Homes, 2005
Energized, compiled by Kay Kuzma, R&H, 2005
Writers on Writing, edited by James Watkins, Wesley Press, 2006
Hey, Ma, I Got Published, complied by Jon Drury, Redwood Chapel, 2006
The Best Advice I Ever Got, Zondervan, 2007
Words to Write By: Author Devotionals edited by Robin Bayne.