Cell fusion
Cell fusion is an important cellular process that occurs during differentiation
Cellular differentiation
In developmental biology, cellular differentiation is the process by which a less specialized cell becomes a more specialized cell type. Differentiation occurs numerous times during the development of a multicellular organism as the organism changes from a simple zygote to a complex system of...

 of muscle, bone and trophoblast
Trophoblasts are cells forming the outer layer of a blastocyst, which provide nutrients to the embryo and develop into a large part of the placenta. They are formed during the first stage of pregnancy and are the first cells to differentiate from the fertilized egg...

 cells, during embryogenesis
Embryogenesis is the process by which the embryo is formed and develops, until it develops into a fetus.Embryogenesis starts with the fertilization of the ovum by sperm. The fertilized ovum is referred to as a zygote...

, and during morphogenesis
Morphogenesis , is the biological process that causes an organism to develop its shape...

. Cell fusion is a necessary event in the maturation of cells so that they maintain their specific functions throughout growth
Cell cycle
The cell cycle, or cell-division cycle, is the series of events that takes place in a cell leading to its division and duplication . In cells without a nucleus , the cell cycle occurs via a process termed binary fission...


See also

  • Interbilayer Forces in Membrane Fusion
    Interbilayer forces in membrane fusion
    Membrane fusion is a key biophysical process that is essential for the functioning of life itself. It is defined as the event where two lipid bilayers approach each other and then merge to form a single continuous structure...

  • Fusion mechanism
    Fusion mechanism
    The fusion mechanism is the mechanism by which cell fusion takes place. Cell fusion is the formation of a hybrid cell from two different cells of different species. Cells from the same organism may fuse together as well. This is often observed during lytic viral infection, where alterations of the...

  • Cellular differentiation
    Cellular differentiation
    In developmental biology, cellular differentiation is the process by which a less specialized cell becomes a more specialized cell type. Differentiation occurs numerous times during the development of a multicellular organism as the organism changes from a simple zygote to a complex system of...

  • Lipid bilayer fusion
    Lipid bilayer fusion
    Fusion is the process by which two initially distinct lipid bilayers merge their hydrophobic cores, resulting in one interconnected structure. If this fusion proceeds completely through both leaflets of both bilayers, an aqueous bridge is formed and the internal contents of the two structures can mix...

Further reading

  • H. Harris: Cell fusion, 1970, Harvard University Press, Mass.
  • R. Borgens et al.: Cell Fusion and some subcellular Properties of heterokaryons and hybrids, Journal of Cell Biology, VOLUME 67, 1975, pages 257-280
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