Cepeleuţi is a commune in Edineţ district, Moldova
Moldova , officially the Republic of Moldova is a landlocked state in Eastern Europe, located between Romania to the West and Ukraine to the North, East and South. It declared itself an independent state with the same boundaries as the preceding Moldavian Soviet Socialist Republic in 1991, as part...

. It is composed of three villages: Cepeleuţi, Rîngaci and Vancicăuţi.

Notable people

  • Serafim Saca
    Serafim Saca
    Serafim Saca is a writer from Moldova. He is credited with being the author and director of several documentaries including House with Flowers , Chiinau – 67 , and Cross-Roads . He became a member of the Moldovan Writers' Union in 1966. He was forbidden to publish between 1976-1987-Bibliography:*...

  • Victor Teleucă
    Victor Teleuca
    Victor Teleucă was a Romanian writer and poet from Bessarabia...

  • Nicolai Lupan
  • Gheorghe Ciocoi
  • Ion Morei
    Ion Morei
    Ion Morei was the Minister of Justice of Moldova between April 19, 2001 and February 12, 2003 in the first cabinet of Prime Minister Vasile Tarlev. In 2003, Morei was replaced as minister by Vasile Dolghieru.-References:...

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