Cestyll Garden
Cestyll Garden is a secluded garden with picturesque sea views near Cemaes
Cemaes is a village on the north coast of Anglesey in Wales , on Cemaes Bay, an Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty, which is partly owned by the National Trust. Population 1,392 . It is home to both a wind farm and a nuclear power station . It is also a fishing port and is known for its beach...

 on the north west coast of the island of Anglesey
Anglesey , also known by its Welsh name Ynys Môn , is an island and, as Isle of Anglesey, a county off the north west coast of Wales...

 in North Wales
North Wales
North Wales is the northernmost unofficial region of Wales. It is bordered to the south by the counties of Ceredigion and Powys in Mid Wales and to the east by the counties of Shropshire in the West Midlands and Cheshire in North West England...

, United Kingdom
United Kingdom
The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern IrelandIn the United Kingdom and Dependencies, other languages have been officially recognised as legitimate autochthonous languages under the European Charter for Regional or Minority Languages...



It was once home to the Hon. Violet Vivian, who began transforming the rugged landscape into a fine garden in 1922.


With an interesting range of plants, the garden is at its best in late May. Here you will see, among others, white rhodedendrons, Japanese Maple, yellow Witch Hazel
Witch hazel
Witch hazel may refer to:*Witch-hazel , a genus of decorative shrubs in North America and east Asia*Witch hazel , an astringent topical medicine derived from the Hamamelis plant...

 and Azalea
Azaleas are flowering shrubs comprising two of the eight subgenera of the genus Rhododendron, Pentanthera and Tsutsuji . Azaleas bloom in spring, their flowers often lasting several weeks...


The garden is open to the general public during the Spring Bank Holiday, and may be visited by special arrangement by contacting the present owners at the nearby Wylfa
The Wylfa Nuclear Power Station is situated just west of Cemaes Bay on the island of Anglesey, North Wales. Its location on the coast provides an excellent cooling source for its operation...

 Nuclear Power Station.

External links

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