Charles-Paul Diday
Charles-Paul Diday was a French physician born in Bourg-en-Bresse
Bourg-en-Bresse is a commune in eastern France, capital of the Ain department, and was capital of the former province of Bresse . It is located north-northeast of Lyon.The inhabitants of Bourg-en-Bresse are known as Burgiens.-Geography:...


He studied medicine in Paris
Paris is the capital and largest city in France, situated on the river Seine, in northern France, at the heart of the Île-de-France region...

, and later became chief surgeon at the Antiquaille in Lyon
Lyon , is a city in east-central France in the Rhône-Alpes region, situated between Paris and Marseille. Lyon is located at from Paris, from Marseille, from Geneva, from Turin, and from Barcelona. The residents of the city are called Lyonnais....

. He was founder of the Gazette médicale de Lyon, and for 34 years was general secretary of the Société de Médecine in Lyon.

He specialized in research of venereal disease, particularly congenital syphilis
Congenital syphilis
Congenital syphilis is syphilis present in utero and at birth, and occurs when a child is born to a mother with secondary syphilis. Untreated syphilis results in a high risk of a bad outcome of pregnancy, including mulberry molars in the fetus. Syphilis can cause miscarriages, premature births,...

. His Traite de la syphilis des nouveau-nes et des enfants a la mamelle (A Treatise on Syphilis in New-Born Children and Infants at the Breast) was considered a landmark work on congenital syphilis, and has been translated into English.

In the prevention of the spread of venereal disease in France, Diday advocated mandatory distribution of condom
A condom is a barrier device most commonly used during sexual intercourse to reduce the probability of pregnancy and spreading sexually transmitted diseases . It is put on a man's erect penis and physically blocks ejaculated semen from entering the body of a sexual partner...

s in houses of prostitution
Prostitution is the act or practice of providing sexual services to another person in return for payment. The person who receives payment for sexual services is called a prostitute and the person who receives such services is known by a multitude of terms, including a "john". Prostitution is one of...

. He also proposed that all individuals possess a medical certificate of health and disease as a "sanitary passport". Diday believed that marriage was a prophylactic, stating: "Marriage prevents rapid consumption produced by the venereal excess by excluding the attraction of novelty and subjecting physical instinct to a more sublime moral goal".

Selected written works

  • Traité de la syphilis des nouveau-nés et des enfants à la mamelle (Paris 1854, also translated into English and Italian)
  • Exposition critique et pratique des nouvelles doctrines sur la syphilis, suivie d'une étude sur denouveaux moyens préservatifs des maladies vénériennes (Paris, Londres et New York 1858)
  • Histoire naturelle de la syphilis, leçons professées à l'école pratique de la faculté de médecine de Paris en mars 1863; (Paris 1863)
  • Thérapeutique des maladies vénériennes et des maladies cutanées (Paris 1876, with Pierre Adolphe Adrien Doyon
    Pierre Adolphe Adrien Doyon
    Pierre Adolphe Adrien Doyon was a French dermatologist and balneologist born in Grenoble.From 1848 he was interne des hôpitaux at Lyon, where he became associated with the hospice of Antiquaille. In 1858 he relocated to Uriage, where he participated in development of its spa...


External links

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