Charles Downing (pomologist)
Charles Downing American
United States
The United States of America is a federal constitutional republic comprising fifty states and a federal district...

Pomology is a branch of botany that studies and cultivates pome fruit, particularly from the genera Malus, Prunus and Pyrus belonging to the Rosaceae. The term is sometimes applied more broadly, to the cultivation of any type of fruit...

, horticulturist, and author, although not as well known to the public as his brother Andrew Jackson Downing
Andrew Jackson Downing
Andrew Jackson Downing was an American landscape designer, horticulturalist, and writer, a prominent advocate of the Gothic Revival style in the United States, and editor of The Horticulturist magazine...

, won a sound reputation for his creative work in pomology
Pomology is a branch of botany that studies and cultivates pome fruit, particularly from the genera Malus, Prunus and Pyrus belonging to the Rosaceae. The term is sometimes applied more broadly, to the cultivation of any type of fruit...

. Born in Newburgh, New York, his taste for horticultural pursuits was early stimulated by close contact with a nursery owned by his father, Samuel Downing. Even while attending an academy in the neighborhood he worked a portion of the time in this nursery and upon the death of his father in 1822, he succeeded to the entire charge of the establishment. His younger brother, Andrew, was admitted to a partnership in 1834, an arrangement which lasted until 1839, when Charles sold his interest and embarked in the same business elsewhere. About 1850 he discontinued his commercial nursery and henceforward until the end of his career devoted himself to extensive experiments with varieties of fruits. His research activities had much to do with placing nursery gardening on a scientific basis. The test orchard which he developed contained trees and grafts of 1,800 varieties of apples, 1,000 of pears, and other fruits in similar numbers. He had assisted his brother in the preparation of The Fruits and Fruit Trees of America (1845) and following the death of the latter reissued it in edition after edition, adding new material provided by himself, until the volume was twice as large in content as when it first appeared. Andrew had made the book the best publication of the kind in the United States; Charles by his additions and revisions made it well-known abroad. He also wrote many articles upon horticultural subjects under the initials "C. D." His work throughout was conscientious and accurate, and he was internationally recognized as an authority upon pomology, horticulture, and tree growths. Quiet, modest, and retiring, although an active member of horticultural societies, he would never make a public speech. While in New York City
New York City
New York is the most populous city in the United States and the center of the New York Metropolitan Area, one of the most populous metropolitan areas in the world. New York exerts a significant impact upon global commerce, finance, media, art, fashion, research, technology, education, and...

 in 1883, he was knocked down and run over by a horsecar and never completely recovered from the injuries which he received at that time. His death two years later, after a lingering illness, was a distinct loss in the horticultural world. His wife was Mary Wait, daughter of Samuel Wait of Montgomery, New York
Montgomery, New York
Montgomery, New York may refer to:* Montgomery , New York in Orange County* Montgomery , New York in Orange County* Montgomery County, New York...

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