Charles Thurstan Shaw
Charles Thurstan Shaw is an English
English people
The English are a nation and ethnic group native to England, who speak English. The English identity is of early mediaeval origin, when they were known in Old English as the Anglecynn. England is now a country of the United Kingdom, and the majority of English people in England are British Citizens...


Born in Plymouth, England, the second son of Reverend John Herbert Shaw and Grace Irene Woolart, Thurstan Shaw was educated at Blundell's School in Tiverton, then at Sidney Sussex College, Cambridge University. He received a B.A in 1936 and was awarded an M.A. in 1941. On 15 September 1937, he arrived at the British colony of Gold Coast
Gold Coast (British colony)
The Gold Coast was a British colony on the Gulf of Guinea in west Africa that became the independent nation of Ghana in 1957.-Overview:The first Europeans to arrive at the coast were the Portuguese in 1471. They encountered a variety of African kingdoms, some of which controlled substantial...

 (later Ghana
Ghana , officially the Republic of Ghana, is a country located in West Africa. It is bordered by Côte d'Ivoire to the west, Burkina Faso to the north, Togo to the east, and the Gulf of Guinea to the south...

), where he became a tutor. He was appointed Curator of the Anthropology Museum at Achimota College and held that post until 1945. During this time he made the first archaeological digs in this country at Dawu. He then served with the Cambridge Education Committee before becoming a tutor for the Cambridge Institute of Education 1951–1964.

During the 1950s, he helped found the Ghana National Museum and the archaeology department at the University of Ghana
University of Ghana
The University of Ghana is the oldest and largest of the thirteen Ghanaian universities and tertiary institutions. It is one of the best universities in Africa and by far the most prestigious in West Africa...

. In 1959, he was invited by the antiquities department of Nigeria to perform an excavation at Igbo-Ukwu. Bronze pieces unearthed during the excavation provided evidence of an Igbo civilization from the ninth century. He became Research Professor of Archaeology at the University of Ibadan
University of Ibadan
The University of Ibadan is the oldest Nigerian university, and is located five miles from the centre of the major city of Ibadan in Western Nigeria...

, Nigeria
Nigeria , officially the Federal Republic of Nigeria, is a federal constitutional republic comprising 36 states and its Federal Capital Territory, Abuja. The country is located in West Africa and shares land borders with the Republic of Benin in the west, Chad and Cameroon in the east, and Niger in...

 from 1963–1974 and was awarded the C.B.E. He was appointed Director of Studies in Archaeology and Anthropology at Magdalene College, Cambridge from 1976–1979.

Based on an assessment of his published work, Thurstan Shaw was awarded a Ph.D. in 1968 from Cambridge. From 1964–1970, he was founder and editor of the West African Archaeological Newsletter. He edited the West African Journal of Archaeology, 1971–1975. He writes under the name Thurstan Shaw and the pen name of Peter Woods.

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