Chlorococcales is an order
Order (biology)
In scientific classification used in biology, the order is# a taxonomic rank used in the classification of organisms. Other well-known ranks are life, domain, kingdom, phylum, class, family, genus, and species, with order fitting in between class and family...

 of green algae
Green algae
The green algae are the large group of algae from which the embryophytes emerged. As such, they form a paraphyletic group, although the group including both green algae and embryophytes is monophyletic...

 in the class
Class (biology)
In biological classification, class is* a taxonomic rank. Other well-known ranks are life, domain, kingdom, phylum, order, family, genus, and species, with class fitting between phylum and order...

The Chlorophyceae are one of the classes of green algae, distinguished mainly on the basis of ultrastructural morphology. For example the chlorophycean CW clade, and chlorophycean DO clade, are defined by the arrangement of their flagella. Members of the CW clade have flagella that are displaced...

. Individual specimens are sometimes found in soil, but mostly in fresh and marine waters. The order contains approximately 780 species.


  • Actinochloridaceae
    Actinochloridaceae is a family of algae, in the order Chlorococcales.-Scientific databases:* * *...

  • Characiaceae
    Characiaceae is a family of algae, in the order Chlorococcales.-Scientific databases:* * *...

  • Characiosiphonaceae
    Characiosiphonaceae is a family of algae, in the order Chlorococcales.-Scientific databases:* * *...

  • Chlorococcaceae
    Chlorococcaceae is a family of algae, in the order Chlorococcales.-List of Genera:* Ankyra* Apodochloris* Bracteacoccus* Chlorococcum* Chlorohippotes* Chlorotetraëdron* Closteridium* Coccomyxa* Cryococcus...

  • Chlorochytriaceae
  • Chlorosarcinaceae
  • Coccomyxaceae
    Coccomyxaceae is a family of algae, in the order Chlorococcales.-Scientific databases:* * *...

  • Dictyosphaeriaceae
    Dictyosphaeriaceae is a family of green algae. It can reproduce either asexually by use of an autospore, or sexually by fertilization of an egg by sperm. It forms colonies which have a gelatinous coating. The four daughter cells connect via filaments derived from the cell wall of the mother cell....

  • Endosphaeraceae
    Endosphaeraceae is a family of algae, in the order Chlorococcales.-Scientific databases:* * *...

  • Golenkiniaceae
    In taxonomy, the Golenkiniaceae are a family of algae, specifically of the Chloroccocales.-Scientific databases:...

  • Hormotilaceae
    Hormotilaceae is a family of algae, in the order Chlorococcales.-Scientific databases:* * *...

  • Hydrodictyaceae
    Hydrodictyaceae is a family of algae, in the order Chlorococcales.-Scientific databases:* * *...

  • Hypnomonadaceae
    Hypnomonadaceae is a family of algae, in the order Chlorococcales.-Scientific databases:* * *...

  • Micractiniaceae
    Micractiniaceae is a family of algae, in the order Chlorococcales.-Scientific databases:* * *...

  • Nautococcaceae
  • Protosiphonaceae
  • Radiococcaceae
    Radiococcaceae is a family of algae, in the order Chlorococcales.-Scientific databases:* * *...

  • Rhopalosolenaceae
  • Scenedesmaceae
    A family of green algae in the order chlorococcales. Scenedesmus algae are commonly found in freshwater plankton.Genera in this family include:* Actinastrum* Coelastrum* Crucigenia* Dicellula* Dicloster* Pectodictyon...

  • Sorastraceae
    Sorastraceae is a family of algae, in the order Chlorococcales.-Scientific databases:* * *...

  • Sphaerodictyaceae
    Sphaerodictyaceae is a family of algae, in the order Chlorococcales.-Scientific databases:* * *...

  • Sphaeropleaceae
    Sphaeropleaceae is a family of algae, in the order Chlorococcales.-Scientific databases:* * *...

  • Treubariaceae
    In taxonomy, the Treubariaceae are a family of algae, from the order Chlorococcales.-Scientific databases:...

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