The memorial complex of Chor-Bakr was built over the ostensible burial place of Abu-Bakr-Said, who died in the year 360 of the Muslim Calendar (970-971 AD), and who was one of the four of Abu-Bakrs (Chor-Bakr) - descendants of the Prophet Muhammad. The complex includes the necropolis
A necropolis is a large cemetery or burial ground, usually including structural tombs. The word comes from the Greek νεκρόπολις - nekropolis, literally meaning "city of the dead"...

 of family tombs, and courtyards enclosed with walls.

Site Description

In 1858, Adullahan II, in gratitude for support and help at his accession, started to build the complex of buildings (khonaqo and mosque) for Djuybarsk sheikhs near the tomb of their ancestor, connecting the road of Bukhara
Bukhara , from the Soghdian βuxārak , is the capital of the Bukhara Province of Uzbekistan. The nation's fifth-largest city, it has a population of 263,400 . The region around Bukhara has been inhabited for at least five millennia, and the city has existed for half that time...

 with "Chor-Bakr". The necropolis continued to develop, and its new composite center includes a khonaqo and mosque, erected between them in two stages of khudjra. All constructions of the complex are erected above the family burial places of Djumbarsks' sheikhs. Finally, the memorial developed at the beginning of the 20th century when the small minaret is erected on the area before the basic constructions.

Many constructions in the complex have richly decorated polychromatic tiles.

In many courtyards above burial places, marble gravestones with epigraphic inscriptions, and vegetative and geometrical ornaments, are installed.

The structure of the complex includes 25 constructions - khonaqo, mosque, ayvan with khudjras, darvazahana, minaret, and 20 small objects - courtyards - burial places with the dome coverings, and separately standing portals. The territory occupies both a memorial and an ancient cemetery equal to 3 hectares.

World Heritage Status

This site was added to the UNESCO
The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization is a specialized agency of the United Nations...

 World Heritage Tentative List on 18 January 2008, in the Cultural category.
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