Chouettes Coquettes
Chouettes Coquettes is a bilingual Montreal
Montreal is a city in Canada. It is the largest city in the province of Quebec, the second-largest city in Canada and the seventh largest in North America...

 social group for lesbian
Lesbian is a term most widely used in the English language to describe sexual and romantic desire between females. The word may be used as a noun, to refer to women who identify themselves or who are characterized by others as having the primary attribute of female homosexuality, or as an...

 and bisexual women in their 20s and 30s. Their goal is to offer a meeting place for lesbian / bisexual women and their allies in order to break through isolation of lesbian and bisexual women. They organize bi-monthly happy hours, as well as other activities such as outings to the movies, clubs and shows, picnics and other outdoor events. The atmosphere is friendly and relaxed.

In July and August, the group attends Divers/Cité
Divers/Cité is an LGBT multidisciplinary arts and music festival taking place each year in the heart of Montreal, since 1993. An avant-garde event in the heart of downtown Montreal and in Montreal's Gay Village area held usually on the end of July and beginning of August every year and extending...

, the gay pride
Gay pride
LGBT pride or gay pride is the concept that lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender people should be proud of their sexual orientation and gender identity...

 festival in Montreal
Montreal is a city in Canada. It is the largest city in the province of Quebec, the second-largest city in Canada and the seventh largest in North America...


The group was created in July 2005. Interviewed on La Ballade des Furies (CKUT, 90,3 FM) shortly after its creation and announced in Fugues (magazine)
Fugues (magazine)
Fugues is a gay magazine, which publishes monthly in Montreal, Quebec, Canada, since April 1984. The magazine is primarily in French, although some English content is published as well. It focuses on news related to LGBT communities, gay culture, nightlife, health, fitness, fashion, travel,...

, as well as in online magazines such as No More Potlucks, Lesbianation and Cybersolidaires, in the special features of and in the directory, the group is already well known within the Montreal lesbian community.

Women from all ethnic, linguistic and religious backgrounds are welcome.
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