. He is also a former DJ of KCWU
, 88.1 The Burg. Walla has also been a prolific producer in the Indie rock
community, earning production credits on dozens of albums in addition to Death Cab for Cutie's discography.
While in high school in the early 1990s, Walla was in a short-lived band called The Wallflowers, not to be confused with The Wallflowers
(of California).
It's become clear that absolutely everyone is either an art major or a science major at heart. No English or communications or business or politics or whatever: Only art and science. I'm an art major, I think. We can still play chess together, you know?
Do you understand what a bitch it is to write Html|HTML code after two glasses of wine? Holy crow, man. It's serious shit.
Trust neither a zero nor a one.
Having a Blog|blog just makes you feel, like, totally huge.
I wonder when 'genius' became a relative term.
I have a lifelong dream of removing the letter 'W' from every neon Walgreens|Walgreen's drug store sign in the lower 48, so that they all read 'algreen's'. Because I love Al_Green_%28musician%29|Al Green.
I wonder if Mick_Jagger|Mick Jagger actually can't always get what he wants.
My favorite sport is Scrabble|Scrabble.