Christiaen Jansz van Bieselingen


Van Bieselingen was born at Delft
Delft is a city and municipality in the province of South Holland , the Netherlands. It is located between Rotterdam and The Hague....

. According to Houbraken he died aged 42, having had the honor of painting the only portrait of William the Silent
William the Silent
William I, Prince of Orange , also widely known as William the Silent , or simply William of Orange , was the main leader of the Dutch revolt against the Spanish that set off the Eighty Years' War and resulted in the formal independence of the United Provinces in 1648. He was born in the House of...

 on his deathbed. He spent some time in Madrid at court (where his wife died) before returning to the Netherlands, where he remarried, though he died young, at Middelburg
Middelburg is a municipality and a city in the south-western Netherlands and the capital of the province of Zeeland. It is situated in the Midden-Zeeland region. It has a population of about 48,000.- History of Middelburg :...

Houbraken claimed that Hendrik Pot copied his portrait of the dead stadtholder for the magistrates' room of the City Hall (Delft)
City Hall (Delft)
The City Hall in Delft is a Renaissance style building on the Markt across from the Nieuwe Kerk. It is the former seat of the city's government, and still today the place where residents hold their civic wedding ceremonies...


According to the RKD he painted genre pieces, but few works have survived. He is registered in Delft, Spain, Middelburg, and in the year 1596, in The Hague.
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