Church of the Holy Cross, Two Mile Ash
The Church of the Holy Cross is an ecumenical church located in Two Mile Ash
Two Mile Ash
Two Mile Ash is a district in north west Milton Keynes, two miles south of Stony Stratford, just off Watling Street. The district was named after the Two Mile Ash toll gate on Watling Street. It is one of the larger districts, but a large part of its area is taken up by an 18-hole golf course....

, Milton Keynes
Milton Keynes
Milton Keynes , sometimes abbreviated MK, is a large town in Buckinghamshire, in the south east of England, about north-west of London. It is the administrative centre of the Borough of Milton Keynes...

, England
England is a country that is part of the United Kingdom. It shares land borders with Scotland to the north and Wales to the west; the Irish Sea is to the north west, the Celtic Sea to the south west, with the North Sea to the east and the English Channel to the south separating it from continental...

. The church forms part of the Watling Valley Ecumenical Partnership
Watling Valley Ecumenical Partnership
The Watling Valley Ecumenical Partnership is a Local Ecumenical Partnership in Milton Keynes, England which belongs to the Church of England, The Baptist Union, the Methodist Church and the United Reformed Church....

. The church started life as a home based organisation. As numbers increased, it moved first into the Community Annexe at Two Mile Ash Middle School, and then the main hall. The present building was completed in November 1989, and seats around 170 people.

See also

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