Cicindela hybrida
Cicindela hybrida, also known as the northern dune tiger beetle, has a wide distribution in the Palaearctic region.
The species is divided into the following subspecies
The species is divided into the following subspecies
Subspecies in biological classification, is either a taxonomic rank subordinate to species, ora taxonomic unit in that rank . A subspecies cannot be recognized in isolation: a species will either be recognized as having no subspecies at all or two or more, never just one...
- Cicindela hybrida sahlbergi Fisher 1823
- Cicindela hybrida przewalskii Roeschke 1891
- Cicindela hybrida rumelica Apfelbeck 1904
- Cicindela hybrida lagunensis Gautier 1872
- Cicindela hybrida iberica Mandl 1935
- Cicindela hybrida lusitanica Mandl 1935
- Cicindela hybrida tokatensis Motschulsky 1859
- Cicindela hybrida transdanubialis Csiki 1946
- Cicindela hybrida subriparia Mandl 1935
- Cicindela hybrida pseudoriparia Mandl 1935
- Cicindela hybrida riparioides Korell 1965
- Cicindela hybrida transversalis Dejean 1822
- Cicindela hybrida magyarica Roeschke, 1891
- Cicindela hybrida albanica Apfelbeck 1909
- Cicindela hybrida monticola Menetries 1832
- Cicindela hybrida silvaticoides W. Horn 1937
- (Cicindela hybrida kozhantschikovi Lutsnik 1924 now Cicindela kozhantschikovi)