City Ov Paris
City Ov Paris is a live CD by Psychic TV
Psychic TV
Psychic TV or PTV, is a video art and music group that primarily performs psychedelic, punk, electronic and experimental music...

. The album is a re-issue of Live In Paris
Live in Paris (Psychic TV album)
Live In Paris is a live album by Psychic TV. The album was recorded live at Elysee, Monmarte, Paris June 8, 1986 and was issued in an edition of 5,000 copies on 12" vinyl. The album is HISTORY 6 - the second release in the Live 23 series...

. The album was recorded live at Elysee, Monmarte, Paris June 08, 1986.


  • Bass - Dave Martin
  • Drums - Matthew Best
  • Guitar [Lead] - Alex Fergusson
    Alex Fergusson (musician)
    Alex Fergusson is a Scottish guitarist / record producer.Fergusson formed the punk band Alternative TV with Mark Perry in 1977, and a few years later Psychic TV with Genesis P Orridge...

  • Mixed By [Live] - Dave King
  • Percussion, Drums - Paula P-Orridge
    Paula P-Orridge
    Paula P-Orridge , also known as Alaura O'Dell, is an English musician.P-Orridge's musical career began in 1979 when she met musician and artist Genesis P-Orridge while working at a Tesco supermarket in Hackney, East London.Prior to meeting Genesis she had had some connection to the Industrial...

  • Recorded By [Live] - Jean Pierrer Turmel
  • Synthesizer [Emu 2], Keyboards - Philipp Erb
  • Vocals, Guitar, Congas - Genesis P-Orridge
    Genesis P-Orridge
    Genesis Breyer P-Orridge is an English singer-songwriter, musician, writer and artist. P-Orridge's early confrontational performance work in COUM Transmissions in the late 1960s and early 1970s along with the industrial band Throbbing Gristle, which dealt with subjects such as prostitution,...

  • Live Crew: Dickie and Zop
  • Special Help: Cheryl
  • Live recording by Jean Pierrer Turmel of Sordide Sentimental, Rouen, France

Track listing

  1. "Thee Degenerate" (for Terrence Sellers)
  2. "Dark Powers"
  3. "She Touched Me"
  4. "Jesus Please Us"
  5. "Riot In Thee Eye Ov Sky"
  6. "Thee Fault Line"
  7. "Gilt Siren"
  8. "Soul Eater"
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