City of Bath Bach Choir
The City of Bath Bach Choir (CBBC), based in Bath, Somerset
, England
, is a choir
, founded in October 1946 by Cuthbert Bates, who was also a founding father of the Bath Bach Festival in 1950. The choir gave its inaugural concert in June 1947 in Bath Abbey
, a performance of J. S. Bach's great Mass in B Minor. Cuthbert Bates, as well as the founder, was also the choir's principal conductor. He was an amateur musician with a great love and understanding of the works of J. S. Bach. The Choir's original aim was to promote Bach's music by means of periodic festivals [2] of music dedicated to the works of J. S. Bach.
OM. Sir Arthur Bliss
CH KCVO KT, then Master of the Queen's Music
, took over as President in 1959 followed by Sir David Willcocks
CBE MC, in 1975, who remains the choir's current President.
Denys Darlow, the distinguished Handelian scholar, succeeded Cuthbert Bates as Musical Director in 1980 and remained in post until 1990. He was then followed by Nigel Perrin, who has been conducting the CBBC since that time. Nigel Perrin began his musical life as a boy chorister at Ely Cathedral, from where he won a choral scholarship to King's College, Cambridge
, to study under Sir David Willcocks
. He became well-known as the high voice of The King's Singers.
The choir continues to perform demanding choral works, from all era, to a professional standard [1]. Membership is therefore governed by an informal audition. Recent performances have included the Mass in Blue by Will Todd
, accompanied by the composer. Elis Pehkonen's Russian Requiem was performed in Bath Abbey
in 2008, in the composer's presence. Early performances of works by Dr Karl Jenkins
have been given. The choir's 60th Anniversary Concert, in the Wiltshire Music Centre
in 2007, comprised a newly commissioned work by Ed Hughes; Song for St Cecilia. Karl Jenkins’ Requiem was performed at Carnegie Hall
, New York in 2008.
The choir regularly tours abroad. Concerts have been performed at Cathédrale Notre-Dame de Chartres, Paris, and in Hungary, Belgium and Germany. The choir's latest tour was to Leipzig in 2009, singing in the famous Thomaskirche, where Johann Sebastian Bach
was choirmaster. The City of Bath Bach Junior Choir is sponsored by the Senior Choir.
, a performance of J. S. Bach's great Mass in B Minor. Its founder and principal conductor until his death in April 1980 was Cuthbert Bates, an amateur musician with a great love and understanding of the works of J. S. Bach. The Choir's primary aim was to promote Bach's music by means of periodic festivals of music dedicated to the works of J. S. Bach. The Choir's first President was the distinguished composer Dr. Ralph Vaughan Williams
As his collaborator, assistant musical director and assistant director of the Bath Bach Festivals Cuthbert chose Alan Bennett, then head of music at Bath Boys School (today Beechen Cliff School
). The two men made a formidable team – Cuthbert meticulous, dedicated, determined and something of a figure of awe, and Alan Bennett a superlative musician, a bit of a ‘rough diamond’ and a perfect foil for Cuthbert.
The first Bath Bach Festival took place in October 1950, commemorating the bicentenary of the composer's death, and proved to be a great success. A further 8 festivals were held at approximately 4 year intervals until 1982. Unfortunately, the 8th Festival was a significant financial disaster and it was decided to close the periodic festival at that time. However in 1985 the Bath Bach Festival tradition was revived by Elizabeth Bates, Cuthbert Bates’ daughter, and periodic Bach Festivals continue under Elizabeth's direction in Bath to this day.
In its first 35 years of existence the Choir gave many performances of Bach's major choral works – its signature work, the Mass in B Minor, as well as the St Matthew Passion, the St. John Passion
and the Christmas Oratorio
as well as a large number of the cantatas, motets and other lesser-known pieces. However the Choir by no means confined its attention in these early years solely to the works of Johann Sebastian Bach
and put on an average of two full choral and orchestral concerts every season at which a wide range of works was performed.
Perhaps not unsurprisingly the work of Vaughan Williams, the Choir's first President featured strongly in this period. Margaret Dewey (née Pitt) recalls that during a dress rehearsal for a Vaughan Williams work in the Abbey the scaffolding that supported the Altos and Basses slowly, and with great dignity, collapsed. No one was hurt and the scaffolding was re-instated in time for the concert. Margaret does not recall whether the singers missed a note during the process! The composer himself conducted the choir in a performance of his own work The Hundredth Psalm in Bath Abbey in June 1957. Vaughan Williams came to the Choir's rescue at this concert for the famously union-minded London Symphony Orchestra
were about to "down tools" for their tea break during the rehearsal at 4 o’clock, thus upsetting the rehearsal plan. Vaughan Williams took the rostrum and told the orchestra that the rehearsal would run over just a bit and that he felt sure that they "wouldn’t mind"! Such was the power and reputation of the great man that the LSO continued without a murmur - even the brass section. At the same concert Vaughan Williams decided that he wanted to include the optional trombone parts for his performance of The Hundredth Psalm. Of course the Choir did not have them and so Alan Bennett spent most of the rehearsal and some time after copying out the parts by hand for use in the concert that night.
Sadly Ralph Vaughan Williams died in August 1958 and was succeeded as the Choir's President by Sir Arthur Bliss
, CH, KCVO, KT, Master of the Queen's Music
, a year later in August 1959.
During this period most of the major European composers have found a place in the choir's programmes. However, in its first 35 years the policy of the Choir was to explore the lesser-known masterpieces as well as giving performances from the more popular choral repertoire. It gave one of the first modern performances of the Claudio Monteverdi
of 1610, and other concerts have included works by Bononcini, Francesco Cavalli
, Antonio Vivaldi
, Heinrich Schütz
, Marc-Antoine Charpentier
, Camille Saint-Saëns
, Gustav Holst
, Anton Bruckner
and William Walton
. In October 1966 the Choir gave the first ever performance of the Duruflé Requiem
in Bath – certainly one of the first performances of the work in this country. Michael Tippet's oratorio A Child of our Time was given under the composer's baton as a part of the Bath Festival in June 1968.
Mindful of the fact that the success of a concert does not depend on choral singing alone, from the earliest time the Choir strived to obtain the services of the highest quality professional support. From the outset professional orchestras such as the London Symphony Orchestra, the Royal Philharmonic Orchestra
, the Boyd Neel Orchestra and several others were engaged. However for a period during the 1970s rising costs necessitated a modification of this practice. Similar attention was also given to the selection and engagement of soloists. Singers such as Kathleen Ferrier
, Dame Janet Baker, Margaret Cable, Wendy Eathorne, Eric Greene and John Shirley-Quick are among many of the famous names who sung with the Choir during this period.
Some indication of the standards that were achieved during this period may be found in the number of distinguished conductors who have accepted invitations to conduct concerts. They include Ralph Vaughan Williams, Josef Krips (who was so impressed with the Choir's performance of Haydn's The Creation with the London Symphony Orchestra
that he repeated it at the Royal Festival Hall
, London), Yehudi Menuhin
, Basil Cameron
, Reginald Jaques, Nadia Boulanger
, Charles Groves
, István Kertész and Sir David Willcocks
In addition to the major choral and orchestral concerts outlined above, un-accompanied music has not been neglected. There were frequent recitals and serenade concerts in which a wide field of music, generally well away from the beaten track, has been explored, from the great sixteenth century school to the present day. Moreover in December 1947 the Choir gave its first performance of Carols by Candlelight in the Pump Rooms at which the Choir displayed its versatility and musicianship in introducing new and interesting carols as well as offering old favourites and carols for audience participation. These concerts have continued ever since and are now a well loved feature of Bath's Christmas celebrations.
The Choir's President, Sir Arthur Bliss died on 27 March 1975, and was replaced in July 1975 by the distinguished choral musician, Sir David Willcocks CBE MC then famous for his work at the Director of Music at King's College, Cambridge
, and at that time recently appointed as Director of the Royal College of Music
Cuthbert Bates's sudden death in April 1980 pre-empted his planned retirement concert performance of the Bach B Minor Mass scheduled for July 1980, and effectively ended this first period of the Choir's history.
, Director of Music at St George's Church,Hanover Square, London, and for many years director of the Tilford Bach Festival and London Handel Festival. He had appeared playing the harpsichord continuo at a number of the Bath Bach Festivals in the preceding years and was thus well-known to the Choir and in sympathy with its aims and objectives.
Under Denys's baton the Choir spent the next 10 years moving forward from the Bach Festival legacy of its earlier years and building upon its reputation for exploring most other works in the choral cannon. Stephen Dodgson's Te Deum was performed in October 1982 as a part of the last Bach Festival at which the Choir sung, and the Choir continued throughout the period performing two major orchestral concerts per annum, with a lighter concert in the Summer and three performances of Carols by Candlelight.
In April 1986 the Choir gave the first performance of Denys Darlow's own Requiem, dedicated to the City of Bath Bach Choir.
From 1988 onwards, summer concerts were moved from Bath Abbey at which practically every performance had been given since the Choirs inception, to the Michael Tippett Centre at Bath Spa University
. In 1988 and 1989 these performances were conducted by Marcus Sealy, who joined the Choir in January 1982 as accompanist, and sometime Musical Director and remains in that post today.
From 1987 to 1989 the annual Carols concerts were conducted by Cuthbert's daughter, Elizabeth and attracted steadily increasing audiences.
Nigel Perrin had been a chorister at Ely Cathedral
, a choral scholar at King's College, Cambridge
, under Sir David Willcocks, and for about 10 years was the ‘top’ (counter-tenor) voice of the famous vocal group The King's Singers, singing all over the world with them and with other professionals ranging from Kiri Te Kanawa
and Sir Cliff Richard. Appointing a singer as Musical Director was something of a challenge for the Choir, but has proved to be a wise move for Nigel Perrin has brought with him an amazing insight into the mechanics and techniques of choral singing as well as a determination to lead the Choir forward to even higher professional standards. Nigel Perrin's first concert was a performance of the Monteverdi Vespers of 1610 in Bath Abbey
in April 1990.
Under Nigel Perrins's musical leadership the Choir has continued to move forward in its professional standing and is now widely regarded as one of the leading musical forces in the West Country. The Choir has remained true to its roots, and continues to give two major orchestral concerts every year in the Autumn and Spring, with a lighter concert in the Summer. The Choir has made many tours in the UK and abroad to France, Belgium, Hungary and Germany and looks forward to extend its touring activities in the future.
In 1995 the Choir used The Forum, the old Bath cinema which has been converted into an evangelical church and which offers more space than the Abbey for a concert performance with large orchestras. Previously Cuthbert Bates had used the Forum for a concert on 26 May 1954 but disliked the venue so much he never returned. Today concerts in Bath can take place at either Bath Abbey – perhaps best suited for baroque – or work which only requires smaller musical forces, the Forum, for larger scale works, the Michael Tippett Centre for a more intimate setting a cappella or with simple piano accompaniment or the Wiltshire Music Centre
in Bradford on Avon
The Choir continues to explore new and ‘different’ works and in this period notably gave a performance of David Fanshawe
's African Sanctus
, and Benedicam Dominum by Diana Burrell, a work which also enabled Marcus Sealy to demonstrate the magnificent new Klais organ that had just been installed in Bath Abbey. The Choir gave the second performance of Requiem Aeternam by Jonathan Lloyd in the presence of the composer which necessitated the choir synchronising with a pre-recorded backing track. More recently the Choir has given performance of two ‘cross-over’ works by Karl Jenkins
, The Armed Man
and Requiem, which undoubtedly stretched the boundaries of its musical experience. The performance of The Armed Man in particular was given in The Forum and full use was made of the lighting and projection facilities to enhance the music and to stage a full audio-visual event.
In all this modernism the Choir has not neglected its roots and has often returned to the music of J. S. Bach. Most notably the Choir gave a performance of the B Minor Mass in the Abbey under the baton of the President, Sir David Willcocks, to mark its 50th anniversary celebrations in April 1997, and more controversially gave a semi-staged performance of the St. John Passion in The Forum in April 2005 – again using lighting and moving images to assist the performance, to critical acclaim.
In 2000 the Choir took the decision to invest in the creation of its own Junior Section, and formed ‘the Junior Choir’ with the aim of offering local schoolchildren the opportunity of learning how to sing. The aim of the Junior Section was to inculcate a love of music amongst the children of Bath, and to do the Choir's own ‘bit’ to ensure that there remained a regular pool of talent to join the CBBC at some stage in the future. The Musical Director decided that all should be able to join the choir, without any audition and without having to demonstrate the ability to read music. Since its formation the Junior Choir has gone from strength to strength and now consists of some 50 singers – aged 8 – 15 – who give regular performances for charity or with the CBBC as a part of one of its regular concerts.
Over the years the Choir has travelled widely and has developed relationships with singers in Bath's twin cities in Hungary, the fabulous Béla Viká Choir, in Braunschweig
(Brunswick) with the Cathedral Dom Chor and with Les Bengalis de Liége in Liege
, Belgium. Bath's twin City of Braunschweig was heavily bombed by the allies on the nights of the 14th and 15 October 1944. The bombing inflicted substantial damage to the Dom (Cathedral) and many lives were lost. In October 2004 the CBBC was honoured to be invited to join our good friends the Dom Chor in a performance of the Benjamin Britten
War Requiem
in the Dom, in the presence of HM Ambassador to Germany, HE Sir Peter Torry. This concert was a centrepiece of the City's commemoration and an act of remembrance and reconciliation. In 2009 the Choir was privileged to travel to perform in Bach's own Church, the Thomaskirche in Leipzig
in what was for all the singers, a very moving and important concert. In October 2011 the choir toured Rome performing in both La Chiesa di Sant'Agnese in Agone, Rome and The Venerable English College (colloquially referred to as English College), founded in 1579 by William Allen.
The Carols by Candlelight series perhaps merit a special mention having become something of a fixture in the pre-Christmas calendar in Bath. The first performance of ‘Carols’ was given in the Pump Room in December 1947, and has continued uninterrupted ever since. The Choir for "Carols" is selected by the Musical Director and is a sub-set of the Choir because space in the Pump Room is limited to about 30 singers. A recent innovation has been the inclusion of a ‘set’ from the Choir's junior section which is a favourite with audiences. In addition the Choir provides opportunities for talented young musicians to provide an interlude. Whilst the Choir has experimented with the number of performances of ‘Carols’ that it gives, it seems to have settled that a total of 3 performances as the optimum, and usually manages to completely sell-out the Pump Room for all three concerts.
The Choir maintains an active list of Patrons and Friends who generously support the musical work of the Choir and who are offered a range of benefits in return for their support. The Choir is a Registered Charity and makes every effort to keep down the ticket prices for its concerts, though inevitably they must keep pace with the increased costs of hiring professional orchestras and soloists. A full scale concert with a professional orchestra and four top flight soloists will never make a profit, and so the Choir tries to achieve an overall financial balance throughout the year by subsidising its loss-making full scale concerts with profits from smaller scale events.
The ceremonial and non-metropolitan county of Somerset in South West England borders Bristol and Gloucestershire to the north, Wiltshire to the east, Dorset to the south-east, and Devon to the south-west. It is partly bounded to the north and west by the Bristol Channel and the estuary of the...
, England
England is a country that is part of the United Kingdom. It shares land borders with Scotland to the north and Wales to the west; the Irish Sea is to the north west, the Celtic Sea to the south west, with the North Sea to the east and the English Channel to the south separating it from continental...
, is a choir
A choir, chorale or chorus is a musical ensemble of singers. Choral music, in turn, is the music written specifically for such an ensemble to perform.A body of singers who perform together as a group is called a choir or chorus...
, founded in October 1946 by Cuthbert Bates, who was also a founding father of the Bath Bach Festival in 1950. The choir gave its inaugural concert in June 1947 in Bath Abbey
Bath Abbey
The Abbey Church of Saint Peter and Saint Paul, Bath, commonly known as Bath Abbey, is an Anglican parish church and a former Benedictine monastery in Bath, Somerset, England...
, a performance of J. S. Bach's great Mass in B Minor. Cuthbert Bates, as well as the founder, was also the choir's principal conductor. He was an amateur musician with a great love and understanding of the works of J. S. Bach. The Choir's original aim was to promote Bach's music by means of periodic festivals [2] of music dedicated to the works of J. S. Bach.
The first President of the CBBC was Dr Ralph Vaughan WilliamsRalph Vaughan Williams
Ralph Vaughan Williams OM was an English composer of symphonies, chamber music, opera, choral music, and film scores. He was also a collector of English folk music and song: this activity both influenced his editorial approach to the English Hymnal, beginning in 1904, in which he included many...
OM. Sir Arthur Bliss
Arthur Bliss
Sir Arthur Edward Drummond Bliss, CH, KCVO was an English composer and conductor.Bliss's musical training was cut short by the First World War, in which he served with distinction in the army...
CH KCVO KT, then Master of the Queen's Music
Master of the Queen's Music
Master of the Queen's Music is a post in the Royal Household of the Sovereign of the United Kingdom. The holder of the post originally served the monarch of England.The post is roughly comparable to that of Poet Laureate...
, took over as President in 1959 followed by Sir David Willcocks
Sir David Willcocks
Sir David Valentine Willcocks CBE MC is a British choral conductor, organist, and composer. His son, Jonathan Willcocks, is also a composer.- Biography :...
CBE MC, in 1975, who remains the choir's current President.
Denys Darlow, the distinguished Handelian scholar, succeeded Cuthbert Bates as Musical Director in 1980 and remained in post until 1990. He was then followed by Nigel Perrin, who has been conducting the CBBC since that time. Nigel Perrin began his musical life as a boy chorister at Ely Cathedral, from where he won a choral scholarship to King's College, Cambridge
King's College, Cambridge
King's College is a constituent college of the University of Cambridge, England. The college's full name is "The King's College of our Lady and Saint Nicholas in Cambridge", but it is usually referred to simply as "King's" within the University....
, to study under Sir David Willcocks
Sir David Willcocks
Sir David Valentine Willcocks CBE MC is a British choral conductor, organist, and composer. His son, Jonathan Willcocks, is also a composer.- Biography :...
. He became well-known as the high voice of The King's Singers.
The choir continues to perform demanding choral works, from all era, to a professional standard [1]. Membership is therefore governed by an informal audition. Recent performances have included the Mass in Blue by Will Todd
Will Todd
Will Todd is an English classical composer and pianist.- Biography :Todd was born in County Durham, attended Durham School and studied music at the University of Bristol...
, accompanied by the composer. Elis Pehkonen's Russian Requiem was performed in Bath Abbey
Bath Abbey
The Abbey Church of Saint Peter and Saint Paul, Bath, commonly known as Bath Abbey, is an Anglican parish church and a former Benedictine monastery in Bath, Somerset, England...
in 2008, in the composer's presence. Early performances of works by Dr Karl Jenkins
Karl Jenkins
-Other works:*Adiemus: Live — live versions of Adiemus music*Palladio *Eloise *Imagined Oceans *The Armed Man: A Mass for Peace...
have been given. The choir's 60th Anniversary Concert, in the Wiltshire Music Centre
Wiltshire Music Centre
Wiltshire Music Centre is a unique contemporary building in Bradford on Avon, Wiltshire. It has a first class 300 seat concert hall with superb acoustics plus nine other teaching and workshop spaces of various sizes....
in 2007, comprised a newly commissioned work by Ed Hughes; Song for St Cecilia. Karl Jenkins’ Requiem was performed at Carnegie Hall
Carnegie Hall
Carnegie Hall is a concert venue in Midtown Manhattan in New York City, United States, located at 881 Seventh Avenue, occupying the east stretch of Seventh Avenue between West 56th Street and West 57th Street, two blocks south of Central Park....
, New York in 2008.
The choir regularly tours abroad. Concerts have been performed at Cathédrale Notre-Dame de Chartres, Paris, and in Hungary, Belgium and Germany. The choir's latest tour was to Leipzig in 2009, singing in the famous Thomaskirche, where Johann Sebastian Bach
Johann Sebastian Bach
Johann Sebastian Bach was a German composer, organist, harpsichordist, violist, and violinist whose sacred and secular works for choir, orchestra, and solo instruments drew together the strands of the Baroque period and brought it to its ultimate maturity...
was choirmaster. The City of Bath Bach Junior Choir is sponsored by the Senior Choir.
The early years 1946-1980
The City of Bath Bach Choir (CBBC) was formed in October 1946 and gave its inaugural concert in June 1947 in Bath AbbeyBath Abbey
The Abbey Church of Saint Peter and Saint Paul, Bath, commonly known as Bath Abbey, is an Anglican parish church and a former Benedictine monastery in Bath, Somerset, England...
, a performance of J. S. Bach's great Mass in B Minor. Its founder and principal conductor until his death in April 1980 was Cuthbert Bates, an amateur musician with a great love and understanding of the works of J. S. Bach. The Choir's primary aim was to promote Bach's music by means of periodic festivals of music dedicated to the works of J. S. Bach. The Choir's first President was the distinguished composer Dr. Ralph Vaughan Williams
Ralph Vaughan Williams
Ralph Vaughan Williams OM was an English composer of symphonies, chamber music, opera, choral music, and film scores. He was also a collector of English folk music and song: this activity both influenced his editorial approach to the English Hymnal, beginning in 1904, in which he included many...
As his collaborator, assistant musical director and assistant director of the Bath Bach Festivals Cuthbert chose Alan Bennett, then head of music at Bath Boys School (today Beechen Cliff School
Beechen Cliff School
Beechen Cliff School is a boys' secondary school in Bath, Somerset, England. Founded in 1896, it has 1,145 students aged 11 to 18.There are around 830 boys in years 7 to 11 and a co-educational sixth form of over 200 students...
). The two men made a formidable team – Cuthbert meticulous, dedicated, determined and something of a figure of awe, and Alan Bennett a superlative musician, a bit of a ‘rough diamond’ and a perfect foil for Cuthbert.
The first Bath Bach Festival took place in October 1950, commemorating the bicentenary of the composer's death, and proved to be a great success. A further 8 festivals were held at approximately 4 year intervals until 1982. Unfortunately, the 8th Festival was a significant financial disaster and it was decided to close the periodic festival at that time. However in 1985 the Bath Bach Festival tradition was revived by Elizabeth Bates, Cuthbert Bates’ daughter, and periodic Bach Festivals continue under Elizabeth's direction in Bath to this day.
In its first 35 years of existence the Choir gave many performances of Bach's major choral works – its signature work, the Mass in B Minor, as well as the St Matthew Passion, the St. John Passion
St. John Passion
Several composers have written works known by the title St John Passion, which denotes a passion based on the Gospel of John...
and the Christmas Oratorio
Christmas Oratorio
The Christmas Oratorio BWV 248, is an oratorio by Johann Sebastian Bach intended for performance in church during the Christmas season. It was written for the Christmas season of 1734 incorporating music from earlier compositions, including three secular cantatas written during 1733 and 1734 and a...
as well as a large number of the cantatas, motets and other lesser-known pieces. However the Choir by no means confined its attention in these early years solely to the works of Johann Sebastian Bach
Johann Sebastian Bach
Johann Sebastian Bach was a German composer, organist, harpsichordist, violist, and violinist whose sacred and secular works for choir, orchestra, and solo instruments drew together the strands of the Baroque period and brought it to its ultimate maturity...
and put on an average of two full choral and orchestral concerts every season at which a wide range of works was performed.
Perhaps not unsurprisingly the work of Vaughan Williams, the Choir's first President featured strongly in this period. Margaret Dewey (née Pitt) recalls that during a dress rehearsal for a Vaughan Williams work in the Abbey the scaffolding that supported the Altos and Basses slowly, and with great dignity, collapsed. No one was hurt and the scaffolding was re-instated in time for the concert. Margaret does not recall whether the singers missed a note during the process! The composer himself conducted the choir in a performance of his own work The Hundredth Psalm in Bath Abbey in June 1957. Vaughan Williams came to the Choir's rescue at this concert for the famously union-minded London Symphony Orchestra
London Symphony Orchestra
The London Symphony Orchestra is a major orchestra of the United Kingdom, as well as one of the best-known orchestras in the world. Since 1982, the LSO has been based in London's Barbican Centre.-History:...
were about to "down tools" for their tea break during the rehearsal at 4 o’clock, thus upsetting the rehearsal plan. Vaughan Williams took the rostrum and told the orchestra that the rehearsal would run over just a bit and that he felt sure that they "wouldn’t mind"! Such was the power and reputation of the great man that the LSO continued without a murmur - even the brass section. At the same concert Vaughan Williams decided that he wanted to include the optional trombone parts for his performance of The Hundredth Psalm. Of course the Choir did not have them and so Alan Bennett spent most of the rehearsal and some time after copying out the parts by hand for use in the concert that night.
Sadly Ralph Vaughan Williams died in August 1958 and was succeeded as the Choir's President by Sir Arthur Bliss
Arthur Bliss
Sir Arthur Edward Drummond Bliss, CH, KCVO was an English composer and conductor.Bliss's musical training was cut short by the First World War, in which he served with distinction in the army...
, CH, KCVO, KT, Master of the Queen's Music
Master of the Queen's Music
Master of the Queen's Music is a post in the Royal Household of the Sovereign of the United Kingdom. The holder of the post originally served the monarch of England.The post is roughly comparable to that of Poet Laureate...
, a year later in August 1959.
During this period most of the major European composers have found a place in the choir's programmes. However, in its first 35 years the policy of the Choir was to explore the lesser-known masterpieces as well as giving performances from the more popular choral repertoire. It gave one of the first modern performances of the Claudio Monteverdi
Claudio Monteverdi
Claudio Giovanni Antonio Monteverdi – 29 November 1643) was an Italian composer, gambist, and singer.Monteverdi's work, often regarded as revolutionary, marked the transition from the Renaissance style of music to that of the Baroque period. He developed two individual styles of composition – the...
Vespers is the evening prayer service in the Western Catholic, Eastern Catholic, and Eastern Orthodox, Anglican, and Lutheran liturgies of the canonical hours...
of 1610, and other concerts have included works by Bononcini, Francesco Cavalli
Francesco Cavalli
Francesco Cavalli was an Italian composer of the early Baroque period. His real name was Pietro Francesco Caletti-Bruni, but he is better known by that of Cavalli, the name of his patron Federico Cavalli, a Venetian nobleman.-Life:Cavalli was born at Crema, Lombardy...
, Antonio Vivaldi
Antonio Vivaldi
Antonio Lucio Vivaldi , nicknamed because of his red hair, was an Italian Baroque composer, priest, and virtuoso violinist, born in Venice. Vivaldi is recognized as one of the greatest Baroque composers, and his influence during his lifetime was widespread over Europe...
, Heinrich Schütz
Heinrich Schütz
Heinrich Schütz was a German composer and organist, generally regarded as the most important German composer before Johann Sebastian Bach and often considered to be one of the most important composers of the 17th century along with Claudio Monteverdi...
, Marc-Antoine Charpentier
Marc-Antoine Charpentier
Marc-Antoine Charpentier, , was a French composer of the Baroque era.Exceptionally prolific and versatile, he produced compositions of the highest quality in several genres...
, Camille Saint-Saëns
Camille Saint-Saëns
Charles-Camille Saint-Saëns was a French Late-Romantic composer, organist, conductor, and pianist. He is known especially for The Carnival of the Animals, Danse macabre, Samson and Delilah, Piano Concerto No. 2, Cello Concerto No. 1, Havanaise, Introduction and Rondo Capriccioso, and his Symphony...
, Gustav Holst
Gustav Holst
Gustav Theodore Holst was an English composer. He is most famous for his orchestral suite The Planets....
, Anton Bruckner
Anton Bruckner
Anton Bruckner was an Austrian composer known for his symphonies, masses, and motets. The first are considered emblematic of the final stage of Austro-German Romanticism because of their rich harmonic language, complex polyphony, and considerable length...
and William Walton
William Walton
Sir William Turner Walton OM was an English composer. During a sixty-year career, he wrote music in several classical genres and styles, from film scores to opera...
. In October 1966 the Choir gave the first ever performance of the Duruflé Requiem
Requiem (Duruflé)
The Requiem, op. 9, by Maurice Duruflé was commissioned in 1947 by the French music publisher Durand and is written in memory of the composer's father. The work is for SATB choir with mezzo-soprano and baritone soloists...
in Bath – certainly one of the first performances of the work in this country. Michael Tippet's oratorio A Child of our Time was given under the composer's baton as a part of the Bath Festival in June 1968.
Mindful of the fact that the success of a concert does not depend on choral singing alone, from the earliest time the Choir strived to obtain the services of the highest quality professional support. From the outset professional orchestras such as the London Symphony Orchestra, the Royal Philharmonic Orchestra
Royal Philharmonic Orchestra
The Royal Philharmonic Orchestra is a British orchestra based in London. It tours widely, and is sometimes referred to as "Britain's national orchestra"...
, the Boyd Neel Orchestra and several others were engaged. However for a period during the 1970s rising costs necessitated a modification of this practice. Similar attention was also given to the selection and engagement of soloists. Singers such as Kathleen Ferrier
Kathleen Ferrier
Kathleen Mary Ferrier CBE was an English contralto who achieved an international reputation as a stage, concert and recording artist, with a repertoire extending from folksong and popular ballads to the classical works of Bach, Brahms, Mahler and Elgar...
, Dame Janet Baker, Margaret Cable, Wendy Eathorne, Eric Greene and John Shirley-Quick are among many of the famous names who sung with the Choir during this period.
Some indication of the standards that were achieved during this period may be found in the number of distinguished conductors who have accepted invitations to conduct concerts. They include Ralph Vaughan Williams, Josef Krips (who was so impressed with the Choir's performance of Haydn's The Creation with the London Symphony Orchestra
London Symphony Orchestra
The London Symphony Orchestra is a major orchestra of the United Kingdom, as well as one of the best-known orchestras in the world. Since 1982, the LSO has been based in London's Barbican Centre.-History:...
that he repeated it at the Royal Festival Hall
Royal Festival Hall
The Royal Festival Hall is a 2,900-seat concert, dance and talks venue within Southbank Centre in London. It is situated on the South Bank of the River Thames, not far from Hungerford Bridge. It is a Grade I listed building - the first post-war building to become so protected...
, London), Yehudi Menuhin
Yehudi Menuhin
Yehudi Menuhin, Baron Menuhin, OM, KBE was a Russian Jewish American violinist and conductor who spent most of his performing career in the United Kingdom. He was born to Russian Jewish parents in the United States, but became a citizen of Switzerland in 1970, and of the United Kingdom in 1985...
, Basil Cameron
Basil Cameron
Basil Cameron, CBE was an English conductor. He was born in Reading, Berkshire, England, the son of a German immigrant family. His birth name was Basil George Cameron Hindenberg. -Career:...
, Reginald Jaques, Nadia Boulanger
Nadia Boulanger
Nadia Boulanger was a French composer, conductor and teacher who taught many composers and performers of the 20th century.From a musical family, she achieved early honours as a student at the Paris Conservatoire, but believing that her talent as a composer was inferior to that of her younger...
, Charles Groves
Charles Groves
Sir Charles Barnard Groves CBE was an English conductor. He was known for the breadth of his repertoire and for encouraging contemporary composers and young conductors....
, István Kertész and Sir David Willcocks
Sir David Willcocks
Sir David Valentine Willcocks CBE MC is a British choral conductor, organist, and composer. His son, Jonathan Willcocks, is also a composer.- Biography :...
In addition to the major choral and orchestral concerts outlined above, un-accompanied music has not been neglected. There were frequent recitals and serenade concerts in which a wide field of music, generally well away from the beaten track, has been explored, from the great sixteenth century school to the present day. Moreover in December 1947 the Choir gave its first performance of Carols by Candlelight in the Pump Rooms at which the Choir displayed its versatility and musicianship in introducing new and interesting carols as well as offering old favourites and carols for audience participation. These concerts have continued ever since and are now a well loved feature of Bath's Christmas celebrations.
The Choir's President, Sir Arthur Bliss died on 27 March 1975, and was replaced in July 1975 by the distinguished choral musician, Sir David Willcocks CBE MC then famous for his work at the Director of Music at King's College, Cambridge
King's College, Cambridge
King's College is a constituent college of the University of Cambridge, England. The college's full name is "The King's College of our Lady and Saint Nicholas in Cambridge", but it is usually referred to simply as "King's" within the University....
, and at that time recently appointed as Director of the Royal College of Music
Royal College of Music
The Royal College of Music is a conservatoire founded by Royal Charter in 1882, located in South Kensington, London, England.-Background:The first director was Sir George Grove and he was followed by Sir Hubert Parry...
Cuthbert Bates's sudden death in April 1980 pre-empted his planned retirement concert performance of the Bach B Minor Mass scheduled for July 1980, and effectively ended this first period of the Choir's history.
The next decade 1980-1990
To replace Cuthbert Bates as Musical Director the Choir had already planned to appoint the distinguished Handelian scholar Denys Darlow. However, in recognition of Cuthbert Bates's long and distinguished service to the Choir the Choir's President, Sir David Willcocks conducted the July 1980 performance of the Bach B Minor Mass as a tribute and memorial to Cuthbert and Denys Darlow took over the Choir thereafter. At the time of appointment Denys was a senior professor at the Royal College of MusicRoyal College of Music
The Royal College of Music is a conservatoire founded by Royal Charter in 1882, located in South Kensington, London, England.-Background:The first director was Sir George Grove and he was followed by Sir Hubert Parry...
, Director of Music at St George's Church,Hanover Square, London, and for many years director of the Tilford Bach Festival and London Handel Festival. He had appeared playing the harpsichord continuo at a number of the Bath Bach Festivals in the preceding years and was thus well-known to the Choir and in sympathy with its aims and objectives.
Under Denys's baton the Choir spent the next 10 years moving forward from the Bach Festival legacy of its earlier years and building upon its reputation for exploring most other works in the choral cannon. Stephen Dodgson's Te Deum was performed in October 1982 as a part of the last Bach Festival at which the Choir sung, and the Choir continued throughout the period performing two major orchestral concerts per annum, with a lighter concert in the Summer and three performances of Carols by Candlelight.
In April 1986 the Choir gave the first performance of Denys Darlow's own Requiem, dedicated to the City of Bath Bach Choir.
From 1988 onwards, summer concerts were moved from Bath Abbey at which practically every performance had been given since the Choirs inception, to the Michael Tippett Centre at Bath Spa University
Bath Spa University
Bath Spa University is a university based in, and around, Bath, England. The institution was previously known as Bath College of Higher Education, and later Bath Spa University College...
. In 1988 and 1989 these performances were conducted by Marcus Sealy, who joined the Choir in January 1982 as accompanist, and sometime Musical Director and remains in that post today.
From 1987 to 1989 the annual Carols concerts were conducted by Cuthbert's daughter, Elizabeth and attracted steadily increasing audiences.
A further decade and beyond: 1990-2010
Denys Darlow found weekly travel to Bath for regular rehearsals was becoming something of a strain. Therefore on January 8, 1990 Nigel Perrin took over the baton as the Choir's new Director of Music and his appointment was confirmed later that year.Nigel Perrin had been a chorister at Ely Cathedral
Ely Cathedral
Ely Cathedral is the principal church of the Diocese of Ely, in Cambridgeshire, England, and is the seat of the Bishop of Ely and a suffragan bishop, the Bishop of Huntingdon...
, a choral scholar at King's College, Cambridge
King's College, Cambridge
King's College is a constituent college of the University of Cambridge, England. The college's full name is "The King's College of our Lady and Saint Nicholas in Cambridge", but it is usually referred to simply as "King's" within the University....
, under Sir David Willcocks, and for about 10 years was the ‘top’ (counter-tenor) voice of the famous vocal group The King's Singers, singing all over the world with them and with other professionals ranging from Kiri Te Kanawa
Kiri Te Kanawa
Dame Kiri Jeanette Te Kanawa, ONZ, DBE, AC is a New Zealand / Māori soprano who has had a highly successful international opera career since 1968. Acclaimed as one of the most beloved sopranos in both the United States and Britain she possesses a warm full lyric soprano voice, singing a wide array...
and Sir Cliff Richard. Appointing a singer as Musical Director was something of a challenge for the Choir, but has proved to be a wise move for Nigel Perrin has brought with him an amazing insight into the mechanics and techniques of choral singing as well as a determination to lead the Choir forward to even higher professional standards. Nigel Perrin's first concert was a performance of the Monteverdi Vespers of 1610 in Bath Abbey
Bath Abbey
The Abbey Church of Saint Peter and Saint Paul, Bath, commonly known as Bath Abbey, is an Anglican parish church and a former Benedictine monastery in Bath, Somerset, England...
in April 1990.
Under Nigel Perrins's musical leadership the Choir has continued to move forward in its professional standing and is now widely regarded as one of the leading musical forces in the West Country. The Choir has remained true to its roots, and continues to give two major orchestral concerts every year in the Autumn and Spring, with a lighter concert in the Summer. The Choir has made many tours in the UK and abroad to France, Belgium, Hungary and Germany and looks forward to extend its touring activities in the future.
In 1995 the Choir used The Forum, the old Bath cinema which has been converted into an evangelical church and which offers more space than the Abbey for a concert performance with large orchestras. Previously Cuthbert Bates had used the Forum for a concert on 26 May 1954 but disliked the venue so much he never returned. Today concerts in Bath can take place at either Bath Abbey – perhaps best suited for baroque – or work which only requires smaller musical forces, the Forum, for larger scale works, the Michael Tippett Centre for a more intimate setting a cappella or with simple piano accompaniment or the Wiltshire Music Centre
Wiltshire Music Centre
Wiltshire Music Centre is a unique contemporary building in Bradford on Avon, Wiltshire. It has a first class 300 seat concert hall with superb acoustics plus nine other teaching and workshop spaces of various sizes....
in Bradford on Avon
Bradford on Avon
Bradford on Avon is a town in west Wiltshire, England with a population of about 9,326. The town's canal, historic buildings, shops, pubs and restaurants make it popular with tourists....
The Choir continues to explore new and ‘different’ works and in this period notably gave a performance of David Fanshawe
David Fanshawe
David Arthur Fanshawe was an English composer, ethnomusicologist and self-styled explorer. His work is situated at the crossroads of traditional and modern music. His best-known composition is the 1972 choral work African Sanctus.- Life :Fanshawe was born in Paignton in Devon in 1942...
's African Sanctus
African Sanctus
African Sanctus is a 1972 choral Mass and is the best-known work of British composer and ethnomusicologist David Fanshawe.In African Sanctus the Latin Mass is juxtaposed with live recordings of traditional African music, which the composer had recorded himself between 1969 to 1975 during a journey...
, and Benedicam Dominum by Diana Burrell, a work which also enabled Marcus Sealy to demonstrate the magnificent new Klais organ that had just been installed in Bath Abbey. The Choir gave the second performance of Requiem Aeternam by Jonathan Lloyd in the presence of the composer which necessitated the choir synchronising with a pre-recorded backing track. More recently the Choir has given performance of two ‘cross-over’ works by Karl Jenkins
Karl Jenkins
-Other works:*Adiemus: Live — live versions of Adiemus music*Palladio *Eloise *Imagined Oceans *The Armed Man: A Mass for Peace...
, The Armed Man
The Armed Man
The Armed Man is a Mass by Welsh composer Karl Jenkins, subtitled "A Mass for Peace". The piece was commissioned by the Royal Armouries Museum for the Millennium celebrations, and to mark the museum's move from London to Leeds, and it was dedicated to victims of the Kosovo crisis...
and Requiem, which undoubtedly stretched the boundaries of its musical experience. The performance of The Armed Man in particular was given in The Forum and full use was made of the lighting and projection facilities to enhance the music and to stage a full audio-visual event.
In all this modernism the Choir has not neglected its roots and has often returned to the music of J. S. Bach. Most notably the Choir gave a performance of the B Minor Mass in the Abbey under the baton of the President, Sir David Willcocks, to mark its 50th anniversary celebrations in April 1997, and more controversially gave a semi-staged performance of the St. John Passion in The Forum in April 2005 – again using lighting and moving images to assist the performance, to critical acclaim.
In 2000 the Choir took the decision to invest in the creation of its own Junior Section, and formed ‘the Junior Choir’ with the aim of offering local schoolchildren the opportunity of learning how to sing. The aim of the Junior Section was to inculcate a love of music amongst the children of Bath, and to do the Choir's own ‘bit’ to ensure that there remained a regular pool of talent to join the CBBC at some stage in the future. The Musical Director decided that all should be able to join the choir, without any audition and without having to demonstrate the ability to read music. Since its formation the Junior Choir has gone from strength to strength and now consists of some 50 singers – aged 8 – 15 – who give regular performances for charity or with the CBBC as a part of one of its regular concerts.
Over the years the Choir has travelled widely and has developed relationships with singers in Bath's twin cities in Hungary, the fabulous Béla Viká Choir, in Braunschweig
Braunschweig , is a city of 247,400 people, located in the federal-state of Lower Saxony, Germany. It is located north of the Harz mountains at the farthest navigable point of the Oker river, which connects to the North Sea via the rivers Aller and Weser....
(Brunswick) with the Cathedral Dom Chor and with Les Bengalis de Liége in Liege
Liège is a municipality and a city of Belgium. The term Liège or Liege may also refer to:* Liege, a party to the oath of allegiance in feudalism .* Liège Island, in the Antarctic...
, Belgium. Bath's twin City of Braunschweig was heavily bombed by the allies on the nights of the 14th and 15 October 1944. The bombing inflicted substantial damage to the Dom (Cathedral) and many lives were lost. In October 2004 the CBBC was honoured to be invited to join our good friends the Dom Chor in a performance of the Benjamin Britten
Benjamin Britten
Edward Benjamin Britten, Baron Britten, OM CH was an English composer, conductor, and pianist. He showed talent from an early age, and first came to public attention with the a cappella choral work A Boy Was Born in 1934. With the premiere of his opera Peter Grimes in 1945, he leapt to...
War Requiem
War Requiem
The War Requiem, Op. 66 is a large-scale, non-liturgical setting of the Requiem Mass composed by Benjamin Britten mostly in 1961 and completed January 1962. Interspersed with the traditional Latin texts, in telling juxtaposition, are settings of Wilfred Owen poems...
in the Dom, in the presence of HM Ambassador to Germany, HE Sir Peter Torry. This concert was a centrepiece of the City's commemoration and an act of remembrance and reconciliation. In 2009 the Choir was privileged to travel to perform in Bach's own Church, the Thomaskirche in Leipzig
Leipzig Leipzig has always been a trade city, situated during the time of the Holy Roman Empire at the intersection of the Via Regia and Via Imperii, two important trade routes. At one time, Leipzig was one of the major European centres of learning and culture in fields such as music and publishing...
in what was for all the singers, a very moving and important concert. In October 2011 the choir toured Rome performing in both La Chiesa di Sant'Agnese in Agone, Rome and The Venerable English College (colloquially referred to as English College), founded in 1579 by William Allen.
The Carols by Candlelight series perhaps merit a special mention having become something of a fixture in the pre-Christmas calendar in Bath. The first performance of ‘Carols’ was given in the Pump Room in December 1947, and has continued uninterrupted ever since. The Choir for "Carols" is selected by the Musical Director and is a sub-set of the Choir because space in the Pump Room is limited to about 30 singers. A recent innovation has been the inclusion of a ‘set’ from the Choir's junior section which is a favourite with audiences. In addition the Choir provides opportunities for talented young musicians to provide an interlude. Whilst the Choir has experimented with the number of performances of ‘Carols’ that it gives, it seems to have settled that a total of 3 performances as the optimum, and usually manages to completely sell-out the Pump Room for all three concerts.
The City of Bath Bach Choir today
Today the maximum number of singers the CBBC will admit is about 100, though the actual strength varies from time to time because of singer's commitments and the need for balance between voices. Singing with the City of Bath Bach Choir is always something of a musical challenge and singers are drawn from all walks of life from Bath and its environs and are accepted into the Choir after passing an audition to about ABRSM Grade 5 standard. The Choir has a policy of re-auditioning all singers every 4 years to ensure that the overall musical ability does not get diluted. Singing with the Choir entails a significant commitment of time and effort from its members. Singers are expected to take part in all three concerts every year which entails attendance at about twelve, two-hour rehearsals for each concert. In return for that commitment the Choir offers its singers the opportunity to sing challenging works at the very highest level with high quality, professional orchestras and soloists – exactly the same offering that was offered by Cuthbert Bates back in 1946. Singers pay an annual subscription which is intended to cover the annual running costs of the Choir, and the Choir has a policy of offering discounted subscriptions to students and unwaged singers, depending on their circumstances.The Choir maintains an active list of Patrons and Friends who generously support the musical work of the Choir and who are offered a range of benefits in return for their support. The Choir is a Registered Charity and makes every effort to keep down the ticket prices for its concerts, though inevitably they must keep pace with the increased costs of hiring professional orchestras and soloists. A full scale concert with a professional orchestra and four top flight soloists will never make a profit, and so the Choir tries to achieve an overall financial balance throughout the year by subsidising its loss-making full scale concerts with profits from smaller scale events.
External links
Performance chronology
Date | Composer | Work | Venue |
07 Jun 1947 | J. S. Bach Johann Sebastian Bach Johann Sebastian Bach was a German composer, organist, harpsichordist, violist, and violinist whose sacred and secular works for choir, orchestra, and solo instruments drew together the strands of the Baroque period and brought it to its ultimate maturity... |
Mass in B Minor | Bath Abbey Bath Abbey The Abbey Church of Saint Peter and Saint Paul, Bath, commonly known as Bath Abbey, is an Anglican parish church and a former Benedictine monastery in Bath, Somerset, England... |
23 Dec 1947 | Various | Carols by Candlelight | Pump Room, Bath |
24 Apr 1948 | J. S. Bach | St Matthew Passion | Bath Abbey |
21 Dec 1948 | Various | Carols by Candlelight – 2nd Season | Pump Room, Bath |
21 May 1949 | J. S. Bach | Mass in B Minor | Bath Abbey |
27 Jun 1949 | Various | Recital of Choral Music | Bath Abbey |
20/21 Dec 1949 | Various | Carols by Candlelight – 3rd Season | Pump Room, Bath |
As a part of the 1st Bath Bach Festival - 14/21 Oct | |||
14 Oct 1950 | J. S. Bach | St Matthew Passion | Bath Abbey |
17 Oct 1950 | J. S. Bach | BWV 11 – Praise Our God; Jesu, Priceless Treasure; Magnificat | Bath Abbey |
19 Oct 1950 | J. S. Bach | St John Passion | Bath Abbey |
21 Oct 1950 | J. S. Bach | Mass in B Minor | Bath Abbey |
19/20 Dec 1950 | Various | Carols by Candlelight - 4th Season | Pump Room, Bath |
26 May 1951 | G. F. Handel George Frideric Handel George Frideric Handel was a German-British Baroque composer, famous for his operas, oratorios, anthems and organ concertos. Handel was born in 1685, in a family indifferent to music... |
Messiah Messiah (Handel) Messiah is an English-language oratorio composed in 1741 by George Frideric Handel, with a scriptural text compiled by Charles Jennens from the King James Bible and the Book of Common Prayer. It was first performed in Dublin on 13 April 1742, and received its London premiere nearly a year later... |
Bath Abbey |
2 Jun 1951 | Various | Unaccompanied Serenade Concert | Roman Baths |
8 Dec 1951 | J. S. Bach | Christmas Oratorio Christmas Oratorio The Christmas Oratorio BWV 248, is an oratorio by Johann Sebastian Bach intended for performance in church during the Christmas season. It was written for the Christmas season of 1734 incorporating music from earlier compositions, including three secular cantatas written during 1733 and 1734 and a... |
Bath Abbey |
18/19 Dec 1951 | Various | Carols by Candlelight – 5th Season | Pump Room, Bath |
24 May 1952 | J. Brahms Johannes Brahms Johannes Brahms was a German composer and pianist, and one of the leading musicians of the Romantic period. Born in Hamburg, Brahms spent much of his professional life in Vienna, Austria, where he was a leader of the musical scene... |
A German Requiem | Bath Abbey ? |
17/18 Dec 1952 | Various | Carols by Candlelight – 6th Season | Pump Room, Bath |
17/24 May 1953 | Various | Unaccompanied Serenade Concert | Roman Baths |
23 May 1953 | J. S. Bach | Mass in B Minor | Bath Abbey |
21/22Dec 1953 | Various | Carols by Candlelight – 7th Season | Pump Room, Bath |
26 May 1954 | Mozart Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart , baptismal name Johannes Chrysostomus Wolfgangus Theophilus Mozart , was a prolific and influential composer of the Classical era. He composed over 600 works, many acknowledged as pinnacles of symphonic, concertante, chamber, piano, operatic, and choral music... Beethoven Ludwig van Beethoven Ludwig van Beethoven was a German composer and pianist. A crucial figure in the transition between the Classical and Romantic eras in Western art music, he remains one of the most famous and influential composers of all time.Born in Bonn, then the capital of the Electorate of Cologne and part of... |
Requiem Requiem (Mozart) The Requiem Mass in D minor by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart was composed in Vienna in 1791 and left unfinished at the composer's death. A completion by Franz Xaver Süssmayr was delivered to Count Franz von Walsegg, who had anonymously commissioned the piece for a requiem Mass to commemorate the... Symphony no 7 in A major |
Forum |
As a part of the 2nd Bath Bach Festival 9–16 October 1954 | |||
09 Oct 1954 | J. S. Bach | Mass in B Minor | Bath Abbey |
12 Oct 1954 | J. S. Bach | St. John Passion St. John Passion Several composers have written works known by the title St John Passion, which denotes a passion based on the Gospel of John... |
Bath Abbey |
14 Oct 1954 | J. S. Bach | Cantata No 80 Ein’ feste Burg. Motet Sing ye to the Lord. Magnificat | Bath Abbey |
16 Oct 1954 | J. S. Bach | St Matthew Passion | Bath Abbey |
20/21 Dec 1954 | Various | Carols by Candlelight – 8th Season | Pump Room c. Allan Bennett |
14 May 1955 | J. Haydn Joseph Haydn Franz Joseph Haydn , known as Joseph Haydn , was an Austrian composer, one of the most prolific and prominent composers of the Classical period. He is often called the "Father of the Symphony" and "Father of the String Quartet" because of his important contributions to these forms... The Creation |
Bath Abbey c. Josef Krips | |
7 July 1955 | Various | Mass in G Minor VW | Bath Abbey c. Allan Bennett |
19/20 Dec 1955 | Various | Carols by Candlelight – 9th Season | Pump Room, Bath |
19 Jan 1956 | Haydn | Creation | Royal Festival Hall Royal Festival Hall The Royal Festival Hall is a 2,900-seat concert, dance and talks venue within Southbank Centre in London. It is situated on the South Bank of the River Thames, not far from Hungerford Bridge. It is a Grade I listed building - the first post-war building to become so protected... , London c. Josef Krips Josef Krips Josef Alois Krips was an Austrian conductor and violinist.-Biography:Krips was born in Vienna and went on to become a pupil of Eusebius Mandyczewski and Felix Weingartner. From 1921 to 1924, he served as Weingartner's assistant at the Vienna Volksoper and as répétiteur and chorus master... |
26 May 1956 | Beethoven | Mass in D | Bath Abbey c. Allan Bennett |
Autumn 1956 | Tallis Thomas Tallis Thomas Tallis was an English composer. Tallis flourished as a church musician in 16th century Tudor England. He occupies a primary place in anthologies of English church music, and is considered among the best of England's early composers. He is honoured for his original voice in English... , Palestrina Giovanni Pierluigi da Palestrina Giovanni Pierluigi da Palestrina was an Italian Renaissance composer of sacred music and the best-known 16th-century representative of the Roman School of musical composition... , Bousignac, Vaughan Williams |
Motet in 40 parts Spem in alium. Gloria in excelsis Deo Gloria in Excelsis Deo "Gloria in excelsis Deo" is the title and beginning of a hymn known also as the Greater Doxology and the Angelic Hymn. The name is often abbreviated to Gloria in Excelsis or simply Gloria.It is an example of the psalmi idiotici "Gloria in excelsis Deo" (Latin for "Glory to God in the highest")... . Jubilate Deo Jubilate Deo After the liturgical reforms of Vatican II, Pope Paul VI presented this 1974 document as a "minimum repertoire of Gregorian chant" .-Contents:Chants of the Ordinary*Kyrie XVI*Gloria VIII*Credo III*Sanctus XVIII*Pater Noster*Agnus Dei XVIII*Verbum Domini... . The Voice out of the Whirlwind |
Bath Abbey |
19/20 Dec 1956 | Various | Carols by Candlelight – 10th Season | Pump Room, Bath |
Ralph Vaughan Williams Festival Concert – 1 June 1957 | |||
01 Jun 57 | Vaughan Williams | Fantasia on a theme by Thomas Tallis Thomas Tallis Thomas Tallis was an English composer. Tallis flourished as a church musician in 16th century Tudor England. He occupies a primary place in anthologies of English church music, and is considered among the best of England's early composers. He is honoured for his original voice in English... . The Hundredth Psalm (c. R. Vaughan Williams). The Voice out of the Whirlwind. Sancta Vivitas. Bendedicte |
Bath Abbey |
06 Dec 1957 | J. S. Bach | Christmas Oratorio Christmas Oratorio The Christmas Oratorio BWV 248, is an oratorio by Johann Sebastian Bach intended for performance in church during the Christmas season. It was written for the Christmas season of 1734 incorporating music from earlier compositions, including three secular cantatas written during 1733 and 1734 and a... |
Bath Abbey |
18/19 Dec 1957 | Various | Carols by Candlelight – 11th Season | Pump Room, Bath |
07 Jun 1958 | J. S. Bach | Mass in B Minor (Bath Festival) | Bath Abbey |
Dr. Ralph Vaughan Williams, the Choir's President dies in August 1958 | |||
16/17/18 Dec 1958 | Various | Carols by Candlelight -12th Season | Pump Room, Bath |
28 Feb 1959 | J. S. Bach | St Matthew Passion | Bath Abbey |
Sir Arthur Bliss CH, KVCO, Master of the Queen's Musick, is appointed Choir President in August 1959 | |||
15/16/17 Dec 1959 | Various | Carols by Candlelight – 13th Season | Pump Room, Bath |
29 May 1960 | J. S. Bach and others | A programme of Anthems, Madrigals and Motets given as a part of the Bath Festival (d. Yehudi Menuhin Yehudi Menuhin Yehudi Menuhin, Baron Menuhin, OM, KBE was a Russian Jewish American violinist and conductor who spent most of his performing career in the United Kingdom. He was born to Russian Jewish parents in the United States, but became a citizen of Switzerland in 1970, and of the United Kingdom in 1985... ) |
The Roman Baths (Bath) |
As a part of the 3rd Bath Bach Festival 22nd – 29 October 1960 | |||
22 Oct 1960 | J. S. Bach | St Matthew Passion | Bath Abbey |
25 Oct 1960 | J. S. Bach | St John Passion | Bath Abbey |
27 Oct 1960 | J. S. Bach | Motet 'Be not afraid', Cantata No 4. Brandenburg Concerto No. 4 in G major, BWV 1049. Magnificat (Bach) Magnificat (Bach) The Magnificat in D major, BWV 243, is a major vocal work of Johann Sebastian Bach. It was composed for orchestra, a five-part choir and four or five soloists. The text is the canticle of Mary, mother of Jesus, as told by Luke the Evangelist .Bach composed an initial version in E flat major in 1723... in D major, BWV 243 |
Bath Abbey |
29 Oct 1960 | J. S. Bach | Mass in B Minor | Bath Abbey |
20/21/22 Dec 1960 | Various | Carols by Candlelight – 14th Season | Pump Room, Bath |
09 Jun 1961 | Fauré Gabriel Fauré Gabriel Urbain Fauré was a French composer, organist, pianist and teacher. He was one of the foremost French composers of his generation, and his musical style influenced many 20th century composers... |
Requiem | Bath Abbey c. Nadia Boulanger Nadia Boulanger Nadia Boulanger was a French composer, conductor and teacher who taught many composers and performers of the 20th century.From a musical family, she achieved early honours as a student at the Paris Conservatoire, but believing that her talent as a composer was inferior to that of her younger... |
21 Oct 1961 | Holst Gustav Holst Gustav Theodore Holst was an English composer. He is most famous for his orchestral suite The Planets.... , Brahms Johannes Brahms Johannes Brahms was a German composer and pianist, and one of the leading musicians of the Romantic period. Born in Hamburg, Brahms spent much of his professional life in Vienna, Austria, where he was a leader of the musical scene... |
Hymn to Jesus. A German Requiem | Bath Abbey |
19/20/21 Dec 1961 | Various | Carols by Candlelight – 15th Season | Pump Room, Bath |
26 May 1962 | J. S. Bach, Vaughan Williams | Sleepers Wake BWV 140. A Sea Symphony | Bath Abbey |
? Nov 62 | Vivaldi Antonio Vivaldi Antonio Lucio Vivaldi , nicknamed because of his red hair, was an Italian Baroque composer, priest, and virtuoso violinist, born in Venice. Vivaldi is recognized as one of the greatest Baroque composers, and his influence during his lifetime was widespread over Europe... |
Gloria RV 689 | ? |
03 Nov 1962 | J. S. Bach | Mass in B Minor | Bath Abbey |
18/19/20 Dec 1962 | Various | Carols by Candlelight – 16th Season | Pump Room, Bath |
15 Jun 1963 | Monteverdi Claudio Monteverdi Claudio Giovanni Antonio Monteverdi – 29 November 1643) was an Italian composer, gambist, and singer.Monteverdi's work, often regarded as revolutionary, marked the transition from the Renaissance style of music to that of the Baroque period. He developed two individual styles of composition – the... , J. S. Bach |
Vespers of 1610. Brich dem Hungrigen dein Brot, BWV 39 (c Yehudi Menuhin) | Bath Abbey |
19 Oct 1963 | J. S. Bach | St. John Passion St. John Passion Several composers have written works known by the title St John Passion, which denotes a passion based on the Gospel of John... |
Bath Abbey |
17/18/19 Dec 1963 | Various | Carols by Candlelight – 17th Season | Pump Room, Bath |
13 Jun 1964 | Mozart | Requiem | ? |
22 Oct 1964 | Various | ?? | Bath Abbey |
15/16/17 Dec 1964 | Various | Carols by Candlelight – 18th Season | Pump Room, Bath |
19 June 1965 | Haydn | Nelson Mass (Bath Festival) | Bath Abbey c István Kertész |
As a part of the 4th Bath Bach Festival 23–30 October 1965 | |||
23 Oct 1965 | J. S. Bach | St Matthew Passion | Bath Abbey |
26 Oct 1965 | J. S. Bach | Cantata No 65. Brandenburg Concerto No 2. Motet for double choir "Sing Ye to the Lord". Cantata No 50. | Bath Abbey |
28 Oct 1965 | J. S. Bach | St. John Passion St. John Passion Several composers have written works known by the title St John Passion, which denotes a passion based on the Gospel of John... |
Bath Abbey |
30 Oct 1965 | J. S. Bach | Mass in B Minor | Bath Abbey |
21/22/23 Dec 1965 | Various | Carols by Candlelight – 19th Season | Pump Room, Bath |
3 July 1966 | Various | Unaccompanied Serenade Concert | Roman Baths |
22 Oct 1966 | Handel, Duruflé Maurice Duruflé Maurice Duruflé was a French composer, organist, and pedagogue.Duruflé was born in Louviers, Eure. In 1912, he became chorister at the Rouen Cathedral Choir School, where he studied piano and organ with Jules Haelling... |
Dixit Dominus. Requiem | Bath Abbey |
20/21/22 Dec 1966 | Various | Carols by Candlelight – 20th Season | Pump Room, Bath |
1 July 1967 | J. S. Bach | Mass in B Minor | Bath Abbey |
9 July 1967 | Various | Serenade Concert | Prior Park Chapel |
19/20/21 Dec 1967 | Various | Carols by Candlelight – 21st Season | Pump Room, Bath |
26 June 1968 | Tippett Michael Tippett Sir Michael Kemp Tippett OM CH CBE was an English composer.In his long career he produced a large body of work, including five operas, three large-scale choral works, four symphonies, five string quartets, four piano sonatas, concertos and concertante works, song cycles and incidental music... |
A Child of Our Time A Child of Our Time A Child of Our Time is an oratorio written by Michael Tippett between 1939 and 1941."After more than ten years of thoughtful planning, Michael Tippett summed up his musical, political, spiritual and philosophical beliefs in his first oratorio, A Child of Our Time... |
Wells Cathedral c. Sir Michael Tippett OM CH CBE |
21 July 1968 | Various | Recital of unaccompanied Music | Prior Park Chapel |
03 Sep 1968 | Various | Selection of Unaccompanied Music | Goslar |
05 Sep 1968 | J. Brahms, J. S. Bach | Ein Deutsches Requiem. Magnificat (Bach) Magnificat (Bach) The Magnificat in D major, BWV 243, is a major vocal work of Johann Sebastian Bach. It was composed for orchestra, a five-part choir and four or five soloists. The text is the canticle of Mary, mother of Jesus, as told by Luke the Evangelist .Bach composed an initial version in E flat major in 1723... in D Minor BWV 243 |
Stadthalle, Braunschweig Braunschweig Braunschweig , is a city of 247,400 people, located in the federal-state of Lower Saxony, Germany. It is located north of the Harz mountains at the farthest navigable point of the Oker river, which connects to the North Sea via the rivers Aller and Weser.... |
12 Oct 1968 | Haydn | The Creation | Bath Abbey |
17/18/19 Dec 1968 | Various | Carols by Candlelight- 22nd Season | Pump Room, Bath |
As a part of the 5th Bath Bach Festival 18th – 25 October 1969 | |||
18 Oct 1969 | J. S. Bach | St Matthew Passion | Bath Abbey |
21 Oct 1969 | J. S. Bach | Der Himmel lacht! Die Erde jubilieret, BWV 31, Komm Jesu Komm, Ich hatte viel Bekümmernis, BWV 21 | Pump Room c. Philip Ledger Philip Ledger Sir Philip Ledger CBE is a British classical musician and academic. He is best-known for his tenure as director of the Choir of King's College, Cambridge between 1973 and 1982 and as director of Royal Scottish Academy of Music and Drama from 1982 until his retirement in 2001... |
25 Oct 1969 | J. S. Bach | Mass in B Minor | Bath Abbey |
16/17/18 Dec 1969 | Various | Carols by Candlelight – 23rd Season | Pump Room, Bath |
11 June 1970 | Various | Music for voices and organ | St Stephen's Church |
15/16/17 Dec 1970 | Various | Carols by Candlelight – 24th Season | Pump Room, Bath |
02 Jun 1971 | Berkeley Lennox Berkeley Sir Lennox Randal Francis Berkeley was an English composer.- Biography :He was born in Oxford, England, and educated at the Dragon School, Gresham's School and Merton College, Oxford... , Stravinsky Igor Stravinsky Igor Fyodorovich Stravinsky ; 6 April 1971) was a Russian, later naturalized French, and then naturalized American composer, pianist, and conductor.... , Michael Rose, Herbert Howells Herbert Howells Herbert Norman Howells CH was an English composer, organist, and teacher, most famous for his large output of Anglican church music.-Life:... , Monteverdi, A. Gabrieli Andrea Gabrieli Andrea Gabrieli was an Italian composer and organist of the late Renaissance. The uncle of the somewhat more famous Giovanni Gabrieli, he was the first internationally renowned member of the Venetian School of composers, and was extremely influential in spreading the Venetian style in Italy as... , Byrd William Byrd William Byrd was an English composer of the Renaissance. He wrote in many of the forms current in England at the time, including various types of sacred and secular polyphony, keyboard and consort music.-Provenance:Knowledge of Byrd's biography expanded in the late 20th century, thanks largely... , J. S. Bach, Vaughan Williams, Michael Tippett |
Missa Brevis. Ave Maria. Sing to the Lord a joyful song. Master Tallis' Testament. Ave Maris Stella Ave Maris Stella Ave Maris Stella is a plainsong Vespers hymn to Mary. It is of uncertain origin and can be dated back at least as far as the eighth century. It was especially popular in the Middle Ages and has been used by many composers as the basis of other compositions... from Vespers of 1610. Magnificat for 3 choirs. Vigilante. Contrapuncti 1. 12 & 18 from the Art of Fugue. O Vos Omnes. Festival Te Deum. Plebs Angelica |
Bath Abbey |
16 Oct 1971 | Geminiani Francesco Geminiani thumb|230px|Francesco Geminiani.Francesco Saverio Geminiani was an Italian violinist, composer, and music theorist.-Biography:... , J. S. Bach, Delalande Michel Richard Delalande Michel Richard Delalande [de Lalande] was a French Baroque composer and organist who was in the service of King Louis XIV. He was one of the most important composers of grand motets. He also wrote orchestral suites known as "Simphonies pour les Soupers du Roy" and ballets... , Handel |
Concerto Grosso in E minor, Mass in F, De Profundis, Chandos Anthem No 11a ‘Let God Arise’ [Played and sung from manuscript copies by kind courtesy of David Willcocks Esq. First performance in Bath.] | Bath Abbey |
15/16/17 Dec 1971 | Various | Carols by Candlelight -25th Season | Pump Room, Bath |
25 Mar 1972 | J. S. Bach | St John Passion | Bath Abbey |
21 Oct 1972 | Schütz Heinrich Schütz Heinrich Schütz was a German composer and organist, generally regarded as the most important German composer before Johann Sebastian Bach and often considered to be one of the most important composers of the 17th century along with Claudio Monteverdi... , Gabrielli, Buxtehude Dieterich Buxtehude Dieterich Buxtehude was a German-Danish organist and composer of the Baroque period. His organ works represent a central part of the standard organ repertoire and are frequently performed at recitals and in church services... , Cavalli |
Der 136 Psalm. Three instrumental canzonas: Sonata 13 (1615), Canzone for 2 choirs (1597), Canzone for 3 choirs (1615). Heut Triumphieret Gottes Sohn from Orgelbüchlein Orgelbüchlein The Orgelbüchlein was written by Johann Sebastian Bach during the period of 1708–1714, while he was court organist at the ducal court in Weimar... . Messa Concertata |
Bath Abbey |
13/14/15 Dec 1972 | Various | Carols by Candlelight – 26th Season | Pump Room, Bath |
23 Jun 1973 | J. S. Bach | Mass in B Minor | Bath Abbey |
19/20/21 Dec 1973 | Various | Carols by Candlelight – 27th Season | Pump Room, Bath |
18 May 1974 | W. A. Mozart | Symphony No 41 in C (KV551) The Jupiter,. Mass in C Minor (KV427) | Bath Abbey |
As a part of the 6th Bath Bach Festival 19–26 October 1974 | |||
19 Oct 1974 | J. S. Bach | St Matthew Passion | Bath Abbey |
22 Oct 1974 | J. S. Bach | Cantata No 106. Brandenburg Concerto No 6. Cantata No 6. Magnificat in D | Bath Abbey |
24 Oct 1974 | J. S. Bach | St. John Passion St. John Passion Several composers have written works known by the title St John Passion, which denotes a passion based on the Gospel of John... |
Bath Abbey |
26 Oct 1974 | J. S. Bach | Mass in B Minor | Bath Abbey |
18/19/20 Dec 1974 | Various | Carols by Candlelight – 28th Season | Pump Room, Bath |
Sir Arthur Bliss died on 27 Mar 1975 are was superseded as Choir President by Sir David Willcocks KCB CBE MC | |||
19 Jul 1975 | R. Vaughan Williams | Benedicte. Serenade to Music. A Sea Symphony | Bath Abbey |
05 Nov 1975 | Handel | Scratch Messiah Scratch Messiah A Scratch Messiah, People's Messiah, Come Sing Messiah, Sing-it-yourself Messiah, or Sing along Messiah is an informal performance of Handel's Messiah in which the audience serves as the unrehearsed chorus, often supported by a carefully prepared core group... |
Assembly Rooms c Allan Bennett |
17/18/19 Dec 1975 | Various | Carols by Candlelight -29th Season | Pump Room, Bath |
The Choir gave 3 Concerts in 1976 to celebrate its 30th Anniversary | |||
20 Mar 1976 | Schütz, Handel, Duruflé Maurice Duruflé Maurice Duruflé was a French composer, organist, and pedagogue.Duruflé was born in Louviers, Eure. In 1912, he became chorister at the Rouen Cathedral Choir School, where he studied piano and organ with Jules Haelling... |
Psalm 150 ‘Lobet den Herren’. Chandos Anthem No 6. Requiem | Bath Abbey |
03 Jul 1976 | J. S. Bach | Mass in B Minor | Oxford Town Hall |
09 Oct 1976 | Mozart, Bruckner Anton Bruckner Anton Bruckner was an Austrian composer known for his symphonies, masses, and motets. The first are considered emblematic of the final stage of Austro-German Romanticism because of their rich harmonic language, complex polyphony, and considerable length... |
Symphony No 40 in G minor K550. Mass in F Minor | Bath Abbey |
21/22/23 Dec 1976 | Various | Carols by Candlelight – 30th Season | Pump Room, Bath |
Allan Bennett, Hon. Accompanist and Deputy Conductor of the Choir died on 30 January 1977. He was succeeded in post by Richard Bates. | |||
The Queen's Silver Jubilee Silver Jubilee A Silver Jubilee is a celebration held to mark a 25th anniversary. The anniversary celebrations can be of a wedding anniversary, ruling anniversary or anything that has completed a 25 year mark... Concert |
19 Mar 1977 | Vaughan Williams, Charpentier Marc-Antoine Charpentier Marc-Antoine Charpentier, , was a French composer of the Baroque era.Exceptionally prolific and versatile, he produced compositions of the highest quality in several genres... , Handel, Purcell Henry Purcell Henry Purcell – 21 November 1695), was an English organist and Baroque composer of secular and sacred music. Although Purcell incorporated Italian and French stylistic elements into his compositions, his legacy was a uniquely English form of Baroque music... |
Fantasia on a theme by Thomas Tallis Thomas Tallis Thomas Tallis was an English composer. Tallis flourished as a church musician in 16th century Tudor England. He occupies a primary place in anthologies of English church music, and is considered among the best of England's early composers. He is honoured for his original voice in English... . Mass for double choir. Organ concerto in F major Op 4 No 4. Coronation Anthem ‘My heart is indicting’ |
Bath Abbey |
As a part of the 7th Bath Bach Festival 15–22 October 1977 | |||
15 Oct 1977 | J. S. Bach | St. Matthew Passion | Bath Abbey |
18 Oct 1977 | J. S. Bach | Jesu, nun sei gepreiset’ BWV 78. Mass in F major. ‘Dies sind die helligen zehn Gebot’ BWV 41 | Bath Abbey |
20 Oct 1977 | J. S. Bach | St. John Passion | Bath Abbey |
22 Oct 1977 | J. S. Bach | Mass in B Minor | Bath Abbey |
20/21/22 Dec 1977 | Various | Carols by Candlelight 31st Season | Pump Room, Bath |
17 June 1978 | J. S. Bach, W. F. Bach Wilhelm Friedemann Bach Wilhelm Friedemann Bach , the second child and eldest son of Johann Sebastian Bach and Maria Barbara Bach, was a German composer and performer... , J. S. Bach, J. C. Bach Johann Christian Bach Johann Christian Bach was a composer of the Classical era, the eleventh and youngest son of Johann Sebastian Bach. He is sometimes referred to as 'the London Bach' or 'the English Bach', due to his time spent living in the British capital... , C. P. E. Bach Carl Philipp Emanuel Bach right|250pxCarl Philipp Emanuel Bach was a German Classical period musician and composer, the fifth child and second son of Johann Sebastian Bach and Maria Barbara Bach... |
Bach Family Concert. Gott der Herr ist Sonn und Schild, BWV 79 Gott der Herr ist Sonn und Schild, BWV 79 Johann Sebastian Bach's cantata Gott der Herr ist Sonn und Schild , BWV 79, was composed in 1725 for Reformation Sunday. The text is by Martin Rinkart and Ludwig Helmbold.-Instrumentation:... . Overture in D Minor. Ein feste Burg ist unser Gott, BWV 80. Symphony in G Minor. Magnificat |
Dorchester Abbey Dorchester Abbey Dorchester Abbey is a Church of England parish church in Dorchester on Thames, Oxfordshire, about southeast of Oxford. It was formerly a Norman abbey church and was built on the site of a Saxon cathedral.-History:... |
24 June 1978 | J. S. Bach, W. F. Bach, J. S. Bach, J. C. Bach, C. P. E. Bach | Bach Family Concert. Gott der Herr ist Sonn und Schild, BWV 79 Gott der Herr ist Sonn und Schild, BWV 79 Johann Sebastian Bach's cantata Gott der Herr ist Sonn und Schild , BWV 79, was composed in 1725 for Reformation Sunday. The text is by Martin Rinkart and Ludwig Helmbold.-Instrumentation:... . Overture in D Minor. Ein feste Burg ist unser Gott, BWV 80. Symphony in G Minor. Magnificat |
Bath Abbey |
14 Oct 1978 | Haydn, Brahms | Paukenmesse. A German Requiem | Bath Abbey |
19/20/21 Dec 1978 | Various | Carols by Candlelight – 32nd Season | Pump Room, Bath |
29 Apr 1979 | Palestrina Giovanni Pierluigi da Palestrina Giovanni Pierluigi da Palestrina was an Italian Renaissance composer of sacred music and the best-known 16th-century representative of the Roman School of musical composition... , Byrd, Bousignac, Duruflé, Vaughan Williams |
Assumpta est Maria. Christe quit Lux es et Dies. Jubilate Deo. Ubi Caritas. Mass in G minor | Chapel of Our Lady of the Snows, Prior Park College Prior Park College Prior Park College is a Roman Catholic co-educational independent school for both day and boarding pupils.It is situated on a hill overlooking the city of Bath, in Somerset, in south-west England... |
30 Jun 1979 | Verdi Giuseppe Verdi Giuseppe Fortunino Francesco Verdi was an Italian Romantic composer, mainly of opera. He was one of the most influential composers of the 19th century... |
Requiem | Bath Abbey |
20 Oct 1979 | Bononcini Giovanni Battista Bononcini Giovanni Battista Bononcini was an Italian Baroque composer and cellist, one of a family of string players and composers. His father, Giovanni Maria Bononcini , was a violinist and a composer.-Biography:... , Handel, Handel, Vivaldi |
Stabat Mater. Let God Arise! Dixit Dominus. Gloria RV 589 | Bath Abbey |
18/19/20 Dec 1979 | Various | Carols by Candlelight – 33rd Season | Pump Room, Bath |
The Choir's founder, Cuthbert Bates, died unexpectedly on 19 April 1980. His son and daughter, Richard and Elizabeth Bates, organised a memorial concert for him on the 18th of June, and the Choir dedicated the concert on 12 July 1990 (which was to have been Cuthbert's last concert as conductor) to his memory. The conductor was the Choir's President, Sir David Willcocks | |||
17 May 1980 | Fauré, Mozart, Haydn | Requiem, Symphony no 32 in G Major K 318, Harmonie-Messe | Bath Abbey |
18 Jun 1980 | Tallis, Byrd, Brahms, Sir William Henry Harris William Henry Harris Sir William Henry Harris was an English organist and composer, affectionately nicknamed 'Doc H' by his choristers.Harris was born in Fulham, London and died in Petersfield. He was a chorister of Holy Trinity, Tulse Hill... |
Lamentations. Laudibus in Sanctis. Thy servant is downcast. Bring us, O Lord God | Chapel of Our Lady of the Snows, Prior Park College c. R Bates and E Bates |
20 Mar 1980 | Beethoven | Missa Solemnis Mass in D | Bath Abbey c Denys Darlow |
12 Jul 1980 | J. S. Bach | Mass in B Minor | Bath Abbey c. Sir David Willcocks Under Denys Darlow as the Choir's Director of Music |
15/16/17 Dec 1980 | Various | Carols by Candlelight – 34th Season | Banqueting Room, Guildhall, Bath Guildhall, Bath The Guildhall in Bath, Somerset, England was built between 1775 and 1778 by Thomas Baldwin to designs by Thomas Warr Attwood. It has been designated as a Grade I listed building.... |
31 Jan 1981 | Bruckner, Mozart | Mass in E Minor, 2 Orchestral Pieces | Bath Abbey |
28 Mar 1981 | Elgar Edward Elgar Sir Edward William Elgar, 1st Baronet OM, GCVO was an English composer, many of whose works have entered the British and international classical concert repertoire. Among his best-known compositions are orchestral works including the Enigma Variations, the Pomp and Circumstance Marches, concertos... |
The Dream of Gerontius The Dream of Gerontius The Dream of Gerontius, popularly called just Gerontius, is a work for voices and orchestra in two parts composed by Edward Elgar in 1900, to text from the poem by John Henry Newman. It relates the journey of a pious man's soul from his deathbed to his judgment before God and settling into Purgatory... |
Bath Abbey |
24 Oct 1981 | Berlioz Hector Berlioz Hector Berlioz was a French Romantic composer, best known for his compositions Symphonie fantastique and Grande messe des morts . Berlioz made significant contributions to the modern orchestra with his Treatise on Instrumentation. He specified huge orchestral forces for some of his works; as a... , Saint-Saëns Camille Saint-Saëns Charles-Camille Saint-Saëns was a French Late-Romantic composer, organist, conductor, and pianist. He is known especially for The Carnival of the Animals, Danse macabre, Samson and Delilah, Piano Concerto No. 2, Cello Concerto No. 1, Havanaise, Introduction and Rondo Capriccioso, and his Symphony... |
Music for Praise and Reflection, Te Deum, Requiem | Bath Abbey |
15/16/17 Dec 1981 | Various | Carols by Candlelight – 35th Season | Pump Room, Bath |
January 1982 - Marcus Sealy joins the Choir in succession to Richard Bates as accompanist, Deputy Director and continuo player | |||
20 Mar 1982 | Beethoven | Missa Solemnis in D | Bath Abbey |
As a part of the 8th Bath Bach Festival 16–23 October 1982 (Stephen Dodgson was composer in residence) | |||
16 Oct 1982 | J. S. Bach | St Matthew Passion | Bath Abbey |
19 Oct 1982 | J. S. Bach | Cantata No 215 Preise dein Glucke. Suite No 3 in D. Cantata No 206 Schleicht, spielende Wellen | Bath Abby |
23 Oct 1982 | J. S. Bach, Stephen Dodgson Stephen Dodgson Stephen Dodgson is a British composer and broadcaster.- Biography :During World War II, he served in the Royal Navy. From 1947 to 1949, Dodgson studied at the Royal College of Music, where he later taught composition. In 1950, he visited Italy on a travelling scholarship, after which he taught in... |
Magnificat. Suite No 4 in D. Te Deum (World Premier) | Bath Abbey |
21/22/23 Dec 1982 | Various | Carols by Candlelight – 36th Season | Pump Room, Bath |
12 Mar 1983 | Mozart, Schubert Franz Schubert Franz Peter Schubert was an Austrian composer.Although he died at an early age, Schubert was tremendously prolific. He wrote some 600 Lieder, nine symphonies , liturgical music, operas, some incidental music, and a large body of chamber and solo piano music... |
Requiem KV 626, Mass in E Flat Minor D950 | Bath Abbey |
30 Apr 1983 | Mozart, Haydn, S. S. Wesley Samuel Sebastian Wesley Samuel Sebastian Wesley was an English organist and composer.-Biography:Born in London, he was the eldest child in the composer Samuel Wesley's second family, which he formed with Sarah Suter having separated from his wife Charlotte. Samuel Sebastian was the grandson of Charles Wesley... , Bairstow Edward Bairstow Sir Edward Cuthbert Bairstow was born in Huddersfield on 22 August 1874 and died in York on 1 May 1946. He was an English organist and composer in the Anglican church music tradition.... , Dupré Marcel Dupré Marcel Dupré , was a French organist, pianist, composer, and pedagogue.-Biography:Marcel Dupré was born in Rouen . Born into a musical family, he was a child prodigy. His father Albert Dupré was organist in Rouen and a friend of Aristide Cavaillé-Coll, who built an organ in the family house when... , Britten Benjamin Britten Edward Benjamin Britten, Baron Britten, OM CH was an English composer, conductor, and pianist. He showed talent from an early age, and first came to public attention with the a cappella choral work A Boy Was Born in 1934. With the premiere of his opera Peter Grimes in 1945, he leapt to... |
Te Deum KV 141. Motet: In Sanae et Vanae Curiae. Psalm 96:115 Ascribe unto the Lord. Blessed City, Heavenly Salem. Cortège et Litanie. Hymn to St. Cecilia | St. Mary's Bathwick c. Marcus Sealy |
23 Jul 1983 | Elgar, Britten, Schubert, Kelly | Psalm 48 Great is the Lord, Psalm 29 Give unto the Lord, Missa Brevis. Salve Regina. Exultate. Surrexit Hodie | Bath Abbey (Organ Only) |
12 Nov 1983 | J. S. Bach | Christmas Oratorio | Bath Abbey |
21/22/23 Dec 1983 | Various | Carols by Candlelight – 37th Season | Pump Room, Bath |
31 Mar 1984 | Brahms, Mozart | A German Requiem. Symphony No 34 in C Minor | Bath Abbey |
31 Jul 1984 | Fauré, Honegger Arthur Honegger Arthur Honegger was a Swiss composer, who was born in France and lived a large part of his life in Paris. He was a member of Les six. His most frequently performed work is probably the orchestral work Pacific 231, which is interpreted as imitating the sound of a steam locomotive.-Biography:Born... |
Requiem. King David (Narrator: Richard Stilgoe) | Bath Abbey |
10 Nov 1984 | Elgar | The Dream of Gerontius | Bath Abbey |
19/20/21 Dec 1984 | Various | Carols by Candlelight – 38th Season | Pump Room, Bath |
16 Mar 1985 | J. S. Bach | St. Matthew Passion | Bath Abbey |
27 Jul 1985 | Handel, Elgar | The Ways of Zion do Mourn, Coronation Ode | Bath Abbey |
09 Nov 1985 | Handel | Alexander's Feast | Bath Abbey |
18/19/20 Dec 1985 | Various | Carols by Candlelight – 39th Season | Pump Room, Bath |
19 Apr 1986 | Mozart, Darlow | Missa Brevis in C (K258), Requiem (World Premier) | Bath Abbey |
28 Jun 1986 | J. S. Bach, Kodály Zoltán Kodály Zoltán Kodály was a Hungarian composer, ethnomusicologist, pedagogue, linguist, and philosopher. He is best known internationally as the creator of the Kodály Method.-Life:Born in Kecskemét, Kodály learned to play the violin as a child.... , Mozart |
Prelude & Fugue in C BWV547. Missa Brevis. Solemn Vespers | Bath Abbey |
15 Nov 1986 | Beethoven, Howells | Symphony No 3 in E Flat Op 55 (Eroica). Stabat Mater | Bath Abbey |
17/18/20 Dec 1986 | Various | Carols by Candlelight – 40th Season | Pump Room c.Joyce Honor |
28 Mar 1987 | J. S. Bach | Mass in A Major. Mass in G Minor. Double Violin Concerto | Bath Abbey |
27 Jun 1987 | Duruflé Maurice Duruflé Maurice Duruflé was a French composer, organist, and pedagogue.Duruflé was born in Louviers, Eure. In 1912, he became chorister at the Rouen Cathedral Choir School, where he studied piano and organ with Jules Haelling... , Poulenc Francis Poulenc Francis Jean Marcel Poulenc was a French composer and a member of the French group Les six. He composed solo piano music, chamber music, oratorio, choral music, opera, ballet music, and orchestral music... |
Requiem. Litanies a la Vierge Noire | Bath Abbey (Organ only) |
14 Nov 1987 | J. S. Bach | Christmas Oratorio | Bath Abbey |
Dec 1987 | Various | Carols by Candlelight – 41st Season | Pump Room c. Elizabeth Bates |
23 Apr 1988 | Elgar, Vaughan Williams, Parry | Introduction and Allegro. Donna nobis pacem. Invocation to Music | Bath Abbey |
09 Jul 1988 | Elgar, Coleridge-Taylor | Bavarian Highlands. Hiawatha's Wedding Feast. Victorian Songs | Michael Tippett Centre, Bath Spa University Bath Spa University Bath Spa University is a university based in, and around, Bath, England. The institution was previously known as Bath College of Higher Education, and later Bath Spa University College... c. Marcus Sealy. |
12 Nov 1988 | Vaughan Williams, Howells | Sea Symphony, Piano Concerto | Bath Abbey |
14/15/16 Dec 1988 | Various | Carols by Candlelight – 42rd Season | Pump Room c. Elizabeth Bates |
29 Apr 1989 | Handel | Israel in Egypt | Bath Abbey |
08 Jul 1989 | Stanford Charles Villiers Stanford Sir Charles Villiers Stanford was an Irish composer who was particularly notable for his choral music. He was professor at the Royal College of Music and University of Cambridge.- Life :... |
Songs of the Fleet, The Revenge | Michael Tippett Centrec. Marcus Sealy |
04 Nov 1989 | Haydn | Te Deum and Mass | Bath Abbey |
20/21/22 Dec 1989 | Various | Carols by Candlelight – 43rd Season | Pump Room c. Elizabeth Bates |
Nigel Perrin Appointed as Director of Music in March 1990 | |||
21 Apr 1990 | Monteverdi | Vespers of 1610 | Bath Abbey |
07 Jul 1990 | Vaughan Williams, Fauré, Horovitz Joseph Horovitz Joseph Horovitz is a British composer and conductor. Horovitz's family emigrated to England in 1938. He studied music and modern languages at New College, Oxford, and later attended the Royal College of Music in London, studying composition with Gordon Jacob. He then undertook a year of further... |
Shakespeare Songs. Cantique de Jean Racine. Captain Noah | Michael Tippett Centre |
10 Nov 1990 | Handel | Coronation Anthems. Organ Concertos | Bath Abbey |
19/20/21 Dec 1990 | Various | Carols by Candlelight – 44th Season | Pump Room c Nigel Perrin and Elizabeth Bates |
13 Apr 1991 | J. S. Bach, Mendelssohn Felix Mendelssohn Jakob Ludwig Felix Mendelssohn Barthóldy , use the form 'Mendelssohn' and not 'Mendelssohn Bartholdy'. The Grove Dictionary of Music and Musicians gives ' Felix Mendelssohn' as the entry, with 'Mendelssohn' used in the body text... |
Komm Jesus, Komm. Hymn of Praise | Bath Abbey |
06 Jul 1991 | Vaughan Williams, Purcell | Oxford Elegy. Come Ye Sons of Art | Assembly Rooms |
27 Aug 1991 | Handel, Handel, Ireland John Ireland (composer) John Nicholson Ireland was an English composer.- Life :John Ireland was born in Bowdon, near Altrincham, Manchester, into a family of Scottish descent and some cultural distinction. His father, Alexander Ireland, a publisher and newspaper proprietor, was aged 70 at John's birth... , Handel |
The Arrival of the Queen of Sheba. Zadok the Priest. Concerto Pastorale for Strings. The King Shall rejoice | Braunschweiger Dom with the Apollo Ensemble |
28 Aug 1991 | Schubert, Schumann, Hassler Hans Leo Hassler Hans Leo Hassler was a German composer and organist of the late Renaissance and early Baroque eras, elder brother of the less-famous Jakob Hassler... , Fauré, Purcell, Purcell |
Der Tanz. Somerleid. Tanzen und Springen. Cantique de Jean Racine. Come Ye Sons of Art. Birthday Ode for Queen Mary 1694 | Braunschweiger Dom with the Apollo Ensemble |
09 Nov 1991 | Pergolesi Giovanni Battista Pergolesi Giovanni Battista Pergolesi was an Italian composer, violinist and organist.-Biography:Born at Iesi, Pergolesi studied music there under a local musician, Francesco Santini, before going to Naples in 1725, where he studied under Gaetano Greco and Francesco Feo among others... , Vivaldi, Mozart |
Magnificat. Gloria RV 589. Slemn Vespers | Bath Abbey |
18/19.20 Dec 1991 | Various | Carols by Candlelight – 45th Season | Pump Room, Bath |
11 Apr 1992 | J. S. Bach, Antonín Tučapský Antonín Tucapský Antonín Tučapský is a Czech composer. Since 1975 he lives in Great Britain.-Biography:He was born in 1928 in Opatovice , Moravia, former Czechoslovakia. In 1947 he graduated from the Teachers’ Training College in Valašské Meziříčí. Tučapský studied in Brno before beginning his career as composer,... |
Magnificat. Stabat Mater (in presence of composer) | Bath Abbey |
11 Jul 1992 | Carl Orff Carl Orff Carl Orff was a 20th-century German composer, best known for his cantata Carmina Burana . In addition to his career as a composer, Orff developed an influential method of music education for children.-Early life:... , Lambert Constant Lambert Leonard Constant Lambert was a British composer and conductor.-Early life:Lambert, the son of Russian-born Australian painter George Lambert, was educated at Christ's Hospital and the Royal College of Music... |
Carmina Burana, Rio Grande | Assembly Rooms |
14 Nov 1992 | Rossini | Petit Messe Solenelle | Bath Abbey |
16/17/18 Dec 1992 | Various | Carols by Canbdlelight – 46th Season | Pump Room, Bath |
17 Apr 1993 | Haydn | Creation | Bath Abbey |
03 Jul 1993 | Gershwin, Unknown, Tippett | Porgy and Bess. Missa Luba. Negro Spirituals | Assembly Rooms |
13 Nov 1993 | J. S. Bach, Britten | Wachet Auf. St. Nicholas | Bath Abbey |
15/16/17 Dec 1993 | Various | Carols by Candlelight – 47th Season | Pump Room, Bath |
26 Mar 1994 | J. S. Bach | St. John Passion | Bath Abbey |
09 Jul 1994 | Various | A night at the Opera | Assembly Rooms |
12 Nov 1994 | Fauré, Pärt Arvo Pärt Arvo Pärt is an Estonian classical composer and one of the most prominent living composers of sacred music. Since the late 1970s, Pärt has worked in a minimalist style that employs his self-made compositional technique, tintinnabuli. His music also finds its inspiration and influence from... |
Requiem. Stabat Mater (Collection of £750 taken for the Estonian Ferry Disaster) | Bath Abbey |
Dec 1994 | Various | Carols by Candlelight – 48th Season | Pump Room, Bath |
Apr 1995 | Mendelssohn | Elijah | Forum |
Jul 1995 | Berlioz | Grande Messe des Morts (with other NFMS Societies) | Imperial College, London |
Nov 1995 | Mozart | As a part of the Bath Mozartfest. Requiem, Ave Verum Corpus | Forum |
Dec 1995 | Various | Carols by Candlelight – 49th Season | Pump Room, Bath |
Apr 1996 | Rossini, Mozart | Stabat Mater. Coronation Mass | Forum |
Jul 1996 | Fanshawe David Fanshawe David Arthur Fanshawe was an English composer, ethnomusicologist and self-styled explorer. His work is situated at the crossroads of traditional and modern music. His best-known composition is the 1972 choral work African Sanctus.- Life :Fanshawe was born in Paignton in Devon in 1942... |
African Sanctus | Forum |
Nov 1996 | Mozart | As a part of the Bath Mozartfest. Coronation Mass | Forum |
18/19/20 Dec 1996 | Various | Carols by Candlelight – 50th Season | Pump Room, Bath |
1997 was the Choir's 50th Anniversary Year | |||
24 Apr 97 | Monteverdi | Vespers of 1610 | Bath Abbey |
26 Apr 97 | J. S. Bach | Mass in B Minor | Bath Abbey c. Sir David Willcocks |
Jul 1997 | Handel | Acis and Galatea | Assembly Rooms |
Nov 1997 | Mozart | As a part of the Bath Mozartfest. Misericordias Dominum. Solemn Vespers | Forum |
Dec 1997 | Various | Carols by Candlelight – 51st Season | Pump Room, Bath |
Apr 1998 | Verdi | Requiem | Forum |
04 Jul 1998 | Burrell, Dvořák Antonín Dvorák Antonín Leopold Dvořák was a Czech composer of late Romantic music, who employed the idioms of the folk music of Moravia and his native Bohemia. Dvořák’s own style is sometimes called "romantic-classicist synthesis". His works include symphonic, choral and chamber music, concerti, operas and many... , Britten, Bernstein Leonard Bernstein Leonard Bernstein August 25, 1918 – October 14, 1990) was an American conductor, composer, author, music lecturer and pianist. He was among the first conductors born and educated in the United States of America to receive worldwide acclaim... |
Benedicam Dominum, Mass in D, Rejoice in the Lamb. Chichester Psalms Chichester Psalms Chichester Psalms is a choral work by Leonard Bernstein for boy treble or countertenor, solo quartet, choir and orchestra... |
Bath Abbey |
15 Nov 1998 | Mozart | As a part of the Bath Mozartfest. Dominican Vespers | Forum |
16/17/18 Dec 1998 | Various | Carols by Candlelight – 52nd Season | Pump Room, Bath |
27 Mar 1999 | Walton William Walton Sir William Turner Walton OM was an English composer. During a sixty-year career, he wrote music in several classical genres and styles, from film scores to opera... , Elgar, Poulenc |
Crown Imperial. The Music Makers. Gloria | Forum |
03 Jul 1999 | Rutter John Rutter John Milford Rutter CBE is a British composer, conductor, editor, arranger and record producer, mainly of choral music.-Biography:Born in London, Rutter was educated at Highgate School, where a fellow pupil was John Tavener. He read music at Clare College, Cambridge, where he was a member of the... , Elgar, Kodály |
Gloria. Give Unto the Lord. Missa Brevis | Clifton Cathedral, Bristol |
07/09 Oct 1999 | Mozart, Handel | Mass in C K317. Coronation Anthems | Reformed Templon, Kaposvár, and Pasarét Templon, Budapest |
06 Nov 1999 | Mozart | As a part of the Bath Mozartfest. Requiem (Duncan Druce Edition) | Bath Abbey |
15/16/17 Dec 1999 | Various | Carols by Candlelight – 53rd Season | Pump Room, Bath |
08 Apr 2000 | Walton, Puccini Giacomo Puccini Giacomo Antonio Domenico Michele Secondo Maria Puccini was an Italian composer whose operas, including La bohème, Tosca, Madama Butterfly, and Turandot, are among the most frequently performed in the standard repertoire... |
Belshazzar's Feast Belshazzar's Feast (Walton) Belshazzar's Feast is an oratorio by the English composer William Walton. It was first performed at the Leeds Festival on 8 October 1931. The work has remained one of Walton's most celebrated compositions and one of the most popular works in the English choral repertoire... . Messa di Gloria. (with Bath Choral Society) |
Forum |
15 Jul 2000 | Various | A Night at the Opera (with the Béla Vikár Choir from Kaposvár, Hungary) | Assembly Rooms |
26 Oct 2000 | Various, Brahms | Wie lieblich sind deine Wohnungen and other pieces | St Salvator's Cathedral, Bruges |
11 Nov 2000 | Brahms | As a part of the Bath Mozartfest. Ein Deutsches Requiem Ein deutsches Requiem A German Requiem, To Words of the Holy Scriptures, Op. 45 by Johannes Brahms, is a large-scale work for chorus, orchestra, and a soprano and a baritone soloist, composed between 1865 and 1868. It comprises seven movements, which together last 65 to 80 minutes, making this work Brahms's longest... Op. 45 |
Forum c. Martyn Brabbins |
Dec 2000 | Various | Carols by Candlelight – 54th Season | Pump Room, Bath |
07 Apr 2001 | Bach | St. Matthew Passion (Neil Jenkins Edition) | Bath Abbey |
Jul 2001 | Various | In the Mood – music on the lighter side. Including Stanford: Songs of the Fleet and Flanders and Horrowitz: Captain Noah and his Floating Zoo | Michael Tippett Centre |
10 Nov 2001 | Haydn | Paukenmesse | Bath Abbey |
Dec 2001 | Various | Carols by Candlelight – 55th Season Pump Room | |
06 Apr 2002 | Elgar | The Dream of Gerontius. Second performance on 10 Apr 02 in collaboration with the Exeter Festival Chorus | Forum & Exeter Cathedral |
Jul 2002 | Orff | Carmina Burana and other works | Assembly Rooms |
30 Nov 2002 | Haydn, Britten, Tavener John Tavener Sir John Tavener is a British composer, best known for such religious, minimal works as "The Whale", and "Funeral Ikos"... |
Missa Sancti Nicolai, Saint Nicholas, God is with us | Wells Cathedral |
Dec 2002 | Various | Carols by Candlelight – 56th Season | Pump Room, Bath |
22 Mar 2003 | Lloyd, Rossini | Requiem Aeternam (second performance in the presence of the composer) Petite Messe Solonnelle |
Bath Abbey |
12 Jul 2003 | Sullivan | West End! A programme including excerpts from Les Misérables and a performance of Trial by Jury | Wiltshire Music Centre Wiltshire Music Centre Wiltshire Music Centre is a unique contemporary building in Bradford on Avon, Wiltshire. It has a first class 300 seat concert hall with superb acoustics plus nine other teaching and workshop spaces of various sizes.... |
01 Nov 2003 | Handel, Handel, Vivaldi | Ode to St. Cecilia. Silente Venti. Gloria (RV 589) Casella ed. | The Forum |
16/17/18/19 Dec 2003 | Various | Carols by Candlelight – 57th Season | Pump Room, Bath |
07 Mar 2004 | J. S. Bach | Mass in B Minor | Bath Abbey |
Jul 2004 | Ramírez, Jean Berger Jean Berger Jean Berger was a German-born pianist, composer, and music educator.-Early years:... , Chilcott Bob Chilcott Robert "Bob" Chilcott is a British choral composer, conductor, and singer, based in Oxford, England.Born in Plymouth, Chilcott sang in the Choir of King's College, Cambridge, both as a boy and as a university student. He performed the Pie Jesu of Fauré's Requiem on the 1967 recording. In 1985 he... |
Songs from the Southern Hemisphere. Missa Criolla. Psalmo Brasileiro. The Making of the Drum | Tippett Centre |
14 & 30 Oct 2004 | Britten | A War Requiem (with Braunschweiger Domchor, Bath Choral Society and the boys of Bristol Cathedral choir.) | Brunswick Cathedral & Colston Hall, Bristol |
14/15/16/17 Dec 2004 | Various | Carols by Candlelight – 58th Season | Pump Room, Bath |
19 Mar 2005 | J. S. Bach | Semi-staged St John Passion (Neil Jenkins Edition) | Forum |
Jul 2005 | Various | The Grand Tour a musical travelogue | Wiltshire Music Centre |
Nov 2005 | Karl Jenkins Karl Jenkins -Other works:*Adiemus: Live — live versions of Adiemus music*Palladio *Eloise *Imagined Oceans *The Armed Man: A Mass for Peace... , Rutter |
An Armed Man - A Mass for Peace. Requiem | Forum |
Dec 2005 | Various | Carols by Candlelight – 59th Season | Pump Room, Bath |
01 Apr 2006 | J. S. Bach | St Matthew Passion (Neil Jenkins edition) | Forum |
08 Jul 2006 | Vaughan Williams, George Shearing George Shearing Sir George Shearing, OBE was an Anglo-American jazz pianist who for many years led a popular jazz group that recorded for MGM Records and Capitol Records. The composer of over 300 titles, he had multiple albums on the Billboard charts during the 1950s, 1960s, 1980s and 1990s... and others |
Sonnets & Songs with a Shakespearean flavour | Wiltshire Music Centre |
28 Oct 2006 | Karl Jenkins, Haydn | Requiem. Nelson Mass | Bath Abbey |
13/14/15 Dec 2006 | Various | Carols by Candlelight – 60th Season | Pump Room, Bath |
31 Mar 2007 | Mozart, Beethoven | ‘Great’ Mass in C Minor K427. Christus am Ölberge Op 85 | Forum |
60th Anniversary Concert | |||
14 Jul 2007 | Hughes, Rutter, Purcell | Song for St. Cecilia (Commission - First Performance). Birthday Madrigals. Birthday Ode for Queen Mary Come Ye Sons of Art | Wiltshire Music Centre Wiltshire Music Centre Wiltshire Music Centre is a unique contemporary building in Bradford on Avon, Wiltshire. It has a first class 300 seat concert hall with superb acoustics plus nine other teaching and workshop spaces of various sizes.... |
03 Nov 2007 | J. S. Bach, Rossini | As a part of Nigel Perrin's Gala Concert. Lobet den Herrn. Peiite Messe Solonelle | Forum |
19/20/21 Dec 2007 | Various | Carols by Candlelight – 61st Season | Pump Room, Bath |
21 Jan 08 | Karl Jenkins | Requiem - New York Premier | Carnegie Hall Carnegie Hall Carnegie Hall is a concert venue in Midtown Manhattan in New York City, United States, located at 881 Seventh Avenue, occupying the east stretch of Seventh Avenue between West 56th Street and West 57th Street, two blocks south of Central Park.... , New York, USA |
15 Mar 2008 | Duruflé | Requiem and works by Fauré, Messiaen, Poulenc Vierne and Hakim. | Bath Abbey |
12 July 2008 | Vaughan Williams | An Evening with Ralph Vaughan Williams and Friends. Works by Wood, Parry, Stanford, Holst, Bruch, Ravel, Finzi and Vaughan Williams to commemorate the 50th Anniversary of Vaughan Williams's death | Wiltshire Music Centre Wiltshire Music Centre Wiltshire Music Centre is a unique contemporary building in Bradford on Avon, Wiltshire. It has a first class 300 seat concert hall with superb acoustics plus nine other teaching and workshop spaces of various sizes.... |
01 Nov 2008 | Pehkonen, Hughes, Vivaldi | Russian Requiem. A Song for St. Cecilia. Gloria (RV589) | Bath Abbey |
17/19 Dec 2008 | Various | Carols by Candlelight – 62nd Season | Pump Room, Bath |
28 Mar 2009 | Handel; Karl Jenkins | Messiah Part II Messiah Part II Messiah , the English-language oratorio composed by George Frideric Handel in 1741, is structured in three parts. This listing covers Part II in a table and comments on individual movements, reflecting the relation of the musical setting to the text... ; Stabat Mater |
Bath Abbey |
04 Jul 2009 | Will Todd Will Todd Will Todd is an English classical composer and pianist.- Biography :Todd was born in County Durham, attended Durham School and studied music at the University of Bristol... |
Mass in Blue | Wiltshire Music Centre Wiltshire Music Centre Wiltshire Music Centre is a unique contemporary building in Bradford on Avon, Wiltshire. It has a first class 300 seat concert hall with superb acoustics plus nine other teaching and workshop spaces of various sizes.... |
24 Oct 2009 | J. S. Bach, Britten, Bruckner | Lobet den Herrn; Rejoice in the Lamb; Locutus Iste; Ave Maria; Tota Pulchra Est | Thomaskirche, Leipzig |
07 Nov 2009 | J. S. Bach, Britten, Bruckner | Lobet den Herrn; Jesu meine Freude; Rejoice in the Lamb; Tota pulchra es; Ecce sacrados; Afferentur regi; Inveni David | Bath Abbey |
16/18 Dec 2009 | Various | Carols by Candlelight – 63rd Season | Pump Room, Bath |
>Nigel Perrin's 20th Anniversary Concert | |||
27 Mar 2010 | Monteverdi; Rossini; J. S. Bach | Beatus Vir; Stabat Mater; Cantata BWV 182 Himmelskönig, sei willkommen | Bath Abbey |
19 Jun 2010 | Brahms, Horovitz | Ein deutsches Requiem Op. 45; Captain Noah and His Floating Zoo (performed by The CBBC Junior Choir with support from the Senior Choir) | Wiltshire Music Centre Wiltshire Music Centre Wiltshire Music Centre is a unique contemporary building in Bradford on Avon, Wiltshire. It has a first class 300 seat concert hall with superb acoustics plus nine other teaching and workshop spaces of various sizes.... [4] |
03 Jul 2010 | Brahms, Horovitz | Ein deutsches Requiem Op. 45; Captain Noah and His Floating Zoo (performed by The CBBC Junior Choir with support from the Senior Choir) | Malmesbury Abbey Malmesbury Abbey Malmesbury Abbey, at Malmesbury in Wiltshire, England, was founded as a Benedictine monastery around 676 by the scholar-poet Aldhelm, a nephew of King Ine of Wessex. In 941 AD, King Athelstan was buried in the Abbey. By the 11th century it contained the second largest library in Europe and was... |
06 Nov 2010 | Monteverdi, Chilcott | Hymns and Psalms; Salisbury Vespers Performed with Bath Camerata |
Bath Abbey Bath Abbey The Abbey Church of Saint Peter and Saint Paul, Bath, commonly known as Bath Abbey, is an Anglican parish church and a former Benedictine monastery in Bath, Somerset, England... |
15/17 Dec 2010 | Various | Carols by Candlelight – 64th Season | Pump Room, Bath |
19 Mar 2011 | Mendelssohn | Elijah | Bath Abbey Bath Abbey The Abbey Church of Saint Peter and Saint Paul, Bath, commonly known as Bath Abbey, is an Anglican parish church and a former Benedictine monastery in Bath, Somerset, England... |
16 Jul 2011 | Tippett, Dahl, Ellington | Five Negro Spirituals (from Child of our Time); Songs by Roald Dahl (performed by The CBBC Junior Choir with Jamie Knights, Piano, Adrienne Hale Conducting); Pacific Song (with Marcus Sealy, Piano); Sacred Concert (Andy Williamson – saxes, Pete Judge – trumpet, Robin Holloway – piano, Al Swainger – double bass, Andy Hague – drums). | Wiltshire Music Centre Wiltshire Music Centre Wiltshire Music Centre is a unique contemporary building in Bradford on Avon, Wiltshire. It has a first class 300 seat concert hall with superb acoustics plus nine other teaching and workshop spaces of various sizes.... |
22 Oct 2011 | Nystedt, Górecki, Ellington, Mozart, Bruckner, Rossinni, Whitaker, Monteverdi, Tippett, | Laudate Domninum; Totus Tuus Op 60; Come Sunday (arr John Høybye); Ave Verum Corpus; Locus Iste; Quando Corpus, Lux Arumque, Cantate Donini, Five Negro Spirituals (from Child of our Time); | La Chiesa di Sant'Agnese in Agone, Rome |
23 Oct 2011 | Nystedt, Bruckner, Rossinni | Laudate Domninum; Locus Iste, Quando Corpus | The Venerable English College, Rome |