Clair Weeks
Clair Weeks was an American film cartoon animator, cartoon film producer and illustrator who had prominent works for Disney Studios, the most notbale being his work in the animated film classics Snow White
Snow White
"Snow White" is a fairy tale known from many countries in Europe, the best known version being the German one collected by the Brothers Grimm...

(1937), and Bambi
Bambi is a 1942 American animated film directed by David Hand , produced by Walt Disney and based on the book Bambi, A Life in the Woods by Austrian author Felix Salten...

(1942). and
"Cinderella; or, The Little Glass Slipper" is a folk tale embodying a myth-element of unjust oppression/triumphant reward. Thousands of variants are known throughout the world. The title character is a young woman living in unfortunate circumstances that are suddenly changed to remarkable fortune...


Early life and education

Weeks's, whose father was a Methodist missionary, working on many missions in India
India , officially the Republic of India , is a country in South Asia. It is the seventh-largest country by geographical area, the second-most populous country with over 1.2 billion people, and the most populous democracy in the world...

 for roughly 40 years. Weeks, who because of his parents' missionary work, traveled extensively as a child, eventually re-locatiing with the family permanently in America by the early 1930s, the family settling in California. After graduation from high school, Weeks studied at Chouinard
Chouinard Art Institute
The Chouinard Art Institute was a professional art school founded in 1921 in Los Angeles, California, by Nelbert Murphy Chouinard .-Founder:...

 on a scholarship. As he was about to graduate after 1935-36 school year, Disney had advertised for full-time positions in their Animation Department in various schools, and had sent talent scouts out to search for talented young artists. Weeks was accepted to a 2 week tryout at Disney based on his Chouinard portfolio. The entire two weeks were spent in Life Drawing sessions.

Weeks recalls the training sessions:

"Then you were put on a sort of probation, a temporary status; you were hired...put on a payroll for $15... for six months. Johnny Bond and George Goepper were among the trainers at the time, working with George Drake...gradually there was a moving across the street. As you got more proficient, and as you demonstrated your potential, and as you became noticed, what you were demonstrating, and what you were doing in the practical scenes--of course, at first we were given old stuff to practice on. Then you were given production scenes to do, and as you demonstrated your potential, you were moved across...Also, one of our aims, one of our ambitions or hopes, ass to get with a good animator, one whose work we liked or was the kind we wanted to do."


Weeks began his full-time production career at Disney in 1936, working on Snow White as an assistant for Jack Campbell, a Junior Animator assigned to animator Grim Natwick, working on the title character. Weeks' big step came after Snow White as he was assigned to Milt Kahl. Weeks recalls, "I learned everything know about feature animation from example. A feeling for draftsmanship, emphasizing good drawing, and all the marvelous character development...insight into what made a character live on screen." He would spend a total of
sixteen years at Disney serving mainly as an clean- Up assistant, advisory consultant, and a character Animator. Also during this time, Weeks participated in the 1941 Cartoon Animators' Strike, and also served in World War II in 1943, afterwards returning to Disney in 1946.

Disney animated film feature works

On Bambi, Weeks was assigned to the story unit and served as a creative assistant throughout the production stage. Weeks provided the original sketch for the Bambi character, which he borrowed from an idea from his young son. After his work on Bambi, Weeks got to work very
closely with animator Marc Davis on Cinderella
"Cinderella; or, The Little Glass Slipper" is a folk tale embodying a myth-element of unjust oppression/triumphant reward. Thousands of variants are known throughout the world. The title character is a young woman living in unfortunate circumstances that are suddenly changed to remarkable fortune...

(1950) and Peter Pan
Peter Pan
Peter Pan is a character created by Scottish novelist and playwright J. M. Barrie . A mischievous boy who can fly and magically refuses to grow up, Peter Pan spends his never-ending childhood adventuring on the small island of Neverland as the leader of his gang the Lost Boys, interacting with...

(1953), Sleeping Beauty
Sleeping Beauty
Sleeping Beauty by Charles Perrault or Little Briar Rose by the Brothers Grimm is a classic fairytale involving a beautiful princess, enchantment, and a handsome prince...

(1959), but with both of the latter two film features as a consultant and assistant animator after his full-time employment with Disney Studios had ended in 1952. Little by little, Weeks would pick up animation scenes, most notbaly on Alice in Wonderland. He finally got screen credit on Peter Pan on which he primarily animated the 'Tinkerbell' character, and then was also assigned to 'Princess Aurora' character in Sleeping Beauty.

The Banyan Deer (1957), other works in India

In 1956, Weeks was invited to Films Division of India (FDI) in Bombay, India to establish and train the country's first animation studio as part of the American Technical Co-Operation mission, he trained a core group of Indian animators. During his time in India he made a film
called The Banyan Deer (1957). He would spend years of service abroad working for the US Agency for International Development. He toured Southeast Asia and headed up a communications office in Katmandu, Nepal. He made films and audio-visual programs that aided in the social development and economic growth of third world countries. After returning to the U. S. he would then teach animation at the American Animation Institute and Orange Coast Community College
Orange Coast
The Orange Coast is the string of cities and neighborhoods fronting the Pacific Coast in Orange County, California. The most significant cities from north to south are Seal Beach, Huntington Beach, Newport Beach, Laguna Beach, San Juan Capistrano, Dana Point and San Clemente...

During the late 60’s and early 70’s Weeks taught at the National Institute of Design (NID) in Ahmedabad, India
Ahmedabad also known as Karnavati is the largest city in Gujarat, India. It is the former capital of Gujarat and is also the judicial capital of Gujarat as the Gujarat High Court has its seat in Ahmedabad...



Weeks, a longtime resident of Los Alimitos, California, died of cancer there on August 26, 1996.

External links

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