Claus Hempler
Claus Hempler is a Danish singer/songwriter
A songwriter is an individual who writes both the lyrics and music to a song. Someone who solely writes lyrics may be called a lyricist, and someone who only writes music may be called a composer...

 who was the front man in the Danish band Fielfraz
Fielfraz was a Danish band which had its heyday between 1990 and 1996. The band members were Claus Hempler on guitar and vocals, Nils Brakchi on bass, Kenneth Priisholm on guitar and Jens Langhorn on drums...

from 1990 to 1996.

Fielfraz split up in 1996, but Claus Hempler continued to make music, releasing the solo album Charm School for Pop Singers in 1999. The album, which was primarily jazz, didn't generate much buzz in Denmark and wasn't played much on the radio.

Hempler later released Hempler in 2004 with greater success than his first solo album. Unlike Charm School for Pop Singers, Hempler received good reviews in the Danish media, and the single "Unlucky in Love" was a small hit on some radio stations.

In 2007, Claus Hempler released Return of the Yes Man, a soft-rock album, which also received good reviews in the Danish media.
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