Clear cola
A clear cola is a colorless cola
Cola is a carbonated beverage that was typically flavored by the kola nut as well as vanilla and other flavorings, however, some colas are now flavored artificially. It became popular worldwide after druggist John Pemberton invented Coca-Cola in 1886...

. These were manufactured in the early 1990s.
  • Crystal Pepsi
    Crystal Pepsi
    Crystal Pepsi was a caffeine-free soft drink made by PepsiCo from 1992 to 1993 in the United States, Canada, and for a short time in Australia. Crystal Pepsi was sold for a longer time in Europe.-History:...

  • Tab Clear
    Tab Clear
    Tab Clear, a variation of Tab, was Coca-Cola's contribution to the short-lived "clear cola" movement during the early 1990s. It was introduced in the United States on December 14, 1992, in the United Kingdom a month later, and in Japan in March 1993 to initially positive results...

  • 7 Up Ice Cola
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