Cnebba was the grandfather of Creoda of Mercia
Creoda of Mercia
Creoda was the first monarch of Mercia, reigning from 584 to 593.Creoda is recorded as having been the son of Cynewald, the grandson of Cnebba, and the great-grandson of Icel; consequently, members of the Mercian royal line were known as Iclingas...

 and the son of Icel. Cnebba's son was Cynewald
Cynewald was the father of Creoda of Mercia and the son of Cnebba. As such, he was an ancestor of the royal house of Mercia. However nothing is known of him beyond his name in genealogies. He is likely to have lived in the mid-6th century.-See also:...


See also

  • Kings of Mercia family tree
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