Coach Trip (series one)
Coach Trip 1 was the first series of Coach Trip
(a Channel 4
programme) that was filmed from April 2004 to June 2004 and began showing on 7 March 2005. The trip went through several European countries. Chris Groombridge was the driver for the only time, Brendan Sheerin
was the tour guide, Andy Love was narrator and the registration was T100 MTT.
Note: Jane has also appeared on Channel 4 food TV show Come Dine with Me
(Note: Contestants in italics left without being voted off).
. During the trip the travellers introduced themselves to each other. During the journey through the tunnel to Calais
Jaki provided some musical entertainment. Their overnight stop was Bruges
, Pete and Barbara who had never been abroad before enjoyed the food, as did Phil who admitted he didn't like foreign food. Rob and Eva found finding food difficult. John got upset by people smoking at the table. The next morning they continued on their way to Amsterdam and as they crossed the border the coach trippers had a half hearted attempt at singing the Dutch national anthem. The first activity in Amsterdam was a visit to a clog maker. Jaki decided to wear a pair for the rest of the day. The second activity was a trip on a canal boat. On the boat the travellers decided to have a sing song, which upset the captain of the boat. At the vote, Rob and Eva received one vote and John and Jaki, Marion and Phil and Steph and Joanne all received two votes each. The remainder of the group had to decide which of these three couples would receive the yellow card, which was given to Rob and Eva.
. As they arrived in Brussels the travellers sang the Belgium National Anthem. Whilst there, Rob and Eva confronted Pete and Barbara over last night's vote. The first activity was a trip to a chocolate factory. The second activity was a trip to a Belgium Beer Brewery which the travellers did not enjoy. At the day's vote Joanne and Steph, Tom and Max and John and Jaki all received one vote each but Rob and Eva received four votes and were given their second yellow card, followed by a red, meaning they had to leave the trip. Eva managed to upset one more person during the vote, saying that John had poor personal hygiene and that he could do with a shower.
, Brendan decided it would be useful for the travellers to learn some German phrases. After arriving in Koblenz the group had a traditional German lunch. Phil asked for egg and chips
, but instead had a ham sandwich. After lunch they wandered down the bank of the Rhine. Phil had some interaction with some Germans, asking one charity worker whether they were a man or woman. The rest of the travellers went shopping for souvenirs. Before the next activity, a tour of a castle, new couple Bob and Pasquale arrived. The castle was on a hillside meaning a walk for the travellers, which was testing for Steph who arrived half an hour after the others. At the vote Steph and Joanne, Tom and Max, Sally and Emma and Phil and Marion all received one vote each but John and Jacki received three votes and were given a yellow card. After dinner they all went to dinner where Phil admitted his preconceptions about Germans were wrong.
the travellers had to write a fairy story. Pasquale and Bob's story cast John as the villain, fuelling the ill feeling between them, coming from Pasquale feeling John is homophobic. The first activity in Baden-Baden was a lesson on how to make Black Forest Gateau
. After seeing how it was made the group got to taste some. The afternoon's activity was a trip to a spa where the travellers spent an afternoon unwinding. At a heated vote at the end of the day Tom and Max, Pasquale and Bob and Barbara and Pete all received one vote but John and Jaki received four votes and were given their second yellow card, followed by a red card, meaning they had to leave the trip. During the vote many travellers accused John of being unfair in his behaviour towards Pasquale and Bob. Pasquale accused John of being Homophobic), and Pete said that he had overheard John calling Pasquale and Bob "Poofs". John responded that this had been said in the privacy of the toilet.
Max and Sally relaxed with each other, with Sally giving him a foot massage. Pasquale felt much more at ease on the coach now that John had left. The group sang the German national anthem. After they had arrived on Munich the travellers went up the Olympic Tower to see a view of the city. Although Pasquale was disappointed that he could not see the coast as he was expecting, Brendan explained that the nearest coastline would be in Italy. Afterwards the group was joined by Vander and Nicki, making Tom and Max's wish of new girls come true. The girls did not endear themselves to Barbara, mistaking her for a man. The second activity was a trip to a marketplace where some of the group went on a guided tour whilst others went off on their own. Phil had a nice conversation with a German lady, despite neither of them speaking the others language. At the end of the afternoon they watched the Glockenspiel Chimes. At the day's vote, Phil and Marion received one vote but Emma and Sally, Bob and Pasquale and Steph and Joanne all received two meaning all three couples with two votes had to leave the group whilst the others decided who would be given the yellow card and they chose Steph and Joanne. After receiving all of "one" vote Pasquale vowed to get rid of Emma and Sally, calling Sally a "poisonous dwarf."
was a trip to a salt mine where they had a tour of the mine and a fun trip down a slide. The afternoon's activity was a Sound of Music tour around the city due to several scenes being filmed in the city, although Steph and Joanne did not take part. Brendan revealed that it was one of his favourite films and took great delight in re-enacting some of the famous scenes. At the days vote Bob and Pasquale voted for Emma and Sally, claiming they had chosen them from a hat randomly, which is against coach rules so they were told they must give a real reason. In total Emma and Sally received three votes but Nicki and Vander received four votes and were given a yellow card. Overall the vote was very heated with different travellers saying they did not trust either couple and left the younger travellers quite emotional. To lighten the mood Brendan took the group to Europe's oldest restaurant which was holding a Mozart evening. Nicki and Vander particularly enjoyed the evening and were moved to tears by the music.
. On the journey Bob and Pasquale won a Sound of Music quiz, causing Phil to have a sulk as he thought he should have won and that Bob and Pasquale must have cheated. The coach arrived in Linz an hour earlier than planned causing more discussion between Brendan and Chris. The first activity was a cruise down the Danube. Bob was made honorary captain and was given a chance to steer the ship. The travellers enjoyed lunch on the boat. At lunch Tom tried to make an effort with Nicki and Vander but his friend Max was not interested in doing the same. In the afternoon they went to a Museum of the Future. At the museum there was a competition between Pasquale and Phil to settle the earlier dispute. The contest was on a toy race track which used noise made by the contestants to control the speed of the car. Pasquale won the game. Pasquale's prize was a virtual flight over Linz. At the day's vote Phil and Marion and Pete and Barbara each received one vote, Bob and Pasquale received two votes but Nicki and Vander received three votes and were given their second yellow card and a red card, meaning they had to leave the coach, which visibly upset them. Despite securing their exit Max asked Nicki on a date. At dinner the manager of the restaurant got on so well with Phil he laid on a special musical performance for the group.
. As the first activity of the day was a trip to the world's oldest zoo the travellers played a game of animal charades and learnt the German names for animals they would be seeing. At the zoo Pasquale showed a unique talent of being able to talk to the different animals. Whilst going around the zoo Pete and Barbara tried to determine what animals other travellers were like, deciding Steph was a penguin, Bob was a bear, Phil was a camel and Pete was a polar bear. After lunch the travellers learned how to make Apple Strudel, Austria's most famous dessert. Emma was designated helper and Sally thought the chef fancied Emma. On the way to the afternoons destination Steph decided to take a nap, although it was not peaceful for the other passengers due to her snoring. The afternoon's stop was to a fairground where they had a go-kart race; Phil lost again to Pasquale and blamed his go-kart. They then went on a Vienna's famous Ferris wheel. Steph who was scared of heights refused to go on, although Bob, who has the same fear, did make it onto the ride. On the ride Barbara reflected on what a great time she had been having on the coach trip, the first time she had ever left Britain. Due to the replacement couples' flight being delayed there was only six couples at the days vote. Tom and Max received one vote but Joanne and Steph received four votes meaning they received their second yellow card, and a red card and had to leave the coach. As Joanne and Steph were the last couple to vote and their fate had been sealed they did not cast it. After the vote the new couple arrived, elderly friends Ellen and Rose, much to the disappointment of Tom and Max who had been hoping for more young girls.
the travellers got to know Ellen and Rose, trying out Ellen's hobby of sugar flower making. On the journey to Graz after stopping for lunch, Sally had an argument with Brendan over ordering food which left Sally in tears. In Graz they visited a pumpkin seed oil mill where they saw and tasted the production of the oil and tried pumpkin schnapps. When told that the seeds acted like Viagra some members got more interested, especially Tom. The second activity was a Nordic walk through vineyards with guide Christian. Some travellers did not see the point of using the walking sticks they were given. In the vineyards the group tried the grapes except Phil who said he did not like grapes. Afterwards new couple, friends Trevor and Paul, joined the coach. The third activity was a wine tasting session at the vineyards, being shown how to properly taste wine. At the vote Pete and Barbara, and Bob and Pasquale received one vote each, Sally and Emma received two votes but Phil and Marion received three and were given a yellow card. Bob and Pasquale revealed they regretted voting for Phil and Marion as they would have liked to have voted for Sally and Emma but felt they couldn't as they didn't want to be seen picking on the girls.
. The first activity was a guided tour through the centre of the city. Lunch at a traditional Slovenian restaurant proved difficult for Phil, as he did not like pasta. Brendan arranged some vegetable soup for him but he did not eat this either. The next trip of the day was to a stud farm to see the famous Lipizzaner horses in a display which got mixed reviews from the travellers. A talk by a guide afterwards left all the travellers bored. When they all left the talk, Brendan said he was ashamed at their behaviour. At the days vote Pete and Barbara, Trevor and Paul, Sally and Emma and Max and Tom all received one vote each but Rose and Ellen received three votes which meant they received a yellow card. Phil went hungry again at dinner as he did not like the fish dish on offer.
and the first activity was a guided tour of the city. For lunch the travellers had pizza, which did not make Phil very happy. The afternoon's activity was a demonstration of mask making and after this the travellers got to dress up in traditional Venetian costumes, which Phil did not enjoy. Phil's bad day in Venice continued when he found out he had to pay to use the toilet. After dressing up the next activity was a ride on the gondolas through the canals of Venice. After the ride Pasquale found out he had been a victim of practical joke from Paul and Trevor who had filled his new leather bag with rubbish. At the days vote Phil and Marion, Pete and Barbara and Ellen and Rose all received one vote each but Paul and Trevor received four votes and were given a yellow card.
. The first activity of the day was a lesson on how to make pasta at a cookery school where the travellers made their own lunch. Max won a trophy for the best chef. Phil refused to eat the Bolognese sauce provided by the school as he said it would make him ill. On the coach Phil upset some other travellers by saying there was nothing good about Italy and that he didn't like Italians. The second activity was a trip to a Lamborghini museum. At the vote Paul and Trevor and Tom and Max both received one vote each but Phil and Marion received five votes and were given their second yellow card and a red which meant they had to leave the coach.
and the first activity was a pizza making lesson. Max and Sally fell out as Max interfered when Sally was having trouble rolling their pizza. After they had made the pizzas new couple, friends Angela and Eden, arrived. Their lunch was the pizzas which they had just made. Angela and Eden's eating habits did not go down well with Bob and Pasquale. The afternoon's activity was wine tasting. Some travellers, including Ellen and Rose, got quite merry. At the day's vote Pete and Barbara received three votes but Ellen and Rose received four votes, meaning they received their second yellow card and a red, so they had to leave the trip after 5 full days on the coach. At dinner Max upset Pasquale by telling Tom to repeat a derogatory Italian word for homosexuals to Pasquale.
and the first activity was a tour of the Coliseum. Paul and Trevor showed off some unique underwear based on Michelangelo's David. At lunch Sally caused a storm by vomiting after eating pasta topped with almonds after saying she had a nut allergy. Sally claimed she did not know there were almonds on the pasta but others said they thought she did it to get attention. The second activity of the day was a visit to the Trevi Fountain. As the new couple had not arrived yet to replace Ellen and Rose there were only six couples at the days votes, Tom and Max, Sally and Emma and Trevor and Paul all received one vote each but Eden and Angela received three votes and were given a yellow card.
. On the way there the travellers met new couple, husband and wife Carol and Alan. It was also revealed by Brendan that the day's vote would be anonymous. This upset Barbara and Pete but pleased Pasquale and Bob. The first activity of the day was an art lesson at an art studio where the travellers got to show off their artistic talents, or lack of in some cases. Angela and Eden found it hard to take this seriously. In the second activity of the day the travellers were given the afternoon to go shopping in Florence. Pasquale used the time to discuss the vote with the other travellers, trying to get them to vote for Emma and Sally at the day's vote. Tom and Max upset the group by not getting to the meeting point at the correct time after getting lost. At the anonymous vote Angela and Eden received three votes but Emma and Sally got four votes and were given a yellow card. The result led to hostility between some travellers, with Tom telling Pasquale that he knew he was up to something. Emma and Sally confronted Pasquale about the vote but Pasquale denied voting for them and said he voted for Tom and Max, whilst Bob said they voted for Angela and Eden revealing Pasquale's lies.
where the travellers took pictures of each other trying to hold up the leaning tower. Hostilities between the travellers continued, especially between Tom and Pasquale. Bob and Pasquale refused to take part in the activity at Pisa. At the next stop, Parma
, the group visited a cheese factory. Tensions remained as Pasquale complained that Pete was a "puppet master" and was trying to manipulate the younger contestants. At the day's vote Eden and Angela received one vote but Bob and Pasquale and Tom and Max both received three votes each meaning they had to leave the circle while the others decided who to give the yellow card to. Bob and Pasquale were quickly chosen to receive a yellow card. Pete was angry during the vote as Bob and Pasquale had refused to give their reasons for their vote and he left the circle after pushing Pasquale in the back of the head. Eden had already walked away because of the arguing.
. The first activity of the day was a trip to see the Shroud of Turin at the Cathedral of Saint John the Baptist, although only the replica was on display. At lunch aunt and niece, Eileen and Lisa, joined the trip. After lunch the travellers visited some of Turin's fashion shops. At the days vote Sally and Emma received one vote, Tom and Max received two votes but Paul and Trevor received three votes and were given their second yellow card and a red card which meant they had to leave the trip. After the vote the travellers went onto a restaurant and then returned to the hotel bar. After a lot of alcohol Eileen, Lisa, Tom, Max, Sally and Emma returned to a room where Lisa made an impression on Max and Tom by kissing them both.
(Note: Red card for bad behaviour usually given in later series of Coach Trip)
, Thadie tried to get other travellers to vote for the new couples which would see them go as soon as possible to ensure those already on the trips survival. However the plan was met with suspicion from other travellers. When they arrived in Monaco they found the weather was against them again as instead of expected nice weather it was raining in Monaco. As a reward for cleaning out the coaches toilets Chris the driver was allowed to drive the coach around the Monaco Grand Prix race track, whilst the travellers toured round Monaco in a tour train. Suki did not enjoy the tour and fell asleep. At lunch two new couples arrived, friends Jane and Michelle and mother and son Maggie and Paul. The afternoon's activity was to have a look around a luxury yacht. Before the vote the five couples that had started the day planned it so that they would each give each other one vote, leaving the two new couples to decide who would be given a yellow card. At the vote Brian and Renee, Suki and Winter, Eileen and Lisa and Thadie and Dorothy all received one vote each but Siobhan and Nickie received three votes and were given a yellow card. After the vote the five couples involved in the voting conspiracy met. However, unknown to them the other two couples were also conspiring on who would be given a yellow card tomorrow. Jane and Michelle unfortunately walked into the restaurant whilst this was going on and confronted them.
, where the men put on a gladiator show for the women. Winter was the most impressive gladiator and the girls chose him as the winner. During the trip to Nîmes Jane and Michelle complained that Thadie had bad body odour. In Nîmes
the travellers went to an olive grove where they learnt about the process of making olive oil. Chris the driver spent the time giving his coach a well earned wash. Nickie and Siobhan were not present so only six couples voted. Paul and Maggie received one vote but Thadie and Dorothy received five votes and were given a yellow card. After the vote the travellers went back to the hotel and it was revealed that Nickie needed to go back home to rest her injury so both she and Siobhan left the trip. They refused to eat their last meal with the group after hearing about the days vote (memorably referring to their travelling companions as "imbecellic morons") and left without saying goodbye.
. During the drive the contestants played games and were entertained with some stand up comedy from Winter, which did not go down very well, and from Brian, who went down a storm. Dorothy did not endear herself to the other passengers by refusing to talk to any of the other passengers and sleeping on the bus whilst others went out for rest stops. When they arrived in Andorra the travellers were taken to Europe's largest spa where they experienced pools, rivers, hot tubs, plunge pools. Thadie and Dorothy sat and watched. In the spa there were signs that Winter and Lisa were getting more friendly with each other. Dorothy told Brendan she wanted to go home as she did not like any of the other travellers. At the days vote Paul and Maggie and Jane and Michelle each received one vote but Thadie and Dorothy received four votes and were given their second yellow card and a red card meaning they had to leave the trip. Thadie said his goodbyes but Dorothy just walked off. After dinner, Winter walked Lisa back to the hotel alone, fuelling rumours of a romance.
. On the way Winter and Lisa appeared to be getting on very well, although both denied there was anything going on between them. The first stop was at Sagrada Família. After this two new pairs joined the coach, brothers Nathan and Gavin and friends Tracey and Debbie bringing the coach up to fourteen passengers again. The next activity was a cooking lesson and the travelers made their own paella. Winter's team was declared the winner. During the activity it seemed that Winter had competition for Lisa's affection from new contestant Gavin. After lunch the group had a walk through the streets of Barcelona, where Eileen had a caricature done of herself, which she thought looked nothing like her. At the day's vote Paul and Maggie received one vote and Lisa and Eileen received two votes but Winter and Suki received four votes and were given a yellow card. During the evening the younger contestants went out together, with Lisa saying she hadn't decided where her affections lay.
. The first activity Brendan gave a graphic description if what sort of injuries can be received during a bull fight, which upset those with weaker stomachs. A bull ring was the first stop of the day. Brendan decided to play a trick on the travelers whilst they were having a talk in the middle of the bull ring by having a fake bull charge at the first passengers, but only a few passengers were fooled. On the trip to the next stop Tracey decided to draw some surreal portraits of fellow passengers, although Renee did not like the one Tracey did of her. The second stop of the day was a demonstration of traditional Aragon music and dancing. Nathan and Gavin decided to join in and their showing off annoyed other passengers. Afterwards other passengers were actually invited to take part in some of the dancing. At the days vote Winter and Suki received one vote and Debbie and Tracey received two votes but Gavin and Nathan received four votes and were given a yellow card. Lisa left everyone wondering once again where her affections lay after she allowed Eileen to give their vote to Gavin and Nathan at the days vote and by leaving at the end of dinner with Winter.
. The first stop was a tour of a wine museum. Gavin's over the top behaviour again annoyed fellow passengers. After the museum there was a wine tasting lesson. Paul decided to join in Gavin's over the top behaviour which embarrassed Brendan. During lunch the passengers enjoyed a large amount of free wine but slept it off on the coach on the way to the next destination Bilbao
where they visited the Guggenheim Museum Bilbao
. Tracey and Lisa enjoyed looking at the art but others found the modern art confusing. The days vote was held on the coach. Jane and Michelle, Brian and Renee and Gavin and Nathan received one vote each but Debbie and Tracey received four votes and were given a yellow card. Whilst voting Gavin and Nathan argued with Debbie and Tracey over the voting.
. Due to poor weather in the morning the planned excursion to the beach was cancelled so instead they went to a local aquarium. During the activity Winter's and Lisa's relationship was brought out into the open. The afternoon's activity was planned to be a trip to a funfair but due to the bad weather the travelers were given a choice between going shopping or going to a spa; those who chose shopping managed to get lost. Whilst shopping other girls decided to give Debbie a makeover. At the day's vote Gavin and Nathan and Lisa and Eileen each received one vote, Jane and Michelle received two votes but Brian and Renee received three votes and were given a yellow card. After the vote Debbie underwent her makeover with a haircut from Paul and makeup and fashion help from the girls.
, so the travelers donned their wet suits and headed to the ocean. After some basic instruction they had ago at trying it for themselves. Gavin, who has surfed before and was very confident, went further out to sea to find bigger waves, which he was unsuccessful in riding. After lunch the coach headed to Bordeaux
. Tracey and Winter were given prizes for being the best surfers earlier in the day. In Bordeaux the travelers visited a chateau to do some more wine tasting. At the days vote Lisa and Eileen received one vote, Jane and Michelle received two votes but Paul and Maggie received four votes and were given a yellow card. Paul was annoyed that Suki and Winter voted for them as they thought Maggie was getting tired, Paul responded by saying that despite Suki being a lot younger than Maggie that he had been asleep more than anyone.
. The first activity of the day was to an animal park where Gavin and Nathan annoyed the other travelers yet again with their incessant questioning of tour guides. On the way to the afternoon activity Chris the driver had an argument with Brendan when Brendan announced how long it would take to get there and Chris told him not to give incorrect information. The afternoon's activity was a tour of a local chateau. At the day's vote Winter and Suki received one vote, Gavin and Nathan received two but Jane and Michelle received four votes and were given a yellow card, much to Nathan and Gavin's delight.
are and the travelers donned berets and went on a river boat for a trip down the river. Gavin and Nathan were convinced they were the most French of all the passengers. Yet again Suki put a dampener on events by refusing to wear a beret. For lunch they were able to sample local cuisine, including Escargot. The days vote was held in front of the Eiffel tower and instead of voting for a couple they wanted to leave the trip they were voting for a couple they thought deserved to win a holiday, an extended stay in Paris. Jane and Michelle and Winter and new girlfriend Lisa received one vote each, Brian and Renee received two votes but Paul and Maggie received three votes and won the holiday.
, due to Eden and Angela's lack of talent. The coach finished its 5500 mile journey in West London with a round of applause for driver Chris. The coach trip and 28 votes were all over.
Coach Trip
Coach Trip is a reality show that was broadcast on Channel 4 with More4 and Pick TV showing repeats since 7 March 2005. The programme returned on 25 May 2009. The show's format consists of 4 to 7 teams of 2 undertaking a coach tour principally of continental Europe...
(a Channel 4
Channel 4
Channel 4 is a British public-service television broadcaster which began working on 2 November 1982. Although largely commercially self-funded, it is ultimately publicly owned; originally a subsidiary of the Independent Broadcasting Authority , the station is now owned and operated by the Channel...
programme) that was filmed from April 2004 to June 2004 and began showing on 7 March 2005. The trip went through several European countries. Chris Groombridge was the driver for the only time, Brendan Sheerin
Brendan Sheerin
Brendan Sheerin is a British international tour guide with thirty years' experience in the travel business, made famous by the reality TV show Coach Trip which is shown on Channel 4 in Britain and throughout Ireland. He acts as a conventional travel guide for the contestants, as commentator on...
was the tour guide, Andy Love was narrator and the registration was T100 MTT.
Contestants (In Order of Elimination)
- Robert and EvaEva GrayEva Gray is a British actress of half English, half Polish descent.-Youth:Gray’s grandfather, a landed Polish aristocrat, was arrested during World War Two by Stalin's troops when they invaded and took possession of the family farm near Vilno...
. Husband and wife from Wiltshire. (Original 7. Red-carded on Day 2.) - John and Jaki. Colleagues and Friends. (Original 7. Red-carded on Day 4.)
- Nicki and Vander. Friends. (Joined on Day 5 replacing John and Jaki. Red-carded on Day 7.)
- Joanne and Steph. self proclaimed "Boozer Cruisers"/friends. (Original 7. Red-carded on on Day 8.)
- Phil and Marion. Husband and wife. (Original 7. Red-carded on Day 12.)
- Ellen and Rose. Friends. (Joined on the end of Day 8 replacing Nicki and Vander. Red-carded on Day 13.)
- Angela and Eden. Partners yet to become Step-parents. (Joined on Day 13 replacing Phil and Marion. Walked on Day 17 after a slight delay the previous night.)
- Bob and Pasquale. Partners. (Joined on Day 3 replacing Rob & Eva. Walked on Day 17 after Pete's aggressive behaviour the previous night.)
- Pete and Barbara. Husband and wife/Claim to have never been outside the UK before. (Original 7. Walked on Day 17 after a fight the previous night; Brendan later claimed they would have been disqualified for nounal abuse.)
- Alan and Carol. Husband and wife. (Joined on Day 15 replacing Ellen and Rose. Walked on Day 18 due to collapsed lung injury.)
- Paul and Trevor. Friends. (Joined on Day 9 replacing Joanne and Steph. Red-carded on Day 18.)
- Tom and Max. Friends from Surrey. (Original 7. Red-carded on Day 19 for bad behaviour and refusing to continue but as noted given in later series.)
- Sally and Emma. Sisters from Gloucestershire. (Original 7. Red-carded on Day 19. Brendan congratulated them for being the 1st Longest standing female couple on Coach Trip 30 Day series with the record equaled with Tom and Max.)
- Siobhan and Nicky. Friends. (Joined on Day 18 replacing Angela and Eden. Walked on Day 21 due to injury.)
- Thadie and Dorothy. Cousins. (Joined on Day 18 replacing Pete and Barbara. Red-carded on Day 22.)
- Eileen and Lisa. Aunt and niece. (Joined on Day 18 replacing Bob and Pasquale. Lasted until final day.)
- Winter and Suki. Friends. (Joined on Day 19 replacing Alan and Carol. Lasted until final day.)
- Brian and Reneé. Husband and wife. (Joined on Day 19 replacing Paul and Trevor. Lasted until final day.)
- Jane and Michelle. Nurses/Friends and reality TV fans. (Joined on Day 20 replacing Sally and Emma. Lasted until final day.)
Note: Jane has also appeared on Channel 4 food TV show Come Dine with Me
Come Dine With Me
Come Dine With Me is a popular Channel 4 television programme shown in the United Kingdom, produced by Granada Television and first broadcast in January 2005. The show has either four or five amateur chefs competing against each other hosting a dinner party for the other contestants...
- Maggie and Paul. Mother and son. (Joined on Day 20 replacing Tom and Max. Winners.)
- Tracy and Debbie. Friends/Artists. (Joined on Day 23 replacing Thadie and Dorothy. Lasted until final day.)
- Gavin and Nathan. Brothers. (Joined on Day 23 replacing Siobhan and Nicky. Lasted until final day.)
(Note: Contestants in italics left without being voted off).
Voting History
- Indicates that the couple received the most votes and received a yellow card
- Indicates that the couple received the most amount of votes and was red carded off the trip
- Indicates that the couple left the coach due to other reasons than being voted off or being removed from the coach
- Indicates that the vote was skipped by Brendan and no one received a yellow card
- Indicates that this was the couples' first vote meaning they could not be voted for
- Indicates that the couple did not take part in the vote, meaning they could neither vote nor be voted for
- Indicates that the couple were voted as the most popular couple
- Indicates that the couple were voted as the second most popular couple
- Indicates that the couple were voted as the third most popular couple
- Indicates that the couple were voted as the fourth most popular couple
Day | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | 21 | 22 | 23 | 24 | 25 | 26 | 27 | 28 | 29 | 30 | ||
Maggie Paul |
Not on Coach |
Nickie Siobhan |
Thadie Dorothy |
Eileen Lisa |
Winter Suki |
Winter Suki |
Gavin Nathan |
Brian Reneé |
Michelle Jane |
Winter Suki |
Jane Michelle |
Winners 3 votes |
Brain Reneé |
Not on Coach |
Emma Sally |
Eileen Lisa |
Thadie Dorothy |
Thadie Dorothy |
Eileen Lisa |
Tracey Debbie |
Tracey Debbie |
Jane Michelle |
Paul Maggie |
Jane Michelle |
Winter Suki |
Second 2 votes |
Jane Michelle |
Not on Coach |
Nickie Siobhan |
Thadie Dorothy |
Dorothy Thadie |
Winter Suki |
Nathan Gavin |
Debbie Tracey |
Lisa Eileen |
Paul Maggie |
Gavin Nathan |
Brian Reneé |
Third 1 vote |
Winter Suki |
Not on Coach |
Thadie Dorothy |
Siobhan Nickie |
Thadie Dorothy |
Dorothy Thadie |
Paul Maggie |
Gavin Nathan |
Tracey Debbie |
Jane Michelle |
Paul Maggie |
Nathan Gavin |
Brian Reneé |
Third 1 vote |
Gavin Nathan |
Not on Coach |
Suki Winter |
Tracey Debbie |
Tracey Debbie |
Brian Reneé |
Jane Michelle |
Jane Michelle |
Paul Maggie |
Fourth 0 votes |
Tracey Debbie |
Not on Coach |
Suki Winter |
Nathan Gavin |
Brain Reneé |
Gavin Nathan |
Eileen Lisa |
Jane Michelle |
Paul Maggie |
Fourth 0 votes |
Eileen Lisa |
Not on Coach |
Trevor Paul |
Sally Emma |
Thadie Dorothy |
Thadie Dorothy |
Paul Maggie |
Suki Winter |
Nathan Gavin |
Jane Michelle |
Brian Reneé |
Paul Maggie |
Michelle Jane |
Paul Maggie |
Fourth 0 votes |
Thadie Dorothy |
Not on Coach |
Tom Max |
Eileen Lisa |
Suki Winter |
Maggie Paul |
Jane Michelle |
Red Carded (Day 22) |
Siobhan Nickie |
Not on Coach |
Tom Max |
Sally Emma |
Brian Reneé |
Walked (Day 21) |
Sally Emma |
Marion Phil |
Rob Eva |
John Jaki |
John Jaki |
Bob Pasquale |
Nicki Vander |
Bob Pasquale |
Joanne Steph |
Phil Marion |
Rose Ellen |
Ellen Rose |
Marion Phil |
Rose Ellen |
Eden Angela |
Eden Angela |
Bob Pasquale |
No Vote |
Paul Trevor |
Siobhan Nickie |
Red Carded (Day 19) |
Tom Max |
John Jaki |
Rob Eva |
John Jaki |
John Jaki |
Phil Marion |
Nicki Vander |
Vander Nicki |
Joanne Steph |
Phil Marion |
Rose Ellen |
Trevor Paul |
Phil Marion |
Ellen Rose |
Angela Eden |
Eden Angela |
Bob Pasquale |
No Vote |
Paul Trevor |
Red Carded (Day 19) |
Paul Trevor |
Not on Coach |
Pete Barbara |
Tom Max |
Phil Marion |
Phil Marion |
Pete Barbara |
Sally Emma |
Sally Emma |
Eden Angela |
No Vote |
Sally Emma |
Red Carded (Day 18) |
Alan Carol |
Not on Coach |
Emma Sally |
Tom Max |
No Vote |
Walked (Day 18) |
Pete Barbara |
Rob Eva |
Rob Eva |
Steph Joanne |
John Jaki |
Joanne Steph |
Vander Nicki |
Vander Nicki |
Joanne Steph |
Bob Pasquale |
Ellen Rose |
Paul Trevor |
Paul Trevor |
Ellen Rose |
Angela Eden |
Angela Eden |
Bob Pasquale |
Walked (Day 17) |
Bob Pasquale |
Not on Coach |
John Jaki |
John Jaki |
Sally Emma |
Emma Sally |
Phil Marion |
Tom Max |
Phil Marion |
Pete Barbara |
Trevor Paul |
Marion Phil |
Rose Ellen |
Tom Max |
Sally Emma |
Tom Max |
Walked (Day 17) |
Angela Eden |
Not on Coach |
Pete Barbara |
Trevor Paul |
Sally Emma |
Tom Max |
Walked (Day 17) |
Ellen Rose |
Not on Coach |
N/A | Sally Emma |
Sally Emma |
Pete Barbara |
Marion Phil |
Pete Barbara |
Red Carded (Day 13) |
Phil Marion |
Rob Eva |
Steph Joanne |
Emma Sally |
Tom Max |
Bob Pasquale |
Nicki Vander |
Vander Nicki |
Steph Joanne |
Emma Sally |
Trevor Paul |
Trevor Paul |
Tom Max |
Red Carded (Day 12) |
Joanne Steph |
Marion Phil |
Rob Eva |
Phil Marion |
Pete Barbara |
Sally Emma |
Sally Emma |
Pete Barbara |
Red Carded (Day 8) |
Nicki Vander |
Not on Coach |
Steph Joanne |
Sally Emma |
Bob Pasquale |
Red Carded (Day 7) |
John Jaki |
Rob Eva |
Max Tom |
Tom Max |
Pasquale Bob |
Red Carded (Day 4) |
Rob Eva |
Steph Joanne |
John Jaki |
Red Carded (Day 2) |
Walked | none | Alan Carol |
none | Siobhan Nickie |
none | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Removed | none | Tom Max |
none | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Voted Off | Rob Eva 3 votes |
Rob Eva 4 votes |
John Jaki 3 votes |
John Jaki 4 votes |
Joanna Steph 2 votes |
Nicki Vander 4 votes |
Nicki Vander 2 votes |
Joanne Steph 4 votes |
Phil Marion 3 votes |
Ellen Rose 3 votes |
Paul Trevor 4 votes |
Phil Marion 5 votes |
Ellen Rose 4 votes |
Angela Eden 3 votes |
Sally Emma 4 votes |
Bob Pasquale 3 votes |
none | Paul Trevor 3 votes |
Sally Emma 3 votes |
Siobhan Nickie 3 votes |
Thadie Dorothy 5 votes |
Thadie Dorothy 4 votes |
Winter Suki 4 votes |
Gavin Nathan 4 votes |
Tracey Debbie 4 votes |
Brian Renee 3 votes |
Maggie Paul 4 votes |
Jane Michelle 4 votes |
none |
Arrival Day and Day 1 of the trip - Amsterdam
The coach trip started in London where tour guide Brendan met the seven couples to start the trip. Once all had arrived the trip began its journey to AmsterdamAmsterdam
Amsterdam is the largest city and the capital of the Netherlands. The current position of Amsterdam as capital city of the Kingdom of the Netherlands is governed by the constitution of August 24, 1815 and its successors. Amsterdam has a population of 783,364 within city limits, an urban population...
. During the trip the travellers introduced themselves to each other. During the journey through the tunnel to Calais
Calais is a town in Northern France in the department of Pas-de-Calais, of which it is a sub-prefecture. Although Calais is by far the largest city in Pas-de-Calais, the department's capital is its third-largest city of Arras....
Jaki provided some musical entertainment. Their overnight stop was Bruges
Bruges is the capital and largest city of the province of West Flanders in the Flemish Region of Belgium. It is located in the northwest of the country....
, Pete and Barbara who had never been abroad before enjoyed the food, as did Phil who admitted he didn't like foreign food. Rob and Eva found finding food difficult. John got upset by people smoking at the table. The next morning they continued on their way to Amsterdam and as they crossed the border the coach trippers had a half hearted attempt at singing the Dutch national anthem. The first activity in Amsterdam was a visit to a clog maker. Jaki decided to wear a pair for the rest of the day. The second activity was a trip on a canal boat. On the boat the travellers decided to have a sing song, which upset the captain of the boat. At the vote, Rob and Eva received one vote and John and Jaki, Marion and Phil and Steph and Joanne all received two votes each. The remainder of the group had to decide which of these three couples would receive the yellow card, which was given to Rob and Eva.
Day 2 - Brussels
The day started with news that many of the travellers had spent the previous night in a coffee shop experimenting with the drugs on offer, apart from Rob and Eva who did not join the rest but spent the night at a bar. Eva became quite ill on the coach whilst travelling to the next destination, BrusselsBrussels
Brussels , officially the Brussels Region or Brussels-Capital Region , is the capital of Belgium and the de facto capital of the European Union...
. As they arrived in Brussels the travellers sang the Belgium National Anthem. Whilst there, Rob and Eva confronted Pete and Barbara over last night's vote. The first activity was a trip to a chocolate factory. The second activity was a trip to a Belgium Beer Brewery which the travellers did not enjoy. At the day's vote Joanne and Steph, Tom and Max and John and Jaki all received one vote each but Rob and Eva received four votes and were given their second yellow card, followed by a red, meaning they had to leave the trip. Eva managed to upset one more person during the vote, saying that John had poor personal hygiene and that he could do with a shower.
Day 3 - Koblenz
The day started with the younger travellers, Tom, Max, Emma and Sally, oversleeping and causing the coach to be late. On the way to the day's destination, KoblenzKoblenz
Koblenz is a German city situated on both banks of the Rhine at its confluence with the Moselle, where the Deutsches Eck and its monument are situated.As Koblenz was one of the military posts established by Drusus about 8 BC, the...
, Brendan decided it would be useful for the travellers to learn some German phrases. After arriving in Koblenz the group had a traditional German lunch. Phil asked for egg and chips
Egg and chips
Egg and chips is a popular working-class dish in the United Kingdom, consisting simply of chips served with fried eggs. Food writer Mary Cadogan says that "Egg and chips for me is a marriage made in heaven...
, but instead had a ham sandwich. After lunch they wandered down the bank of the Rhine. Phil had some interaction with some Germans, asking one charity worker whether they were a man or woman. The rest of the travellers went shopping for souvenirs. Before the next activity, a tour of a castle, new couple Bob and Pasquale arrived. The castle was on a hillside meaning a walk for the travellers, which was testing for Steph who arrived half an hour after the others. At the vote Steph and Joanne, Tom and Max, Sally and Emma and Phil and Marion all received one vote each but John and Jacki received three votes and were given a yellow card. After dinner they all went to dinner where Phil admitted his preconceptions about Germans were wrong.
Day 4 - Baden-Baden
The day started with news that Marion had an abscess so had to go and get some antibiotics. On the way to Baden-BadenBaden-Baden
Baden-Baden is a spa town in Baden-Württemberg, Germany. It is located on the western foothills of the Black Forest, on the banks of the Oos River, in the region of Karlsruhe...
the travellers had to write a fairy story. Pasquale and Bob's story cast John as the villain, fuelling the ill feeling between them, coming from Pasquale feeling John is homophobic. The first activity in Baden-Baden was a lesson on how to make Black Forest Gateau
Black Forest gateau
Black Forest gateau and Black Forest cake are the English names for the German dessert Schwarzwälder Kirschtorte , literally "Black Forest cherry torte"....
. After seeing how it was made the group got to taste some. The afternoon's activity was a trip to a spa where the travellers spent an afternoon unwinding. At a heated vote at the end of the day Tom and Max, Pasquale and Bob and Barbara and Pete all received one vote but John and Jaki received four votes and were given their second yellow card, followed by a red card, meaning they had to leave the trip. During the vote many travellers accused John of being unfair in his behaviour towards Pasquale and Bob. Pasquale accused John of being Homophobic), and Pete said that he had overheard John calling Pasquale and Bob "Poofs". John responded that this had been said in the privacy of the toilet.
Day 5 - Munich
On the four hour coach trip to MunichMunich
Munich The city's motto is "" . Before 2006, it was "Weltstadt mit Herz" . Its native name, , is derived from the Old High German Munichen, meaning "by the monks' place". The city's name derives from the monks of the Benedictine order who founded the city; hence the monk depicted on the city's coat...
Max and Sally relaxed with each other, with Sally giving him a foot massage. Pasquale felt much more at ease on the coach now that John had left. The group sang the German national anthem. After they had arrived on Munich the travellers went up the Olympic Tower to see a view of the city. Although Pasquale was disappointed that he could not see the coast as he was expecting, Brendan explained that the nearest coastline would be in Italy. Afterwards the group was joined by Vander and Nicki, making Tom and Max's wish of new girls come true. The girls did not endear themselves to Barbara, mistaking her for a man. The second activity was a trip to a marketplace where some of the group went on a guided tour whilst others went off on their own. Phil had a nice conversation with a German lady, despite neither of them speaking the others language. At the end of the afternoon they watched the Glockenspiel Chimes. At the day's vote, Phil and Marion received one vote but Emma and Sally, Bob and Pasquale and Steph and Joanne all received two meaning all three couples with two votes had to leave the group whilst the others decided who would be given the yellow card and they chose Steph and Joanne. After receiving all of "one" vote Pasquale vowed to get rid of Emma and Sally, calling Sally a "poisonous dwarf."
Day 6 - Salzburg
The day started with Tom and Max complaining to Brendan about Nicki and Vander, but Nicki may have overheard them. Joanne was also caught breaking the hotels no smoking policy by Brendan who also walked in on Steph in a state of undress. The first activity in SalzburgSalzburg
-Population development:In 1935, the population significantly increased when Salzburg absorbed adjacent municipalities. After World War II, numerous refugees found a new home in the city. New residential space was created for American soldiers of the postwar Occupation, and could be used for...
was a trip to a salt mine where they had a tour of the mine and a fun trip down a slide. The afternoon's activity was a Sound of Music tour around the city due to several scenes being filmed in the city, although Steph and Joanne did not take part. Brendan revealed that it was one of his favourite films and took great delight in re-enacting some of the famous scenes. At the days vote Bob and Pasquale voted for Emma and Sally, claiming they had chosen them from a hat randomly, which is against coach rules so they were told they must give a real reason. In total Emma and Sally received three votes but Nicki and Vander received four votes and were given a yellow card. Overall the vote was very heated with different travellers saying they did not trust either couple and left the younger travellers quite emotional. To lighten the mood Brendan took the group to Europe's oldest restaurant which was holding a Mozart evening. Nicki and Vander particularly enjoyed the evening and were moved to tears by the music.
Day 7 - Linz
The day started with Brendan and driver Chris disagreeing over how long it would take the coach to do the journey to LinzLinz
Linz is the third-largest city of Austria and capital of the state of Upper Austria . It is located in the north centre of Austria, approximately south of the Czech border, on both sides of the river Danube. The population of the city is , and that of the Greater Linz conurbation is about...
. On the journey Bob and Pasquale won a Sound of Music quiz, causing Phil to have a sulk as he thought he should have won and that Bob and Pasquale must have cheated. The coach arrived in Linz an hour earlier than planned causing more discussion between Brendan and Chris. The first activity was a cruise down the Danube. Bob was made honorary captain and was given a chance to steer the ship. The travellers enjoyed lunch on the boat. At lunch Tom tried to make an effort with Nicki and Vander but his friend Max was not interested in doing the same. In the afternoon they went to a Museum of the Future. At the museum there was a competition between Pasquale and Phil to settle the earlier dispute. The contest was on a toy race track which used noise made by the contestants to control the speed of the car. Pasquale won the game. Pasquale's prize was a virtual flight over Linz. At the day's vote Phil and Marion and Pete and Barbara each received one vote, Bob and Pasquale received two votes but Nicki and Vander received three votes and were given their second yellow card and a red card, meaning they had to leave the coach, which visibly upset them. Despite securing their exit Max asked Nicki on a date. At dinner the manager of the restaurant got on so well with Phil he laid on a special musical performance for the group.
Day 8 - Vienna
The day's destination was ViennaVienna
Vienna is the capital and largest city of the Republic of Austria and one of the nine states of Austria. Vienna is Austria's primary city, with a population of about 1.723 million , and is by far the largest city in Austria, as well as its cultural, economic, and political centre...
. As the first activity of the day was a trip to the world's oldest zoo the travellers played a game of animal charades and learnt the German names for animals they would be seeing. At the zoo Pasquale showed a unique talent of being able to talk to the different animals. Whilst going around the zoo Pete and Barbara tried to determine what animals other travellers were like, deciding Steph was a penguin, Bob was a bear, Phil was a camel and Pete was a polar bear. After lunch the travellers learned how to make Apple Strudel, Austria's most famous dessert. Emma was designated helper and Sally thought the chef fancied Emma. On the way to the afternoons destination Steph decided to take a nap, although it was not peaceful for the other passengers due to her snoring. The afternoon's stop was to a fairground where they had a go-kart race; Phil lost again to Pasquale and blamed his go-kart. They then went on a Vienna's famous Ferris wheel. Steph who was scared of heights refused to go on, although Bob, who has the same fear, did make it onto the ride. On the ride Barbara reflected on what a great time she had been having on the coach trip, the first time she had ever left Britain. Due to the replacement couples' flight being delayed there was only six couples at the days vote. Tom and Max received one vote but Joanne and Steph received four votes meaning they received their second yellow card, and a red card and had to leave the coach. As Joanne and Steph were the last couple to vote and their fate had been sealed they did not cast it. After the vote the new couple arrived, elderly friends Ellen and Rose, much to the disappointment of Tom and Max who had been hoping for more young girls.
Day 9 - Graz
During the long trip from Vienna to GrazGraz
The more recent population figures do not give the whole picture as only people with principal residence status are counted and people with secondary residence status are not. Most of the people with secondary residence status in Graz are students...
the travellers got to know Ellen and Rose, trying out Ellen's hobby of sugar flower making. On the journey to Graz after stopping for lunch, Sally had an argument with Brendan over ordering food which left Sally in tears. In Graz they visited a pumpkin seed oil mill where they saw and tasted the production of the oil and tried pumpkin schnapps. When told that the seeds acted like Viagra some members got more interested, especially Tom. The second activity was a Nordic walk through vineyards with guide Christian. Some travellers did not see the point of using the walking sticks they were given. In the vineyards the group tried the grapes except Phil who said he did not like grapes. Afterwards new couple, friends Trevor and Paul, joined the coach. The third activity was a wine tasting session at the vineyards, being shown how to properly taste wine. At the vote Pete and Barbara, and Bob and Pasquale received one vote each, Sally and Emma received two votes but Phil and Marion received three and were given a yellow card. Bob and Pasquale revealed they regretted voting for Phil and Marion as they would have liked to have voted for Sally and Emma but felt they couldn't as they didn't want to be seen picking on the girls.
Day 10 - Ljubljana
The day started with a sweepstake as the travellers tried to guess where they were going. The destination was LjubljanaLjubljana
Ljubljana is the capital of Slovenia and its largest city. It is the centre of the City Municipality of Ljubljana. It is located in the centre of the country in the Ljubljana Basin, and is a mid-sized city of some 270,000 inhabitants...
. The first activity was a guided tour through the centre of the city. Lunch at a traditional Slovenian restaurant proved difficult for Phil, as he did not like pasta. Brendan arranged some vegetable soup for him but he did not eat this either. The next trip of the day was to a stud farm to see the famous Lipizzaner horses in a display which got mixed reviews from the travellers. A talk by a guide afterwards left all the travellers bored. When they all left the talk, Brendan said he was ashamed at their behaviour. At the days vote Pete and Barbara, Trevor and Paul, Sally and Emma and Max and Tom all received one vote each but Rose and Ellen received three votes which meant they received a yellow card. Phil went hungry again at dinner as he did not like the fish dish on offer.
Day 11 (Day XI) - Venice
The day started well with the coach leaving on time on its way to Italy. On the trip Max, whose family is from Italy, gave each traveller an Italian name and led them in singing an Italian song. The day's destination was VeniceVenice
Venice is a city in northern Italy which is renowned for the beauty of its setting, its architecture and its artworks. It is the capital of the Veneto region...
and the first activity was a guided tour of the city. For lunch the travellers had pizza, which did not make Phil very happy. The afternoon's activity was a demonstration of mask making and after this the travellers got to dress up in traditional Venetian costumes, which Phil did not enjoy. Phil's bad day in Venice continued when he found out he had to pay to use the toilet. After dressing up the next activity was a ride on the gondolas through the canals of Venice. After the ride Pasquale found out he had been a victim of practical joke from Paul and Trevor who had filled his new leather bag with rubbish. At the days vote Phil and Marion, Pete and Barbara and Ellen and Rose all received one vote each but Paul and Trevor received four votes and were given a yellow card.
Day 12 (Day XII) - Bologna
The day started badly for Max and Tom who had run up a large bar bill and the hotel would not let them go until they paid it. The boys did not have enough money so Brendan had to lend them the rest. The coach then made its way to BolognaBologna
Bologna is the capital city of Emilia-Romagna, in the Po Valley of Northern Italy. The city lies between the Po River and the Apennine Mountains, more specifically, between the Reno River and the Savena River. Bologna is a lively and cosmopolitan Italian college city, with spectacular history,...
. The first activity of the day was a lesson on how to make pasta at a cookery school where the travellers made their own lunch. Max won a trophy for the best chef. Phil refused to eat the Bolognese sauce provided by the school as he said it would make him ill. On the coach Phil upset some other travellers by saying there was nothing good about Italy and that he didn't like Italians. The second activity was a trip to a Lamborghini museum. At the vote Paul and Trevor and Tom and Max both received one vote each but Phil and Marion received five votes and were given their second yellow card and a red which meant they had to leave the coach.
Day 13 (Day XIII) - Orvieto
The day's trip was to OrvietoOrvieto
Orvieto is a city and comune in Province of Terni, southwestern Umbria, Italy situated on the flat summit of a large butte of volcanic tuff...
and the first activity was a pizza making lesson. Max and Sally fell out as Max interfered when Sally was having trouble rolling their pizza. After they had made the pizzas new couple, friends Angela and Eden, arrived. Their lunch was the pizzas which they had just made. Angela and Eden's eating habits did not go down well with Bob and Pasquale. The afternoon's activity was wine tasting. Some travellers, including Ellen and Rose, got quite merry. At the day's vote Pete and Barbara received three votes but Ellen and Rose received four votes, meaning they received their second yellow card and a red, so they had to leave the trip after 5 full days on the coach. At dinner Max upset Pasquale by telling Tom to repeat a derogatory Italian word for homosexuals to Pasquale.
Day 14 (Day XIV) - Rome (Pωmε)
The day started with Brendan having to investigate complaints from the hotel manager over the amount of noise Tom, Max, Sally and Emma had made during the night. The coach spent the day in RomeRome
Rome is the capital of Italy and the country's largest and most populated city and comune, with over 2.7 million residents in . The city is located in the central-western portion of the Italian Peninsula, on the Tiber River within the Lazio region of Italy.Rome's history spans two and a half...
and the first activity was a tour of the Coliseum. Paul and Trevor showed off some unique underwear based on Michelangelo's David. At lunch Sally caused a storm by vomiting after eating pasta topped with almonds after saying she had a nut allergy. Sally claimed she did not know there were almonds on the pasta but others said they thought she did it to get attention. The second activity of the day was a visit to the Trevi Fountain. As the new couple had not arrived yet to replace Ellen and Rose there were only six couples at the days votes, Tom and Max, Sally and Emma and Trevor and Paul all received one vote each but Eden and Angela received three votes and were given a yellow card.
Day 15 (Day XV) - Florence
The day started with some of the travellers complaining that the hotel had lost their laundry. It was also revealed that Bob was suffering from constipation. The day's trip was to FlorenceFlorence
Florence is the capital city of the Italian region of Tuscany and of the province of Florence. It is the most populous city in Tuscany, with approximately 370,000 inhabitants, expanding to over 1.5 million in the metropolitan area....
. On the way there the travellers met new couple, husband and wife Carol and Alan. It was also revealed by Brendan that the day's vote would be anonymous. This upset Barbara and Pete but pleased Pasquale and Bob. The first activity of the day was an art lesson at an art studio where the travellers got to show off their artistic talents, or lack of in some cases. Angela and Eden found it hard to take this seriously. In the second activity of the day the travellers were given the afternoon to go shopping in Florence. Pasquale used the time to discuss the vote with the other travellers, trying to get them to vote for Emma and Sally at the day's vote. Tom and Max upset the group by not getting to the meeting point at the correct time after getting lost. At the anonymous vote Angela and Eden received three votes but Emma and Sally got four votes and were given a yellow card. The result led to hostility between some travellers, with Tom telling Pasquale that he knew he was up to something. Emma and Sally confronted Pasquale about the vote but Pasquale denied voting for them and said he voted for Tom and Max, whilst Bob said they voted for Angela and Eden revealing Pasquale's lies.
Day 16 (Day XVI) - Pisa/Parma
The morning started with Pasquale and Bob complaining to Brendan about the way other travellers had reacted to the previous night's vote, which Emma overheard. Eden woke up in the lobby of the hotel after having too much to drink the previous night. The coach visited two towns during the day. The first stop was at PisaPisa
Pisa is a city in Tuscany, Central Italy, on the right bank of the mouth of the River Arno on the Tyrrhenian Sea. It is the capital city of the Province of Pisa...
where the travellers took pictures of each other trying to hold up the leaning tower. Hostilities between the travellers continued, especially between Tom and Pasquale. Bob and Pasquale refused to take part in the activity at Pisa. At the next stop, Parma
Parma is a city in the Italian region of Emilia-Romagna famous for its ham, its cheese, its architecture and the fine countryside around it. This is the home of the University of Parma, one of the oldest universities in the world....
, the group visited a cheese factory. Tensions remained as Pasquale complained that Pete was a "puppet master" and was trying to manipulate the younger contestants. At the day's vote Eden and Angela received one vote but Bob and Pasquale and Tom and Max both received three votes each meaning they had to leave the circle while the others decided who to give the yellow card to. Bob and Pasquale were quickly chosen to receive a yellow card. Pete was angry during the vote as Bob and Pasquale had refused to give their reasons for their vote and he left the circle after pushing Pasquale in the back of the head. Eden had already walked away because of the arguing.
Day 17 (Day XVII) - Lugano
The day started with news from the previous evening; Pete and Barbara had decided to leave the trip. Brendan also said in an interview that they would have been red carded anyway. Eden and Angela also revealed they were leaving the trip because of all the arguing. Bob and Pasquale also left the coach, saying the reason was because of the way they were treated by others. However, after they left the tour Pasquale insulted Sally by saying she had no talent. Only four couples remained and the trip carried on to Lugano in Switzerland. The first activity was a tour of a Swiss chocolate factory; however they had to wait as a German tour group demanded to go in first. When they finally got in the travellers made the most of it, enjoying a lot of free chocolate. The next part of the day was spent relaxing at Lake Lugano where the travellers had lunch. Later in the day Brendan revealed he decided to skip the vote that evening and that three new couples would be joining the trip tomorrow to replace those who had left.Day 18 (Day XVIII) - Turin
The day started with news that Alan had been taken to hospital with a collapsed lung the night before and had emergency surgery, which was successful. Alan and Carol had to leave the trip. After visiting Alan Brendan returned to the trip along with two new couples, cousins Thadie and Dorothy and friends, Nickie and Siobhan. The day's destination was TurinTurin
Turin is a city and major business and cultural centre in northern Italy, capital of the Piedmont region, located mainly on the left bank of the Po River and surrounded by the Alpine arch. The population of the city proper is 909,193 while the population of the urban area is estimated by Eurostat...
. The first activity of the day was a trip to see the Shroud of Turin at the Cathedral of Saint John the Baptist, although only the replica was on display. At lunch aunt and niece, Eileen and Lisa, joined the trip. After lunch the travellers visited some of Turin's fashion shops. At the days vote Sally and Emma received one vote, Tom and Max received two votes but Paul and Trevor received three votes and were given their second yellow card and a red card which meant they had to leave the trip. After the vote the travellers went onto a restaurant and then returned to the hotel bar. After a lot of alcohol Eileen, Lisa, Tom, Max, Sally and Emma returned to a room where Lisa made an impression on Max and Tom by kissing them both.
Day 19 - St Veran
The day started with the news that the hotel had complained about some of the drunken antics from the night before involving Tom and Max. Nickie and Siobhan and driver Chris also complained about their behaviour. As they had previous warning about their behaviour Brendan told Tom and Max they were being sent home. As the coach left for the days destination, St Veran, two new pairs were introduced, friends Winter and Suki, and husband and wife, Brian and Renee. Unfortunately the route the coach was taken had been closed due to heavy snow the night before, so the driver had to turn around and just head towards the nights hotel. Siobhan was very impressed with Chris's driving around the mountains. During a rest from the journey Winter started a snowball fight. Brendan then tried to teach the travellers a bit of French, which Thadie resisted joining in with. At the days vote Thadie and Dorothy, Eileen and Lisa and Siobhan and Nickie all received one vote but Emma and Sally received three votes and received their second yellow card meaning they received a red card, meaning the last of the original seven couples had to leave the trip.(Note: Red card for bad behaviour usually given in later series of Coach Trip)
Day 20 - Monaco
On the way to the day's destination, MonacoMonaco
Monaco , officially the Principality of Monaco , is a sovereign city state on the French Riviera. It is bordered on three sides by its neighbour, France, and its centre is about from Italy. Its area is with a population of 35,986 as of 2011 and is the most densely populated country in the...
, Thadie tried to get other travellers to vote for the new couples which would see them go as soon as possible to ensure those already on the trips survival. However the plan was met with suspicion from other travellers. When they arrived in Monaco they found the weather was against them again as instead of expected nice weather it was raining in Monaco. As a reward for cleaning out the coaches toilets Chris the driver was allowed to drive the coach around the Monaco Grand Prix race track, whilst the travellers toured round Monaco in a tour train. Suki did not enjoy the tour and fell asleep. At lunch two new couples arrived, friends Jane and Michelle and mother and son Maggie and Paul. The afternoon's activity was to have a look around a luxury yacht. Before the vote the five couples that had started the day planned it so that they would each give each other one vote, leaving the two new couples to decide who would be given a yellow card. At the vote Brian and Renee, Suki and Winter, Eileen and Lisa and Thadie and Dorothy all received one vote each but Siobhan and Nickie received three votes and were given a yellow card. After the vote the five couples involved in the voting conspiracy met. However, unknown to them the other two couples were also conspiring on who would be given a yellow card tomorrow. Jane and Michelle unfortunately walked into the restaurant whilst this was going on and confronted them.
Day 21 - Arles/Nîmes
It appeared that after a night's sleep, the travellers had decided against Thadie's plan, saying they should just vote for who they wanted to. Siobhan and Nickie revealed their dislike for both of the new couples. Nickie also revealed she was suffering from a problem with her foot and she missed out on the day's trip as she was sent to see a doctor. The coach visited two destinations during the day. The first trip of the day was to an amphitheatre in ArlesArles
Arles is a city and commune in the south of France, in the Bouches-du-Rhône department, of which it is a subprefecture, in the former province of Provence....
, where the men put on a gladiator show for the women. Winter was the most impressive gladiator and the girls chose him as the winner. During the trip to Nîmes Jane and Michelle complained that Thadie had bad body odour. In Nîmes
Nîmes is the capital of the Gard department in the Languedoc-Roussillon region in southern France. Nîmes has a rich history, dating back to the Roman Empire, and is a popular tourist destination.-History:...
the travellers went to an olive grove where they learnt about the process of making olive oil. Chris the driver spent the time giving his coach a well earned wash. Nickie and Siobhan were not present so only six couples voted. Paul and Maggie received one vote but Thadie and Dorothy received five votes and were given a yellow card. After the vote the travellers went back to the hotel and it was revealed that Nickie needed to go back home to rest her injury so both she and Siobhan left the trip. They refused to eat their last meal with the group after hearing about the days vote (memorably referring to their travelling companions as "imbecellic morons") and left without saying goodbye.
Day 22 - Andorra le Ville
The day started with a seven hour drive to AndorraAndorra
Andorra , officially the Principality of Andorra , also called the Principality of the Valleys of Andorra, , is a small landlocked country in southwestern Europe, located in the eastern Pyrenees mountains and bordered by Spain and France. It is the sixth smallest nation in Europe having an area of...
. During the drive the contestants played games and were entertained with some stand up comedy from Winter, which did not go down very well, and from Brian, who went down a storm. Dorothy did not endear herself to the other passengers by refusing to talk to any of the other passengers and sleeping on the bus whilst others went out for rest stops. When they arrived in Andorra the travellers were taken to Europe's largest spa where they experienced pools, rivers, hot tubs, plunge pools. Thadie and Dorothy sat and watched. In the spa there were signs that Winter and Lisa were getting more friendly with each other. Dorothy told Brendan she wanted to go home as she did not like any of the other travellers. At the days vote Paul and Maggie and Jane and Michelle each received one vote but Thadie and Dorothy received four votes and were given their second yellow card and a red card meaning they had to leave the trip. Thadie said his goodbyes but Dorothy just walked off. After dinner, Winter walked Lisa back to the hotel alone, fuelling rumours of a romance.
Day 23 - Barcelona
The days first ever trip in the Mediterranean sun was to BarcelonaBarcelona
Barcelona is the second largest city in Spain after Madrid, and the capital of Catalonia, with a population of 1,621,537 within its administrative limits on a land area of...
. On the way Winter and Lisa appeared to be getting on very well, although both denied there was anything going on between them. The first stop was at Sagrada Família. After this two new pairs joined the coach, brothers Nathan and Gavin and friends Tracey and Debbie bringing the coach up to fourteen passengers again. The next activity was a cooking lesson and the travelers made their own paella. Winter's team was declared the winner. During the activity it seemed that Winter had competition for Lisa's affection from new contestant Gavin. After lunch the group had a walk through the streets of Barcelona, where Eileen had a caricature done of herself, which she thought looked nothing like her. At the day's vote Paul and Maggie received one vote and Lisa and Eileen received two votes but Winter and Suki received four votes and were given a yellow card. During the evening the younger contestants went out together, with Lisa saying she hadn't decided where her affections lay.
Day 24 - Zaragoza
At the start of the day that Gavin had beaten Winter in the race the Lisa's affection. The day's trip was to ZaragozaZaragoza
Zaragoza , also called Saragossa in English, is the capital city of the Zaragoza Province and of the autonomous community of Aragon, Spain...
. The first activity Brendan gave a graphic description if what sort of injuries can be received during a bull fight, which upset those with weaker stomachs. A bull ring was the first stop of the day. Brendan decided to play a trick on the travelers whilst they were having a talk in the middle of the bull ring by having a fake bull charge at the first passengers, but only a few passengers were fooled. On the trip to the next stop Tracey decided to draw some surreal portraits of fellow passengers, although Renee did not like the one Tracey did of her. The second stop of the day was a demonstration of traditional Aragon music and dancing. Nathan and Gavin decided to join in and their showing off annoyed other passengers. Afterwards other passengers were actually invited to take part in some of the dancing. At the days vote Winter and Suki received one vote and Debbie and Tracey received two votes but Gavin and Nathan received four votes and were given a yellow card. Lisa left everyone wondering once again where her affections lay after she allowed Eileen to give their vote to Gavin and Nathan at the days vote and by leaving at the end of dinner with Winter.
Day 25 - La Rioja/Bilbao
After some problems with the luggage and coach in the morning the coach made its way to the first destination La RiojaLa Rioja (Spain)
La Rioja is an autonomous community and a province of northern Spain. Its capital is Logroño. Other cities and towns in the province include Calahorra, Arnedo, Alfaro, Haro, Santo Domingo de la Calzada, and Nájera.-History:...
. The first stop was a tour of a wine museum. Gavin's over the top behaviour again annoyed fellow passengers. After the museum there was a wine tasting lesson. Paul decided to join in Gavin's over the top behaviour which embarrassed Brendan. During lunch the passengers enjoyed a large amount of free wine but slept it off on the coach on the way to the next destination Bilbao
Bilbao ) is a Spanish municipality, capital of the province of Biscay, in the autonomous community of the Basque Country. With a population of 353,187 , it is the largest city of its autonomous community and the tenth largest in Spain...
where they visited the Guggenheim Museum Bilbao
Guggenheim Museum Bilbao
The Guggenheim Museum Bilbao is a museum of modern and contemporary art, designed by Canadian-American architect Frank Gehry, built by Ferrovial, and located in Bilbao, Basque Country, Spain. It is built alongside the Nervion River, which runs through the city of Bilbao to the Atlantic Coast. The...
. Tracey and Lisa enjoyed looking at the art but others found the modern art confusing. The days vote was held on the coach. Jane and Michelle, Brian and Renee and Gavin and Nathan received one vote each but Debbie and Tracey received four votes and were given a yellow card. Whilst voting Gavin and Nathan argued with Debbie and Tracey over the voting.
Day 26 - San Sebastian
The day's trip was to San SebastianSan Sebastián
Donostia-San Sebastián is a city and municipality located in the north of Spain, in the coast of the Bay of Biscay and 20 km away from the French border. The city is the capital of Gipuzkoa, in the autonomous community of the Basque Country. The municipality’s population is 186,122 , and its...
. Due to poor weather in the morning the planned excursion to the beach was cancelled so instead they went to a local aquarium. During the activity Winter's and Lisa's relationship was brought out into the open. The afternoon's activity was planned to be a trip to a funfair but due to the bad weather the travelers were given a choice between going shopping or going to a spa; those who chose shopping managed to get lost. Whilst shopping other girls decided to give Debbie a makeover. At the day's vote Gavin and Nathan and Lisa and Eileen each received one vote, Jane and Michelle received two votes but Brian and Renee received three votes and were given a yellow card. After the vote Debbie underwent her makeover with a haircut from Paul and makeup and fashion help from the girls.
Day 27 - Biarritz/Bordeaux
On the way to France the travelers sang the French national anthem, apart from Suki who was asleep as usual. The first activity was a surfing lesson in BiarritzBiarritz
Biarritz is a city which lies on the Bay of Biscay, on the Atlantic coast, in south-western France. It is a luxurious seaside town and is popular with tourists and surfers....
, so the travelers donned their wet suits and headed to the ocean. After some basic instruction they had ago at trying it for themselves. Gavin, who has surfed before and was very confident, went further out to sea to find bigger waves, which he was unsuccessful in riding. After lunch the coach headed to Bordeaux
Bordeaux is a port city on the Garonne River in the Gironde department in southwestern France.The Bordeaux-Arcachon-Libourne metropolitan area, has a population of 1,010,000 and constitutes the sixth-largest urban area in France. It is the capital of the Aquitaine region, as well as the prefecture...
. Tracey and Winter were given prizes for being the best surfers earlier in the day. In Bordeaux the travelers visited a chateau to do some more wine tasting. At the days vote Lisa and Eileen received one vote, Jane and Michelle received two votes but Paul and Maggie received four votes and were given a yellow card. Paul was annoyed that Suki and Winter voted for them as they thought Maggie was getting tired, Paul responded by saying that despite Suki being a lot younger than Maggie that he had been asleep more than anyone.
Day 28 - Poitiers
The day's destination was PoitiersPoitiers
Poitiers is a city on the Clain river in west central France. It is a commune and the capital of the Vienne department and of the Poitou-Charentes region. The centre is picturesque and its streets are interesting for predominant remains of historical architecture, especially from the Romanesque...
. The first activity of the day was to an animal park where Gavin and Nathan annoyed the other travelers yet again with their incessant questioning of tour guides. On the way to the afternoon activity Chris the driver had an argument with Brendan when Brendan announced how long it would take to get there and Chris told him not to give incorrect information. The afternoon's activity was a tour of a local chateau. At the day's vote Winter and Suki received one vote, Gavin and Nathan received two but Jane and Michelle received four votes and were given a yellow card, much to Nathan and Gavin's delight.
Day 29 - Paris
At the start of the day it was revealed that driver Chris had apologized to Brendan for snapping at him the previous day. The days destination was Paris where EuroDisney and the Eiffel towerEiffel Tower
The Eiffel Tower is a puddle iron lattice tower located on the Champ de Mars in Paris. Built in 1889, it has become both a global icon of France and one of the most recognizable structures in the world...
are and the travelers donned berets and went on a river boat for a trip down the river. Gavin and Nathan were convinced they were the most French of all the passengers. Yet again Suki put a dampener on events by refusing to wear a beret. For lunch they were able to sample local cuisine, including Escargot. The days vote was held in front of the Eiffel tower and instead of voting for a couple they wanted to leave the trip they were voting for a couple they thought deserved to win a holiday, an extended stay in Paris. Jane and Michelle and Winter and new girlfriend Lisa received one vote each, Brian and Renee received two votes but Paul and Maggie received three votes and won the holiday.
Day 30 - The Last Day
The travelers left their hotel at 9:30 to begin their trip to London. Once they had got through the Channel Tunnel the travelers carried on the tradition of singing national anthems, joining in during God Save the Queen. On the way back Brendan revealed his favourite couple were Pete and Barbara, as they got more out of it than any other couple. His favourite activity was painting class in FlorenceFlorence
Florence is the capital city of the Italian region of Tuscany and of the province of Florence. It is the most populous city in Tuscany, with approximately 370,000 inhabitants, expanding to over 1.5 million in the metropolitan area....
, due to Eden and Angela's lack of talent. The coach finished its 5500 mile journey in West London with a round of applause for driver Chris. The coach trip and 28 votes were all over.