Cobblers Cove
Cobblers Cove is a small cove
A cove is a small type of bay or coastal inlet. They usually have narrow, restricted entrances, are often circular or oval, and are often inside a larger bay. Small, narrow, sheltered bays, inlets, creeks, or recesses in a coast are often considered coves...

 which provides an anchorage 0.5 mile (0.80467 km) west of the entrance to Godthul
Godthul is a bay long entered between Cape George and Long Point, on the north coast of South Georgia, between Cumberland East Bay and Ocean Harbour...

, along the north coast of South Georgia. It was charted and named Pleasant Cove by Discovery Investigations
Discovery Investigations
The Discovery Investigations were a series of scientific cruises and shore-based investigations into the biology of whales in the Southern Ocean. They were funded by the British Colonial Office and organised by the Discovery Committee in London, which was formed in 1918...

 personnel in 1929, but that name is not known locally. The South Georgia Survey, 1951–52, reported that this feature is known to whalers and sealers as "Skomaker Hullet" (cobbler's cove), because it was first entered in thick fog by a Norwegian gunner who had once been a cobbler. An English form of this name has been approved.
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