Cola Lacaye
Cola Lacaye is a Haitian soft drink
Soft drink
A soft drink is a non-alcoholic beverage that typically contains water , a sweetener, and a flavoring agent...

 founded by Rigobert Richardson in 1977. Today, Cola Lacaye soda is manufactured and distributed by The Brooklyn Bottling Group
Brooklyn Bottling Group
The Brooklyn Bottling Group is one of the largest independently owned beverage and food company in the United States. Founded by Jack Miller in 1936, the company started out by selling seltzers and syrups door to door in Brooklyn neighborhoods. The second generation, Arnold Miller, acquired the...

, which manufactures, distributes, imports various Caribbean-based soft drinks and food..
Cola Lacaye comes in three island flavors; Fruit Cola, Fruit Champagne and Banana.
Cola Lacaye is available in 12oz bottles and 2 liter bottles. Cola Lacaye has become part of the Haitian American cultural dining experience.
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