Colonial Spanish
The Colonial Spanish horse is a foundation type of horse descended from the original Iberian horse
Iberian horse
The Iberian horse is a title given to a number of horse breeds native to the Iberian peninsula. At present, 17 horse breeds are recognized by FAO as characteristic of the Iberian Peninsula....

 stock brought from Spain
Spain , officially the Kingdom of Spain languages]] under the European Charter for Regional or Minority Languages. In each of these, Spain's official name is as follows:;;;;;;), is a country and member state of the European Union located in southwestern Europe on the Iberian Peninsula...

 to the Americas
The Americas, or America , are lands in the Western hemisphere, also known as the New World. In English, the plural form the Americas is often used to refer to the landmasses of North America and South America with their associated islands and regions, while the singular form America is primarily...

. The ancient form of the breed was once called the jennet
A Jennet or Spanish Jennet was a small Spanish horse. It was noted for a smooth naturally ambling gait, compact and well-muscled build, and a good disposition...

 or Spanish barb
Barb (horse)
Developed on the Barbary Coast of North Africa, the Barb horse is a desert breed with great hardiness and stamina. The Barb generally possesses a fiery temperament and an atypical sport-horse conformation, but nevertheless has influenced modern breeds....

. The term encompasses many strains or breeds now found primarily in North America
North America
North America is a continent wholly within the Northern Hemisphere and almost wholly within the Western Hemisphere. It is also considered a northern subcontinent of the Americas...

. Its extinction status is considered critical and the horses are registered by several authorities.

The most direct descendant today is possibly the Spanish Mustang
Spanish Mustang
The Spanish Mustang is a horse breed of historical importance. They descend from horses introduced from Spain during the early conquest of the Americas. They are a type that today is mostly or wholly now extinct in Spain...

. Though the original Mustang
Mustang (horse)
A Mustang is a free-roaming horse of the North American west that first descended from horses brought to the Americas by the Spanish. Mustangs are often referred to as wild horses, but there is intense debate over terminology...

 descended from the Colonial Spanish Horse, not all feral horse
Feral horse
A feral horse is a free-roaming horse of domesticated ancestry. As such, a feral horse is not a wild animal in the sense of an animal without domesticated ancestors. However, some populations of feral horses are managed as wildlife, and these horses often are popularly called "wild" horses...

s of the Americas today are of colonial Spanish descent, as there has been considerable crossbreeding in some areas.

Modern breeds and types

There is a wide array of horses considered to be near-pure descendants of original Spanish stock, with a variety of names. Some of these include the following modern breeds or breed substrains:
  • Abaco Barb
    Barb (horse)
    Developed on the Barbary Coast of North Africa, the Barb horse is a desert breed with great hardiness and stamina. The Barb generally possesses a fiery temperament and an atypical sport-horse conformation, but nevertheless has influenced modern breeds....

  • Sorraia
    The Sorraia is a rare breed of horse indigenous to the portion of the Iberian peninsula known today as Portugal. The Sorraia is known for its primitive features, including a convex profile and dun coloring with primitive markings...

  • Iberian sulphur horse
  • Galiceno
    The Galiceno is a horse breed developed in Mexico, bred from horses brought from Spain by Hernán Cortés and other conquistadors. Although small in stature, they are generally considered a horse, rather than a pony, and are always solid-colored. In Mexico, they are an all-around horse, used for...

  • Mustang
    Mustang (horse)
    A Mustang is a free-roaming horse of the North American west that first descended from horses brought to the Americas by the Spanish. Mustangs are often referred to as wild horses, but there is intense debate over terminology...

     substrains considered to be Colonial Spanish:
    • Gila Bend Mustang
    • Kiger Mustang
      Kiger Mustang
      Kiger Mustang is substrain of Mustang horse located in the southeastern part of U.S. state of Oregon. Originally feral horses with specific conformation traits discovered in 1977, the name also applies to their bred-in-captivity progeny....

    • Pryor Mountain Mustang
      Pryor Mountain Mustang
      The Pryor Mountain Mustang is a substrain of Mustang considered to be genetically unique and one of the few strains of horses verified by DNA analysis to be descended from the original Colonial Spanish Horses brought to the Americas by the Spanish. They live on the Pryor Mountains Wild Horse...

    • Spanish Mustang
      Spanish Mustang
      The Spanish Mustang is a horse breed of historical importance. They descend from horses introduced from Spain during the early conquest of the Americas. They are a type that today is mostly or wholly now extinct in Spain...

    • Sulphur Mustang
    • Wilbur-Cruce Mission horse

Hardy Oelke used MtDNA to show Sulphurs have a link to the Sorraia
The Sorraia is a rare breed of horse indigenous to the portion of the Iberian peninsula known today as Portugal. The Sorraia is known for its primitive features, including a convex profile and dun coloring with primitive markings...

. In a different study, in the early spring of 2001 two of the American Sulphur Horse Association's Board members were contacted by world renown and respected scientists Dr.E.Gus Cothran of the Univ.of Kentucky Equine Research Dept.(now at Texas A&M), and Professor Maria Mar D'Oom of Univ of Lisbon, Portugal, to help them in a joint genetic research project studying Iberian breed horses.

The study was looking into the relationship (if any) between the Iberian (Spanish and Portuguese) breeds. As the Sulphurs are a recognized Iberian breed (Old World blood) now found in the New World they were included in this study. Sulphurs were tested and found to carry the Iberian/Barb 1 Sul mtDNA pattern. As mtDNA is passed in the maternal lines all dams, grand-dams, sisters, female siblings and daughters to these horses will also have the same patterns.
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