ColorLines Magazine
ColorLines, founded in 1998, is an American magazine that covers race and politics in society.
Articles are primarily composed of essays, investigative reports, think pieces, opinion columns, cultural criticism, fiction, and humor pieces.
Colorlines was established in 1998 by the Applied Research Center, a public policy institute.
Articles are primarily composed of essays, investigative reports, think pieces, opinion columns, cultural criticism, fiction, and humor pieces.
Colorlines was established in 1998 by the Applied Research Center, a public policy institute.
- Outstanding Magazine Article, GLAAD nomination, 2009
- Watchdog award winner, Chicago Headline Club, 2008
- General Excellence Award, Utne Reader, 2007
- Best Cultural and Social Coverage, Utne Reader, 2005
- Outstanding Magazine Article, GLAAD nomination, 2005
- Best Political Magazine, East Bay Express, 2004
- Best Investigative/In-Depth Article, New America Media, 2004