Color Marketing Group
The Color Marketing Group (CMG) is an international association for color design professionals which identifies the direction of color and design trends and translates them into salable colors for manufactured products.

Composed of nearly 1,000 members in 20 countries, CMG forecasts color trends from one to three years in advance for color-related products and services. These products and services include: Action/Recreation, Consumer Goods, Technology, Home, Visual Communications, Transportation, Juvenile Products, Fashion, and environments for Office, Health Care, Retail, Hospitality/Entertainment and Institutional/Public Spaces

Color Conferences

On average, 400 members gather at CMG’s semi-annual Conferences, to work with fellow professionals on producing a Color Mandate. Each Conference is a global forum for the exchange of non-competitive information on all phases of color marketing.

Workshops held at CMG Conference mandate trends and their influences on design and color. These "influences" run the gamut from social issues to politics, the environment, the economy and cultural diversity. Colors are inter-industry related. As such, one industry influences another, causing color to be dynamic.

While the end result of each semi-annual Conference is the development of a Color Forecast, a key part of these Conferences is the exchange and sharing of information that takes place among members. Knowing what forces and factors are influencing shifts in color directions, as seen through the eyes of their CMG colleagues, is as important to the Color Designer as the Forecast itself.

Color Forecasting Trade Associations

  • The Color Marketing Group (CMG)
  • The Color Association of the United States (CAUS)
  • The International Colour Authority
    International Colour Authority
    The International Colour Authority is a private organization publishing forecasts about colour trends for the coming seasons, to be used by industry designers. It also awards a Seal of Approval that companies may display in their promotional materials if the colour ranges they use are appraised by...


Color Matching/Management Organizations

  • Pantone
    Pantone Inc. is a corporation headquartered in Carlstadt, New Jersey, USA. The company is best known for its Pantone Matching System , a proprietary color space...

  • International Color Consortium
    International Color Consortium
    The International Color Consortium was formed in 1993 by eight industry vendors in order to create a universal color management system that would function transparently across all operating systems and software packages....

  • International Commission on Illumination
    International Commission on Illumination
    The International Commission on Illumination is the international authority on light, illumination, color, and color spaces...

External links

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