Combat of Barquilla (1810)
The Combat of Barquilla (11 July, 1810) was a minor skirmish between British and French forces two days after the Siege of Ciudad Rodrigo
Siege of Ciudad Rodrigo
In the Siege of Ciudad Rodrigo, the Duke of Wellington's Anglo-Portuguese Army seized the city from its French garrison under Brigadier General Baron Barrié on January 20, 1812 after a siege that started on January 7...

, in which Robert Craufurd
Robert Craufurd
Major-General Robert Craufurd was a Scottish soldier and Member of Parliament . After a military career which took him from India to the Netherlands, he was given command of the Light Division in the Napoleonic Peninsular War under the Duke of Wellington...

 attacked French grenadiers covering a foraging
- Definitions and significance of foraging behavior :Foraging is the act of searching for and exploiting food resources. It affects an animal's fitness because it plays an important role in an animal's ability to survive and reproduce...

 party. The French grenadiers, formed in a single square
Infantry square
An infantry square is a combat formation an infantry unit forms in close order when threatened with cavalry attack.-Very early history:The formation was described by Plutarch and used by the Romans, and was developed from an earlier circular formation...

, made a fighting withdrawal, fending off British cavalry
Cavalry or horsemen were soldiers or warriors who fought mounted on horseback. Cavalry were historically the third oldest and the most mobile of the combat arms...

 and escaping unscathed.


The Anglo-Portuguese
Anglo-Portuguese Army
The Anglo-Portuguese Army was the combined British and Portuguese army that won the Peninsular War, under the command of Arthur Wellesley. The Army is also referred to as the British-Portuguese Army and, in Portuguese, as the Exército Anglo-Luso or the Exército Anglo-Português.The Anglo-Portuguese...

 under Craufurd were forced back to Fort Conception during the Siege of Ciudad Rodrigo
Siege of Ciudad Rodrigo
In the Siege of Ciudad Rodrigo, the Duke of Wellington's Anglo-Portuguese Army seized the city from its French garrison under Brigadier General Baron Barrié on January 20, 1812 after a siege that started on January 7...

, which fell on the July 9th 1810. During this period the French launched raids near the allied positions.

In retaliation, Craufurd took five or six squadrons of cavalry and several companies of infantry to attack and cut off a raiding party sent by General Roche Godart. These squadrons of cavalry included the 1st Hussars from the King’s German Legion, and the 16th and 14th Light Dragoons.

Two days after Ciudad Rodrigo fell, at four o'clock on the morning of the 11th of July, the British came into contact with a small body of troops near the village of Barquilla. The badly outnumbered French force, under the command of Captain Pierre Gouache, was covering a foraging party in a corn field. It consisted of two companies of grenadiers of the 22nd Regiment of Junot’s corps (around 200 men) supported by around 30 cavalry.


Craufurd brought up three squadrons of cavalry (the KGL 1st Hussars
1st Hussars
The 1st Hussars is an armoured Primary Reserve regiment of the Canadian Forces, currently based in London, Ontario and Sarnia, Ontario.-Foundation and organisation:...

, the 16th and 14th Light Dragoons) to attack the French infantry, formed in a single square in a corn field. The first attack was made by the hussars of the KGL. As the horsemen closed in, the French grenadiers stood up and opened fire. However, the hussars then proceeded past the infantry square and charged the French cavalry. Upon seeing how large the British force was, the cavalry surrendered.

Meanwhile, the 16th Light Dragoons came forward and failed to come in contact with the square. The 14th Light Dragoons, led by Colonel Talbot, managed to attack the square but were badly repulsed. Talbot and eight of his men were killed and many horsemen were wounded.

The squadron was thrown in disorder but was recalled. However, Craufurd was too slow in bringing up his infantry and the French infantry withdrew without having suffered any casualties.


Despite having taken around 30 cavalry prisoner the combat was a failure. The British suffered 30-40 casualties, failed to defeat a much smaller force and allowed it to escape with minimal loss.

Although the Combat of Barquilla was a minor incident during Masséna’s
André Masséna
André Masséna 1st Duc de Rivoli, 1st Prince d'Essling was a French military commander during the Revolutionary and Napoleonic Wars....

 campaign, it was damaging to Craufurd’s reputation. Two weeks later, despite suffering defeat, Craufurd redeemed himself at the Battle of the Côa. Captain Gouache, on the other hand, received recognition for his achievement and was promoted.
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