Common Music Notation
CMN is open source
Open source
The term open source describes practices in production and development that promote access to the end product's source materials. Some consider open source a philosophy, others consider it a pragmatic methodology...

 musical notation
Musical notation
Music notation or musical notation is any system that represents aurally perceived music, through the use of written symbols.-History:...

 software. It is written in Common Lisp
Common Lisp
Common Lisp, commonly abbreviated CL, is a dialect of the Lisp programming language, published in ANSI standard document ANSI INCITS 226-1994 , . From the ANSI Common Lisp standard the Common Lisp HyperSpec has been derived for use with web browsers...

 and runs on a variety of operating system
Operating system
An operating system is a set of programs that manage computer hardware resources and provide common services for application software. The operating system is the most important type of system software in a computer system...

s and Common Lisp implementations.

CMN provides a package of functions to hierarchically describe a musical score. When evaluated, the musical score is rendered to an image. An example score expression and the image resulting from its evaluation is shown.

(cmn (size 24)
(system brace
(staff treble (meter 6 8)
(c4 e. tenuto) (d4 s) (ef4 e sf)
(c4 e) (d4 s) (en4 s) (fs4 e (fingering 3)))
(staff treble (meter 3 4)
(c5 e. marcato) (d5 s bartok-pizzicato) (ef5 e)
(c5 e staccato tenuto) (d5 s down-bow) (en5 s) (fs5 e)))
(system bracket
(staff bar bass (meter 6 16)
(c4 e. wedge) (d4 s staccato) (ef4 e left-hand-pizzicato)
(c4 e tenuto accent rfz) (d4 s mordent) (en4 s pp) (fs4 e fermata))))

The output file format of CMN is Encapsulated PostScript
Encapsulated PostScript
Encapsulated PostScript, or EPS, is a DSC-conforming PostScript document with additional restrictions which is intended to be usable as a graphics file format...

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