Cooperoceras is a genus of the Tainoceratidae
The Tainoceratidae is a family of late Paleozoic and Triassic nautiloids that are a part of the order Nautilida, characterized by large, generally evolute shells with quadrate to rectangular whorl sections...

, which is part of the Tainocerataceae
The Tainocerataceae is a superfamily in the cephalopod order Nautilida characterized by straight to loosely coiled shells, generally with a degressed, such that the width is greater than the height, to quadrate whorl section. Many bore spines, ribs, frills, wings, or nodes...

, characterized by and evolute shell with an open, perforate, umbilicus, sinuous ribs at maturity, and recurved hollow spines along the ventro-lateral shoulders. The flanks and venter are flattened, the flanks converge on the dorsum, the venter has a shallow median groove. The suture is with rounded ventral and lateral lobes. The siphuncle is small, tubular, and subcentral. (Kummel 1964, K413)

Cooperoceras, known from the Lower Permian of N America and Europe (Urals), was named by Miller in 1945. The genotype is Cooperoceras texanum.

The phylogenetic relationships of Cooperoceras are unclear.


  • Kummel,B. 1964, Nauiloidea-Nautilida, in The Treatise on Invertebrate Paleontology, Part K, Nautiloidea; Geological Society of America and University of Kansas Press.
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