Cornelis Hulsman
Cornelis Hulsman is a Dutch sociologist who has been living in Egypt since 1994. He is currently the editor in chief of the Arab-West Report
Arab-West Report
Arab-West Report is an independent electronic magazine founded by Drs. Cornelis Hulsman and Eng. Sawsan Gabra Ayoub Khalil in 1997, originally titled the Religious News Service from the Arab World...

. AWR includes a weekly digest of various Egyptian press outlets. Hulsman is further an expert on Egyptian printed media, the Coptic Orthodox Holy Family tradition, interfaith relations in Egyptian society, and inter-cultural understanding in the Arab world. Hulsman has been a correspondent for several Dutch media outlets in Egypt, and has been the Secretary-General of the Cairo Foreign Press Association since 2003.


Hulsman was born in Apeldoorn, the Netherlands, in 1955, and studied development sociology at the State University of Leiden in the Netherlands from 1977-1994. During his studies he specialized during on Islam
Islam . The most common are and .   : Arabic pronunciation varies regionally. The first vowel ranges from ~~. The second vowel ranges from ~~~...

 and Middle Eastern Christianity.
From 1979 to 1982, Hulsman was a member of the Foreign Affairs Committee of the Christian Democratic Youth Appeal (CDJA), and was from 1982-1994 a member of the Middle East Committee of the Christian Democratic Appeal
Christian Democratic Appeal
The Christian Democratic Appeal is a centre-right Dutch Christian democratic political party. It suffered severe losses in the 2010 elections and fell from the first to the fourth place...

From 1986 until 1994, Hulsman occupied several leading positions in the Dutch emigration service. In 1994, Hulsman became a correspondent for several Dutch media outlets in Egypt, and with his Egyptian wife Sawsan Gabra Ayoub Khalil
Sawsan Gabra Ayoub Khalil
Sawsan Gabra Ayoub Khalil is an Egyptian Christian civil engineer who is actively involved in projects advancing Arab-West and Muslim-Christian understanding. Sawsan Gabra is co-founder of Arab-West Report. AWR was previously called Religious News Service from the Arab World , and in 2005 founded...

, founded in 1997 the
From 1999-2001, at the request of the American University Press in Cairo, Hulsman carried out research on the Coptic Orthodox Holy Family tradition and compared this with earlier work carried out by Dr. Otto F.A. Meinardus in the 1950s and 1960s. Hulsman's work resulted in the chapter “Tracing the Route of the Holy Family Today,” in the book “Be Thou There; The Holy Family's Journey in Egypt,” AUC Press, 2001. Following this research and publication, numerous magazine and newspaper publications on aspects of the Holy Family tradition followed. Hulsman also organized tens of visits to locations related to this tradition, built a Web site about this tradition and has become one of the world's foremost experts on this ancient Coptic tradition.
In 2000 and 2001, Hulsman was the adjunct affiliate assistant professor in Journalism and Mass Communication at the American University in Cairo, and in 2002 organized a workshop for Egyptian journalists regarding reporting on human rights.
Hulsman decided devote his attention to developing an Egyptian institute for inter-cultural understanding, changed the name of the electronic digest RNSAW in 2003 to Arab-West Report
Arab-West Report
Arab-West Report is an independent electronic magazine founded by Drs. Cornelis Hulsman and Eng. Sawsan Gabra Ayoub Khalil in 1997, originally titled the Religious News Service from the Arab World...

. Following this, Hulsman initiated with a group of prominent Egyptians the CAWU then applied for Egyptian Non-Government Organization (NGO) status, which was obtained following a long bureaucratic process in January 2008.
In 2004 Hulsman initiated the construction of an electronic library based on the reviews of Egyptian media and his own investigative reporting in the Religious News Service from the Arab World and Arab-West Report since 1997.
Because of the delays in forming an Egyptian NGO, in 2005 Hulsman and his wife founded the Center for Intercultural Dialogue and Translation
Center for Intercultural Dialogue and Translation
The Center for Intercultural Dialogue and Translation is an Egyptian organization founded in 2005 to select, review, and translate Arab media publications The reviews are then published in the electronic magazine Arab-West Report....

 (CIDT). CIDT has become the institute preparing media reviews and translations for Arab-West Report.
In May 2006, Hulsman organized the visit of former Dutch Prime Minister Andreas van Agt to Egypt, who lectured at universities and institutions in Cairo about the need for Arab-West understanding and met with prominent government officials in which he expressed strong support for the initiative to create a Center for Arab-West Understanding.
Hulsman became in August 2007 the project director of the Electronic Network for Arab-West Understanding
Electronic Network for Arab-West Understanding
The Electronic Network for Arab-West Understanding is a specialized information network that links together a network of think-tanks and information repositories in the West and the Arab world.-Background of ENAWU:...

 (ENAWU). ENAWU links organizations in Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon with organizations in several European countries. This network was launched on June 5, 2008, by HRH Prince Hassan bin Talal.
In March 2008 Hulsman coordinated efforts of the Center for Arab-West Understanding in a successful attempt to defuse the crises created by Dutch Member of Parliament Geert Wilders
Geert Wilders
Geert Wilders is a Dutch right-wing politician and leader of the Party for Freedom , the third-largest political party in the Netherlands. He is the Parliamentary group leader of his party in the Dutch House of Representatives...

' film “Fitna,” through organizing a visit of a delegation of Dutch church representatives and Muslim organizations to Egypt which was widely reported about in the Netherlands, asking Egyptian scholars to write reports explaining the Qur'an
The Quran , also transliterated Qur'an, Koran, Alcoran, Qur’ān, Coran, Kuran, and al-Qur’ān, is the central religious text of Islam, which Muslims consider the verbatim word of God . It is regarded widely as the finest piece of literature in the Arabic language...

ic texts Wilders highlighted and discussing the crisis on Egyptian TV and in public meetings at Cairo University.


Cornelis Hulsman believes that tensions between the Arab world and the West, as well as those between Muslims and Christians, should never be reported about in isolation but efforts must be made to understand tensions in their proper socio-economical and historical contexts. Only this will contribute to a better understanding between peoples of different cultures and will help to address problems various people(s) encountered. Media is able to play a prominent role in working toward intercultural understanding but they also can play a highly destructive role. For this reason an effective media watch is greatly needed.


Hulsman lectured on cultural diversity, media, Arab-West relations, Muslim-Christian relations in the Netherlands, Belgium, Germany, Austria, Denmark, Czech Republic, Spain, U.S., Jordan and Egypt.


During his studies Hulsman was deeply influenced by former Dutch Consul-General to Saudi Arabia, Daniel van der Meulen (1894–1989) who stimulated Hulsman's interest in the Arab world and Muslim-Christian relations., Syrian Orthodox Bishop Samuel Aktash of the Tur Abdin in Turkey who showed him in the mid eighties the damage caused by oriental Christians leaving their homelands, a theme repeated by HRH Prince Hassan bin-Talal in an interview with Hulsman for Christianity Today..
Dr. Otto F.A. Meinardus (1925–2005), Egyptian thinker Dr. William Qilada (1924–1999), and Athanasius, Metropolitan of Beni Suef
Athanasius, Metropolitan of Beni Suef
Metropolitan Athanasius was the Coptic Orthodox bishop of Beni Suef and al-Bahnassa, Egypt, from 1962 until his death in 2000. Bishop Athanasius had, just as Pope Shenouda III, his roots in the Sunday School movement, a reform movement in the Coptic Orthodox Church of Egypt...

(1923–2000) influenced Hulsman's outlook on Coptic Christianity and traditions.
Hulsman has in turn influenced hundreds of students, many of who have been interns at Arab-West Report and the Center for Intercultural Dialogue in Cairo.

Selected Books & Reports

Cornelis Hulsman has published on a number of topics dealing with issues throughout the Arab world, Muslim-Christian relations, and Arab-West relations. Below are listed a selection of Hulsman's material.
  • 'The Peace building Prince; One Jordanian leader shares his deep desire to preserve the Arab Christian world' in: Christianity Today, February 2008

  • 'Christian activists' contributions to Christian migration from the Arab world; can Christianity survive in the Arab world?'

  • 'Reflections on conversions in Egypt'

  • 'To be an effective advocate for peace, media distortions must be addressed'

  • 'Different Middle Eastern Christian responses to living in a Muslim environment'

  • 'Apostolic Nuncio to Egypt, Archbishop Fitzgerald, responds to polarization following the Regensburg lecture of H.H. Pope Benedict XV'

  • 'Dutch expert in intercultural dialogue, Cornelis Hulsman, to Rose al-Yūsuf: The absent truth in Pope Benedict’s sedition. The pope made positive remarks about Islam, but they were lost in a volatile climate created by suspicions'

  • Reviewing Yustina Saleh's 'Law, the Rule of Law, and Religious Minorities in Egypt.' (art. 2 Egyptian Constitution) Reviewed with Prof. Dr. Mike Fowler and Prof. Dr. Wolfram Reiss

  • 'Escalations following the alleged conversion of a priest’s wife to Islam' a 45 page investigative report

  • 'The Muslim World and the West: what can be done to reduce tensions?'

  • Chapter ‘Christian Life’ in ‘Upper Egypt; Life along the Nile,’ Ed. Prof. Dr. Nicholas Hopkins, 2003

  • “Persecuted Christians? Case study of Egypt," in: "Persecuted Christians? Documentation of an international conference," Missio, 2002

  • 'Renewal in the Coptic Orthodox Church; review of the Ph.D. thesis of Revd. Dr. Wolfram Reiss'

  • 'Responses to the court verdict in the case of Al-Kosheh'

  • 'Reviving an Ancient Faith; two strong-willed reformers bring Coptic Orthodoxy back to life' in Christianity Today, December 2001

  • The Refugee Savior. How Egyptian Christians still make room for the Holy Family' in Christianity Today, December 2001

  • Co-author of 'Be Thou There; the Holy Family’s Journey in Egypt,' AUC-Press, Cairo, 2001

  • 'Migration and a future for the Syrian Orthodox in the Tur Abdin,' Netherlands Interdisciplinair Demographic Institute, 1989. The research concerned the forced migration of a rural population to Istanbul and Europe.

  • Dozens of other reports on Muslim-Christian relations placed in Arab-West Report, These reports document investigative reporting with a Western sociological analysis of Muslim-Christian relations in Egypt, placing them in the context of Egyptian culture and socio-economic developments.
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