Corporate Whores
Track listing
- All Songs Written & Arranged By Day-Glo Abortions.
- "Wasted Not Worried" - 2:01
- "Chalk One Up" - 2:12
- "Urinal Disk Sandwich" - 3:22
- "Dysfunctional Family" - 1:49
- "Whiney's Poster" - 3:07
- "Sperm's Point of View" - 2:23
- "Jerry's Retards" - 1:31
- "Corporate Whores" - 2:23
- "Welfare Nation" - 3:15
- "Stroke All Day" - 2:44
- "Sea of Shit" - 1:17
- "Double D Diddlers" - 2:54
- "Holding in My Hoop" - 2:40
- "F.O.B." - 2:43
- "Swallow the Pill" - 2:18
- Gymbo Jak: Vocals
- Squid: Lead & Rhythm Guitars
- Hung: Lead & Rhythm Guitars
- Spud: Bass
- Jesus Bonehead: Drums