Costa Rican Renovation Party
The Costa Rican Renovation Party is a Christian
A Christian is a person who adheres to Christianity, an Abrahamic, monotheistic religion based on the life and teachings of Jesus of Nazareth as recorded in the Canonical gospels and the letters of the New Testament...

 political party
Political party
A political party is a political organization that typically seeks to influence government policy, usually by nominating their own candidates and trying to seat them in political office. Parties participate in electoral campaigns, educational outreach or protest actions...

 in Costa Rica
Costa Rica
Costa Rica , officially the Republic of Costa Rica is a multilingual, multiethnic and multicultural country in Central America, bordered by Nicaragua to the north, Panama to the southeast, the Pacific Ocean to the west and the Caribbean Sea to the east....



Established in 1995, the party first participated in national elections in 1998
Costa Rican general election, 1998
General elections were held in Costa Rica on 1 February 1998. Miguel Ángel Rodríguez of the Social Christian Unity Party won the presidential election, whilst his party also won the parliamentary election. Voter turnout was 70%, the lowest since the 1950s....

, when its presidential candidate, Sherman Thomas Jackson received 1.4% of the vote, whilst they won a single seat in the parliamentary elections, taken by Justo Orozco.

Orozco was the party's presidential candidate in 2002
Costa Rican general election, 2002
General elections were held in Costa Rica on 3 February 2002. For the first time in the country's history, no candidate in the presidential election passed the 40% threshold...

, finishing fifth with 1.1% of the vote. The party also retained its sole parliamentary seat in the elections, taken by Carlos Avendaño. However, Avendaño left the party and founded his own faction.

In the 2006 elections
Costa Rican general election, 2006
General elections were held in Costa Rica on 5 February 2006. In the presidential election, Óscar Arias of the National Liberation Party , a former president and Nobel Peace Laureate, was victorious over Ottón Solís of the Citizens' Action Party and twelve other minor-party candidates...

 the party's candidate Bolivar Serrano Hidalgo won 3.4% of the vote in the presidential election, but the party lost its parliamentary seat. In 2010 elections
Costa Rican general election, 2010
Costa Rica held parliamentary and presidential elections on February 7, 2010. The ruling party before the election, the center-left National Liberation Party, put forward former Vice-President Laura Chinchilla as its presidential candidate, while the libertarian, Movimiento Libertario nominated...

, Mayra Gonzalez
Mayra González
Mayra González Borroto is a female rower from Cuba. She is a two-time Olympian for her native country, and twice won a gold medal at the Pan American Games .-References:*...

finished sixth in the presidential contest with 0.7%, but the party regained parliamentary representation, winning a solitary seat, taken by Orozco.
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