Course Reference Number (CRN)
A Course Reference Number, often abbreviated CRN, is a unique identifier
Unique identifier
With reference to a given set of objects, a unique identifier is any identifier which is guaranteed to be unique among all identifiers used for those objects and for a specific purpose...

 assigned to a specific class section at an educational institution. This is in contrast to a course number
Course number
A course number is the number given to a course at college or university. There are several conventions used at many institutions in North America:* Course numbers are three digits long....

, which follows other conventions and is used to refer to the course
Course (education)
The very broad dictionary meaning of the word course is the act or action of moving in a path from point to point . There are multiple meanings for this word, some of which include: general line of orientation, a mode of action, part of a meal, a mode of action, and many more. This article focuses...

itself, instead of a specific section of the course. CRNs are used during the registration process to identify the section of a course the student wishes to register for.


The hypothetical number 12345 might refer to Professor Smith's 3-credit "Introduction to Psychology" course that meets Monday, Wednesday, Friday from 10am-11am during the 2008 Fall term at some university.
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