Cranfield Icefalls
Cranfield Icefalls is a series of about eight spectacular icefalls, in an east-west line, falling steeply from Bucknell Ridge
Bucknell Ridge
Bucknell Ridge is a mountainous ridge just above the Cranfield Icefalls, extending east-west along the southern side of Darwin Glacier near its mouth. It was mapped by the Darwin Glacier Party of the Commonwealth Trans-Antarctic Expedition and named for E.S. Bucknell, a member of the party....

 into the narrowest portion of Darwin Glacier
Darwin Glacier (Antarctica)
Darwin Glacier is a large glacier flowing from the polar plateau eastward between the Darwin and Cook Mountains to the Ross Ice Shelf. The glacier was mapped by the British National Antarctic Expedition , and the whole area traversed by New Zealand parties of the Commonwealth Trans-Antarctic...

 near its mouth. Named by the Darwin Glacier Party of the Commonwealth Trans-Antarctic Expedition
Commonwealth Trans-Antarctic Expedition
The 1955–58 Commonwealth Trans-Antarctic Expedition was a Commonwealth-sponsored expedition that successfully completed the first overland crossing of Antarctica, via the South Pole...

 (1956–58) for W.J. Cranfield, a member of the party.
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