Crescent (brand)
Crescent, originally called the Crescent Tool Company, is a brand of hand tools. Founded in 1907, the Crescent brand has changed ownership multiple times. It is currently owned by Cooper Industries
Cooper Industries
Cooper Industries is a former US-based company that in 2009 switched its incorporation office from Bermuda to Ireland, maintaining its chief operational offices in Houston, Texas. It produces transformers, tools and electrical equipment, employing 29,000 staff around the world. Revenue in 2007 was...

 as part of its Cooper Hand Tools division. It is best known for its style of adjustable wrench, to the extent that adjustable wrenches of any brand are commonly called "Crescent wrenches."


The Crescent Tool Company was founded in Jamestown, New York
Jamestown, New York
Jamestown is a city in Chautauqua County, New York in the United States. The population was 31,146 at the 2010 census.The City of Jamestown is adjacent to Town of Ellicott and is at the southern tip of Chautauqua Lake...

, by Karl Peterson and Edward J. Worcester in 1907. It is considered "one of the crown jewels of Jamestown's industry". The company soon became known for its adjustable wrenches.

In 1927, Charles Lindberg, for tools brought only pliers
Pliers are a hand tool used to hold objects firmly, for bending, or physical compression. Generally, pliers consist of a pair of metal first-class levers joined at a fulcrum positioned closer to one end of the levers, creating short jaws on one side of the fulcrum, and longer handles on the other...

 and a Crescent wrench on his famous solo flight across the Atlantic. In fact, Lindberg said that he brought only "gasoline, sandwiches, a bottle of water, and a Crescent wrench and pliers". Also, there was a rumor that Richard Evelyn Byrd
Richard Evelyn Byrd
Rear Admiral Richard Evelyn Byrd, Jr., USN was a naval officer who specialized in feats of exploration. He was a pioneering American aviator, polar explorer, and organizer of polar logistics...

, on his initial journey to Alaska, had a Crescent wrench in his provisions.

An 1857 patent by Edward J. Worcester is a progenitor of modern adjustable wrenches. The Swedish
Sweden , officially the Kingdom of Sweden , is a Nordic country on the Scandinavian Peninsula in Northern Europe. Sweden borders with Norway and Finland and is connected to Denmark by a bridge-tunnel across the Öresund....

 company Bahco
Bahco is an international brand within the hand tool industry, with its products designed and manufactured by SNA Europe. Its roots go back to the industrial revolution of Sweden in the late eighteen hundreds, starting with innovations such as the pipe wrench and the modern adjustable wrench...

 and inventor Johan Petter Johansson
Johan Petter Johansson
Johan Petter Johansson , sometimes known as JP, was a Swedish inventor and industrialist. He invented a modern adjustable spanner . He obtained over 100 patents in total....

 are also credited with the design of modern adjustable wrenches.

The Crescent Tool Company was acquired by a group of investors in 1960 after Marvin Peterson, Karl's son, sold it. The company was renamed the Crescent Niagara Corporation. In 1968, Crescent Niagara was acquired by Cooper Industries
Cooper Industries
Cooper Industries is a former US-based company that in 2009 switched its incorporation office from Bermuda to Ireland, maintaining its chief operational offices in Houston, Texas. It produces transformers, tools and electrical equipment, employing 29,000 staff around the world. Revenue in 2007 was...

, where it remains as a brand of hand tools.

External links

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