Cwm Nantcol
Cwm Nantcol is a valley
In geology, a valley or dale is a depression with predominant extent in one direction. A very deep river valley may be called a canyon or gorge.The terms U-shaped and V-shaped are descriptive terms of geography to characterize the form of valleys...

 in the Ardudwy
Ardudwy is an area of Gwynedd in north-west Wales, lying between Tremadog Bay and the Rhinogydd. Administratively, under the old Kingdom of Gwynedd, it was first a division of the sub kingdom of Dunoding and later a cantref in its own right...

 area of the county of Gwynedd
Gwynedd is a county in north-west Wales, named after the old Kingdom of Gwynedd. Although the second biggest in terms of geographical area, it is also one of the most sparsely populated...

 in Wales
Wales is a country that is part of the United Kingdom and the island of Great Britain, bordered by England to its east and the Atlantic Ocean and Irish Sea to its west. It has a population of three million, and a total area of 20,779 km²...


It lies in the Rhinogydd
The Rhinogydd are a range of mountains located east of Harlech in North Wales....

 range of mountains in Snowdonia
Snowdonia is a region in north Wales and a national park of in area. It was the first to be designated of the three National Parks in Wales, in 1951.-Name and extent:...

 and carries the Afon Cwmnantcol
Afon Cwmnantcol
The River Cwmnantcol is a river in North Wales.It is about 3 miles long and has its source at the head of Cwm Nantcol below Rhinog Fawr and Y Llethr. It flows north-westwards from its source and joins the Afon Artro at Pentre Gwynfryn.- External links :*...

. At the head of Cwn Nantcol is the Bwlch Drws Ardudwy pass, from where it is possible to negotiate the summits of Rhinog Fawr
Rhinog Fawr
Rhinog Fawr is a mountain in Snowdonia, North Wales and forms part of the Rhinogydd range. It is the third highest summit of the Rhinogydd, losing out to Y Llethr and Diffwys respectively...

 and Rhinog Fach
Rhinog Fach
Rhinog Fach is a mountain in Snowdonia, North Wales and forms part of the Rhinogydd. Technically, Rhinog Fach is a subsidiary summit of Y Llethr, missing Marilyn status by 3m. Thus making it a sub Marilyn along with Diffwys...


External links

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