Distributed Relational Database Architecture (DRDA) is a database interoperability standard from The Open Group
The Open Group
The Open Group is a vendor and technology-neutral industry consortium, currently with over three hundred member organizations. It was formed in 1996 when X/Open merged with the Open Software Foundation...


DRDA describes the architecture for distributed
Distributed computing
Distributed computing is a field of computer science that studies distributed systems. A distributed system consists of multiple autonomous computers that communicate through a computer network. The computers interact with each other in order to achieve a common goal...

 data. It defines the rules for accessing the distributed data, but it does not provide the actual application programming interfaces
Application programming interface
An application programming interface is a source code based specification intended to be used as an interface by software components to communicate with each other...

 (APIs) to perform the access
Data access
Data access typically refers to software and activities related to storing, retrieving, or acting on data housed in a database or other repository...

. It was first used in DB2 2.3.


  • Application Requester (AR). The AR accepts SQL
    SQL is a programming language designed for managing data in relational database management systems ....

     requests from an application and sends them to the appropriate application servers for processing. Using this function, application programs can access remote data.

  • Application Server (AS). The AS receives requests from application requesters and processes them. The AS acts upon the portions that can be processed and forwards the remainder to database servers for subsequent processing. The AR and the AS communicate through a protocol called the Application Support Protocol which handles data representation conversion
    Data conversion
    Data conversion is the conversion of computer data from one format to another. Throughout a computer environment, data is encoded in a variety of ways. For example, computer hardware is built on the basis of certain standards, which requires that data contains, for example, parity bit checks....


  • Database Server (DS). The DS receives requests from AS or other DS servers. The DS supports distributed requests and will forward parts of the request to collaborating DS in order to fulfill the request. The AS and the DS among themselves communicate through a protocol called the Database Support Protocol.

Databases supporting DRDA

  • Apache Derby (Java RDBMS)
    Apache Derby
    Apache Derby is a relational database management system developed by the Apache Software Foundation that can be embedded in Java programs and used for online transaction processing. It has a 2 MB disk-space footprint.Apache Derby is developed as an open source project under the Apache 2.0 license...

  • DB2
    IBM DB2
    The IBM DB2 Enterprise Server Edition is a relational model database server developed by IBM. It primarily runs on Unix , Linux, IBM i , z/OS and Windows servers. DB2 also powers the different IBM InfoSphere Warehouse editions...

  • Informix Dynamic Server v11.10
  • Oracle Transparent Gateway for IBM DRDA

External links

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